People who take care of their silhouette often choose the degreased products. Because fat “makes us fat, raise cholesterol and generally – is harmful”. As a result we often count calories, decrease the cholesterol level with medicines, eat skimmed products, margarines, processed plant oils, follow the low-protein, low-fat miraculous diets and… we get on weight, are ill, aggressive and tired.
Fats, that are present naturally, are a mixture of glycerol and higher saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, free fatty acids, phospholipids, sterols, colorants, waxes, hydrocarbons, soluble vitamins and other products created during those changes. The basic ingredient of all fats are the fatty acids: saturated and unsaturated. The saturated fatty acids are present mostly in the animal fat (e.g. in milk, butter, cheese, meat, lard). The consistence of fat depends on the percentage of saturated (animal) acids that are usually solid, and on the unsaturated (plant) acids that are usually liquid, except for the: palm, coconut and cocoa fats with a solid consistence.
Cholesterol – necessary for our health
The animal fats are usually associated with cholesterol. Not without a reason, but those associations should not be only negative because cholesterol is a compound characteristic of mammals. No plant produces cholesterol and we are not able to live without it. It is a structural compound of the cell membranes and all organelles inside cells. It controls the skin and brain functions. It builds the myelin sheaths of the nerves in the central nervous system. A healthy nerve tissue needs at least 5% of cholesterol. That is why the woman’s milk comparing to the cow milk includes 2 times more cholesterol – it guarantees appropriate development of a child’s brain. Cholesterol influences also the work of adrenal gland, is a precursor of the stress hormone (cortisone, noradrenalin, adrenalin), sex hormone (estrogen, testosterone, etc.), D3 vitamins and bile acids. It is worth knowing that too low cholesterol level may increase the risk of heart diseases, intensify the cancerous problems, cause hormonal disorders, pains in the muscles and nerves, chronic fatigue, problems with memory, depression.
DrGRACE TEAM May 20th, 2013
Tags: butter, fats, industrial fries, milk fat, milk powder, omega 3, oxysterols, shortages, TRANS, trans fats, unsaturated fatty acids
In the spring we are revived like the nature. That is why it is a perfect time for a cleansing therapy. We will feel as good as new.
Author: Grażyna Pająk – a doctor in biological sciences
Even the smallest bite influences the general state of organism. According to the toxicological researches, we eat from four to eight kilograms of different chemical compounds in food additives yearly. Such quantity of chemical substances cannot be neutral to the organism. In time we begin to feel the effects of such diet. An effect of chemical burden are often the allergies, rash, asthma attacks, stomach inflammations, malfunctioning of intestines, hyperactivity, insomnia, tension disorders, etc. Those compounds impede digestion, absorption of vitamins, macro and microelements and the undigested food becomes another toxin that goes into the blood and irritates the immune system. Then we should, for our own good, change the diet and eat natural food, free from any chemical additives. It is worth to conduct systematical cleansing treatments.
Refreshing fast
Health and well being can the result of a continuous process of body regeneration. Spring is the best period for natural regeneration. For centuries all the religions of the world recommended their believers shorter or longer periods of changing the diet. Already before the war in Poland the religion imposed 196 days of fast, including 57 days of extreme fasting. It was associated with atonement and sacrifice, however in reality the fast was the oldest and the most natural way of treatment, a way to strengthen and rebuild the vital energy. The long-term starvation diets must be conducted under the specialist’s control. However the regular short-term starvation diets are completely safe and can be used no matter the age or lifestyle.
Once a day
The most natural and adequate is fasting once a day. It means restraining from eating for at least 10 hours a day. Then the organism has the possibility to remove the unnecessary products of metabolic processes and time to revive the immune system. Having breaks between the meals, as a way of nutrition, gives us time and chance to regenerate independently.
Once a week
The regular one-day fasts can be used at small deposits, a feeling of full stomach, constipations. They are an aware alleviation of digestive system without starvation and resigning completely from eating. 24-hour fast is based on liquids – “grandma’s broths”, brew from vegetables and herbal teas. In summer it is based on natural fruit and vegetable juices as well as on water, preferably the vitalized one whose structure was regained thanks to the use of the ultrasound, infrared or magnetic fields. Juices that are squeezed before drinking should be always diluted in water. During that day people with sensitive stomach can use the flaxseed gruel, millet, rice or oatmeal. In summer the one-day diet can be also based on the seasonal fruit – having a fast using watermelons, strawberries or cherries. Additionally we can drink natural, clean, warm, still water that works as a solvent that rinses the toxins out of the body. During the starvation diet it is better to drink too much than not enough.
How to use the starvation diet ?
Once a month
Monodiet – is a treatment conducted in three subsequent days. Its type is chosen depending on our preferences and well being. The citrus diet – we use it especially in case of a raised level of uric acid. We buy fresh, ripe fruit of the best quality. Every day we prepare 900 g of grapefruit and orange juice, 200 g of lemon juice and 2 liters of water. Every day we drink four liters of juice and warm water mixtures drinking it in small portions. In case of hunger we chew singular parts of fruit with warm herbal tea. This treatment efficiently detoxifies the body, dissolves the deposits of mucus and supplies us with a lot of antioxidants. It is perfect in summer, in winter it may cool us down. That is why when we are cold, we should drink a cherry fruit compote with ginger and cinnamon. Eaten cooked cherry and a warm fruit compote will soon make you feel better. In the middle of the season we can use also strawberries and sweet cherries. The vegetable diet – is efficient all year round. During a day we drink 2 liters of fresh carrot or a carrot and celery juice (1:1), combined with water. Additionally 3 times a day a St John’s wort tea (except for people with “0” blood type), nettle or a brew made of wild rose. The rest of liquids should be water or herbal tea. Additionally two times a day we eat a set of steamed vegetables with a bit of clarified butter or flaxseed oil (parsley, leek, celery, carrot, broccoli, marrow, beetroot, etc.).
In 65-75% our health depends on: the way of thinking, ability to reduce stress, life style and the way of nutrition.
Let’s fast reasonably
Usually the first two fasts are not pleasant. Sometimes, in connection to the release of toxins, we may feel: nausea, dizziness and headaches, general weakening. Those phenomena are temporary and are gone after a walk, massage or a warm shower. The return to our usual diet must be gradual and should last as much as the starvation diet itself. After finishing fasting we cannot immediately eat meat, milk, eggs, cheese, fish, nuts, dry sunflower seeds or pumpkin. The first meals should be always salads or stewed vegetables. A properly conducted starvation diet in the form of intervals between the everyday meals, a one-day fast once a week or a few-days therapy once a month or a quarter is one of the most efficient ways of regaining and maintaining health. The longer cleansing treatments should be adjusted individually depending on the state of health and age. So they should be under the doctor’s or a dietician’s control.
DrGRACE TEAM May 20th, 2013
Tags: acidification, cell nutrition, cleansing diets, detox, great fasting, lifestyle, mon odiet, nature
The liver is not only the main laboratory, but also the biggest organ of our body. Despite its big role and hard work, it is not always treated by us with respect and care. We know that we have it, we sometimes feel it, but most of all we neglect it. We often remember about it after “joyful” holidays, happy Christmas or big parties.
In order to understand the liver and become friends with it, we must get to know it better, accept its habits and rules of hard work. Liver fills the bigger part of our abdomen. It is conical, weights from 1 to 1,5 kg. it is made of two parts – left and right. The right one is six times bigger than the left one and is divided into three smaller ones. This particular organ of the human body is as the only one supplied by two separate blood sources – the liver artery supplies fresh blood from the heart and the portal vein transports the blood full of nutrients from the stomach and guts.
The liver artery and the portal vein go into the liver and are divided into smaller blood vessels. The smallest veins and arteries go into the microscopic sinus spaces covered with rows of highly specializes liver cells. Those structures create the “microscopic lakes” in which the dead and cancerous cells, yeasts, viruses, bacteria, parasites are “absorbed”. What is more, they neutralize the artificial chemical compounds, indigested proteins and foreign organisms.
This very précised structure has a strategic role in liver functioning. This central laboratory identifies all the compounds that get into the organism, it neutralizes toxins and creates the blood compounds that condition the metabolic processes and body immunity.
Of the key role of the liver states the fact that this organ produces over 1000 different enzymes necessary for the digestion process and absorption of nutrients. It manages also some of the hormones. It is a massive blood vessel. On average about 1,4 liter of blood flows through it. When body rests, about 1 liter of blood is collected inside and at the moment of hard work almost everything is disposed in the body. We should remember that the liver is the main organ responsible for the balance and proper burning of fat in our body. One of the key functions is the production of bile, about 800-1000 ml of which is produced inside the body. This bitter-sweet fluid created by the liver cells has a bit alkaline pH and temporarily stays in the gall bladder or goes straight to the duodenum where it partially neutralizes the acid food remains going from the stomach and it creates the emulsion with the particles of fat.
Without the bile we wouldn’t digest fats present in our food. The composition of bile, its density and way of its removal from the body depends greatly on the type of food. Fat meals rich in proteins and refined sugar cause the emission of denser bile that enable creation of stones. The scale of problem is shown by the research conducted in the 90s that prove that in the developed countries one man out of nine produces kidneys already at the age of 16-20 and at the age of 65 every third person has them.
Liver also produces urea that, as a final product of the protein changes, is removed by the kidneys. Also this organ supplies the body in lymph in 30-50 percent. In order to understand how hard our liver works, we should remember that every year we eat about 8 kg of different chemical compounds, our diet is rich in the highly purified carbohydrates, a lot of sugar and improper fat. Additionally, we take more and more medicines and different stimulants that damage our liver tissues.
The products that regularly burden our liver include: fried meals, canned food, cold meat, large amounts of cheese, powdered milk, dried eggs, highly processed plant oils, butter-like products, margarine and large amounts of animal fats. Also harmful are great amounts of fizzy drinks containing sweeteners and preservatives, cold snacks with vinegar and highly processed food. Food with high content of starch, especially white flour, pastry, puffy white rolls, “enhanced” bread or different ice-cream, bars, chips, breadsticks, cookies and other ready snacks.
The black list also contains food eaten in great amounts: alcohol, strong tea, coffee, cocoa, pepper, ketchup, mustard, etc. Now it is easier to understand why the cleaning properties of our bodies end so quickly. Most of popular foods in our modern diet are the products that decrease the functionality of the liver. If the amount of the toxic compounds absorbed from the environment and food is to high, the liver cells will be overcharged with toxins after some time. Then the liver is not able to properly clean the blood and the toxins begin to accumulate inside the body causing the metabolic processes and homeostasis (balance) disorders.
For centuries the Chinese medicine has regarded the liver as the harmony. Indeed, when we look closer at the environment we can notice e.g. a strong correlation between the emotional state and condition and state of this organ. Even the temporary poisoning of the liver causes the excess excitement, agitation, anger, irrational irritation, sleeping troubles, dizziness and constant headaches. A longer state caused by poisoning or improper diet additionally deepens the irritability, tensions, troubles with memory and logical thinking, it “grows” depression. The state of “constant poisoning” may be also the reason of higher blood pressure, storing water in the body, hypoglycemia or the varying sugar level in blood. Excessive using of pharmacotherapy usually removes those temporary symptoms without removing the main reason.
Additionally each factor decreasing the efficiency of the liver and damaging its tissues causes the weakening of the immune system.
At the moment of large contaminations, a part of nutritive received from food omits the liver and goes through other veins (without the possibility of changing into more absorbable form which is necessary for the organism). Then we most often suffer from the deficiency of the nutrients and the unprocessed particles, foreign for our organism, become strong allergens.
In this way the new list of metabolic disorders appears. As a result, the “toxic internal environment” still weakens other organs burdening and exhausting the immune system and gradually leading to a long list of illnesses that are not always associated with their real cause. Among them there are the persistent headaches, itchy and burning cornea, chronic exhaustion, lungs irritation, asthma attacks, recurring anemia, problems with muscles, chronic guts inflammations, gallstones, fatty liver, liver inflammation, persistent immune disorders, autoimmunological diseases and cancers. Those problems do not appear when the liver is healthy and when it has a supply of energy thanks to which it can regenerate and work properly.
According to the newest researches, this organ has a large ability to regenerate, thanks to which, despite high loading, can still renew quickly on the condition that we will give it a chance with a proper diet and conscious cleansing of the body.
The first step to improve the liver functioning is the elimination of the highly processes plant fats, the excess of animal fats, the generally available “industrial” food, artificial additions, colorants, preservatives, refined sugar, alcohol and overused medicines. The diet should be full of: proteins with a low fat content, mainly: natural semi-fat cottage cheese, kefir, beans, peas, chickpea, lentils, wheat germs, free-range eggs, low-fat fish and meat.
The fats that are used always in small amounts and the preferred ones are the cold-pressed plant oils, especially the flaxseed, pumpkin and olive oils. The animal fats include occasionally the clarified butter. Very helpful are green vegetables, especially: broccoli, parsley, zucchini, tomatoes, garden cabbage, different kinds of lettuces, celery, beetroot and carrot. The beneficial is also eating small amounts of mild natural pickles (may be of cabbage, cucumber and other pickled vegetables), salads as well as the steamed horseradish and garlic.
The helpful fruit are dried plums, strawberries, cherries, grapes, grapefruits, lemons and cooked or baked apples. Valuable is the graham bread, sourdough rye bread, groats (millet, expanded millet, popping, non-roasted buckwheat), dark, wild, red rice. Depending on the gravity of the problem, at the beginning the meals should be cooked, boiled or parboiled. After some time the diet can be varied by adding fresh vegetables, vegetable juices and fruit. When we have problems with liver we should be careful when it comes to mushrooms, raw radish, kohlrabi, onion or garlic, because they sometimes may seem too heavy. Necessity is the removal of the rancid fats, rotten meals and dead food from the microwave oven.
We should remember that the liver is the weakest in late autumn and in winter. That is why in those seasons we don’t clean it too intensively, however we can improve its condition and enable its functioning. Of utmost importance is removing the constipations and improving the functioning of the large intestine. Also necessary is drinking proper amounts of clean, highly energetic water that enables rinsing toxins out of the whole body.
In this part of the year beneficial is drinking fresh beetroot and carrot juice (2:1) 1-2 x a day. A few times a week we can eat a salad made of wheat germ or sunflower, grated carrot and beetroot with the addition of a lemon and flaxseed oil. The salad can be enriched with different herbal spices, chopped parsley or dill. A valuable addition is also the mixture of minced flaxseed, almonds, sesame and sunflower seeds. The sour and a bit salty taste stimulates the liver and the gall bladder, however the spicy, hot meals weaken those organs. The gall bladder and liver reach their energetic minimum between 11.00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. They have the most energy between 11:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m., that is why it should be the time of resting.
In the horizontal position those organs are cleaned faster. Additionally, we can enable their regeneration by drinking a mixture of freshly squeezed juice with ½ of grapefruit and two spoons of flaxseed or olive oil before going to sleep. As the liver “loves warmth”, the whole process will be accelerated by the hot water bottle laid on the right side of the stomach.
In diet we should also remember about complementing the beta-carotene (provitamin A), the natural vitamins of group B, vitamin C with flavonoids, Omega 3 acids. Helpful may be also young nettle, dandelion, pansy and tutsan tea (that can be drunk by people that do not have “0” type blood). The end of March and April are the best months to clean those organs. That is why each beneficial change of diet and used cleaning treatment will improve our physical and mental mood.
The liver decides greatly about the biochemistry of our body, so if we give it a chance, we can quickly feel the difference in our attitude and general state of health and the world is more colorful when we take the liver into consideration.
Author : dr Grażyna Pająk
Already Hippocrates has stated that we do not understand what is a disease if we do not know what is nutrition. Those words should be carefully considered if we want to treat seriously the skin diseases, including acne – underlines dr Grażyna Pająk, a dietician and nature therapist.
Our skin is not only a packaging, it is a complicated, massive organ that constitutes about 7% of our body. In order to function it needs 1/3 of circulating blood, it receives oxygen and removes the carbon dioxide. The whole life it protects us from external toxins and bacteria, it removes the toxins gathered inside the body and regulates the body warmth.
The reasons causing skin problems include: eating processed food, meals with low energetic value (e.g. from the microwave), large amounts of sugar and bad fats, environmental pollution, UV radiation, electromagnetic smog, careless use of antibiotics, steroids, hormonal agents, stress, smoking, deficiency of vitamins, enzymes and natural nutrients.
Sweets and hormones
The level of sugar in blood influences the hormone production and the appearance of our skin. The carbohydrates – chocolate, bars, sweets, cookies, ice-cream, sweet desserts, overcooked pasta, white rolls, etc. raise the level of glucose in blood and increase the insulin production. After eating sweets the insulin raises the level of testosterone in the body and accelerates the functioning of the skin glands which enables creation of pimples. That is why people fighting acne should avoid eating sweets.
„Enriching” chemical substances
When it comes to food processing we have reached the level of absurdity. Our cells on the molecular level receive high amounts of chemical compounds instead of proper nutrients. In the 90s we ate about 2,5 kg of different chemical substances yearly. Currently it is about 7-8 kg. Only in the EU we add about 170 000 tons of aromas to the produced food yearly. Despite the fact that in the last twenty years the additives and their negative impact on people were the subject of many articles, the amount of chemical substances “enriching” the food increased almost three times. The problem is also that many institutions that allow this food to be on the market still convince us that the processed food is safe, tasty and healthy.
Attention –TRANS fatty acids
The key role in the integrality and fluency of our cell membranes have the proper fatty acids. What a cell builds in its membrane depends mostly on the individual way of nutrition. The researches show that the daily intake of only 5,6g of trans fatty acids may increase the risk of heart diseases even by 20%. All the sweets, pastry of mass production, mayonnaises, cheese-like products, refined plant oils, butter-like products, margarines, etc. – contain the trans fatty acids.
What should we eat to improve our skin ?
Which products are harmful for the skin ?
Milk and milk products
The quality of milk products is getting worse every year. Butter is no longer a butter, cheese becomes a cheese-like product, yoghurts and milk desserts become a mixture of chemical compounds. Most of them contain: trans fatty acids (universal oils) and oxysterol (powdered milk, dried eggs). Additionally the benzoic acid and its derivates irritate the stomach, increase inflammations of intestines and can cause allergies and rash. Also the sulfites and sulphur dioxides are dangerous because of their constant use. Because of their presence in food we may experience allergies, even at small doses, people suffering from asthma may have respiratory problems, swollen nose mucosa, constant headaches, nausea, stomach problems, rash, face redness. The sulphur compounds harm the villi of the small intestine and destroy the vitamins of B group. Similar colorants – those red ones, are harmful for people suffering from asthma and allergies. They may cause skin changes and other sensitization response.
Excess of medicines
We are the leaders when it comes to the medicines intake. Instead of believing in the natural defensive potential of our bodies, each time, according to the suggestive adverts, we take pills. Now we have more and more of them, what comes along with the liver destruction. As a result we take pills for every basic illness and then medicines for treating side effects of those therapies. The disorders of liver functioning also influence the skin.
Deficiency of water and oxygen
The appearance of our skin depends on the efficient exchange of energy in our body. Even the best food is not enough if our cells do not contain enough water and oxygen. With the lack of those compounds our body cannot efficiently convert all the necessary nutrients. The research show that only 2% of cell water deficiency may cause the loss of 20% of energy.
Electromagnetic smog
For centuries all the cells of our body „talk” to each other using different biochemical reactions and very subtle electromagnetic signals with low frequency. The natural environment and magnetic fields manage the biochemical and physiological processes in the body. However the stress caused by artificial electromagnetic field and foreign chemical compounds with the simultaneous lack of proper nutrients cause total chaos on the molecular level (of cells). That is why currently hundreds of researches show harmful influence of the modern world on the immune, hormonal and nervous systems as well as on the synthesis of enzymes. Those factors intensify the skin problems and inhibit the therapy. So it is worth considering whether we need to spend so much time on the computer or with a cell phone at our ear.
Mycosis so the candidiasis
Damaging the immune system by the uncontrolled candida development opens door to bacterial and viral infections. Each breakage of the immune barrier by the attacking microorganisms may cause a small number of bacteria lead to the more serious infections. The remains of the destroyed cells after a fungus attack are a perfect food for the pathogenic bacteria, especially the staphylococcus and streptococcus. In the case of acne the problems concern mainly the repeated infection of the mucosa and skin with a candida, which as a result leads to the development of diseases. In normal conditions the candida is about 2-7% of the bacterial flora of intestines, in the pathological situation it is 60-70% of the intestinal flora! By taking over a bigger space in the digestive system it damages the mucosa and villi in the small intestine, diminishes the space of absorbing nutrients, increases the permeability of the intestine walls causing the permeation of the allergens. Additionally, the mycelium produces the enzymes decomposing the structures of proteins and the shreds of fungi – attached tightly to the cell membranes of the provider – may travel along the mucosa around the cells of our bodies. A perfect nutrition for the candida is sugar, white flour, highly processed, low-value food, dead food from microwave ovens, all the advertised sweets, fizzy drinks, industrial fruit juices, beer and wine.
Using more and more chemical substances (medicines, household chemicals, cosmetics, food, etc.) and the environmental toxins around us disrupt the balance of the organism. In such conditions the parasites have access to settle in our intestines, blood and organs. Routinely we deworm animals, but we forget about ourselves. The parasites and the toxins emitted by them influence the skin lesions.
If the laboratorial studies do not show anything, I recommend the resonant diagnosis and blood tests in a dark or light field of vision – a good specialist can read a lot of information from these. When it comes to treatments I recommend the therapy by the resonance, milimetre wave, Zapper, deworming medicines, wild oregano oil, PauD’arco, etc. All of them should be supported by the cleansing diet, regenerating and tightening the intestines, and then a proper nutrition.
Time for regeneration
The continuous process of renewal lets the body keep the health skin. Each, even the smallest amount of toxins in the body is a stressor. The more toxins in the body, the hardest the information exchange is, the nutrients are harder to transport and the cells are renewed more slowly. If we give ourselves a chance, the whole body can efficiently and quickly regenerate, because each minute of life we lose over 40 000 old cells. Each day we lose about 60 000 000 old cells and the new ones are created. The changes inside the body are so fast that as a result during one day “we change about 2 kg of organic matter”. The most efficient substances supporting the removal of acne disorders include the antioxidants, wild oregano oil (drops and pills), chlorella, dietetic fiber with herbs, water aloes extract, lapachol (PauD’arco), colloidal silver, acai frui (MonaVie), probiotics (lactic acid bacteria, without the powdered milk), silicon preparation, etc. All of them are efficient, but must be selected individually.
Using a conscious program including the regeneration of intestines, cleaning the liver, improving functioning of the kidneys and partial program of fungi removal, we lead the body to the state of balance that is the base of health and we can also achieve the expected, long-term effects of the holistic acne therapy.
Author: Dr Grażyna Pająk
DrGRACE TEAM May 20th, 2013
Tags: acne, athlete's foot, candidiasis, chemistry, dairy products, electromagnetic smog, excess of drugs, hormones, LNE milk, oxygen, parasites, regeneration, skin, sweets, trans fatty acids, water deficit
Everyone wants to be healthy, but in fact very few do see the hazards and are aware how to care for one’s health.
Our ancestors used to live in harmony with nature that determined their lifestyles and reinforced natural needs of their bodies. Nowadays, even though our body structure has remained the same as of the primeval men, our life environment keeps us further and further away from nature. Our bodies, covered by polyester clothes, apartments and offices decorated with artificial plants, plastic furniture, synthetic wallpapers, wainscoting, siding and carpets. We spend nearly half of our lives in air-conditioned, hermetic buildings, seeing the sun only through window panes. Always in a hurry, we travel by car, unable to imagine life without mobile phones, computers, radio or TV. Surrounded by electro-energetic networks, we live under continued stress and never-ending pursuit for the civilization achievements.
The contemporary research has revealed that more than half of the calories we eat come from sources unknown by our grandparents. Month by month we eat more and more excessively processed, artificially preserved products, canned food or ready-made dishes to be heated in a microwave oven. Consequently, our average annual intake of various toxins in food ranges from 6 to 8 kg. These compounds obstruct digestion, absorption of vitamins, macro- and micro-elements, and the undigested food generates secondary toxins that penetrate the blood and irritate the immunity system.
Quality malnutrition, excess of synthetic chemical compounds, systematically overburdened immunity system are the main causes of so many civilization diseases. As an effect in the industrialized countries the arteriosclerosis starts already at young age, the diabetes has become the most frequent metabolic disease, younger and younger patients suffer from the osteoporosis and over half the population suffers from fungal infections. Common conditions include allergies, rash, asthma attacks, stomach inflammation, inefficient intestinal function, ADHD, insomnia, blood pressure disorders, etc.
For ages, when the Earth was in balance, healthy diet, natural environment and natural magnetic fields used to control biochemical and physiological processes of human bodies, and the entire ecosystem used to maintain the order, controlling the oxidation and reduction processes.
Nowadays we do not live in ecological paradise. Stress caused by wrong diet, lack of necessary nutrients, foreign chemical compounds and artificial electromagnetic fields causes complete chaos at the molecular (cell) level, resulting in disruption of process functions in the body.
ANTIOXIDANT, unpaired electron, FREE RADICAL
The oxidation and reduction processes have always been present in nature. They were so obvious that not much attention was paid to them. Only in 1986 two scientists, Fleming and Migiel, noticed that the aging processes of the body are closely interlinked with the excess of free radicals attacking our cells. Such were the beginnings of the knowledge consolidated in the nineties by the biochemists that proved in thousands of studies the intensification of the oxidation processes.
The excess of free radicals penetrates the body determined by: contaminated, ionized air, cigarette smoke electromagnetic smog, highly processed or off food, microwave oven dishes, etc. An example of the oxidation process can be observed in rancid butter, but free radicals are formed also in many products where fats are subject to rapid oxidation. These include: confectionery products with long use-by date, crisps, potato chips, crackers, biscuits, pizzas, salad dressing, mayonnaise, cheese-like products, high efficiency processed meat, canned food, refined vegetable fats, butter-like products, margarines, corn oil, sunflower oil, etc.
Free radicals are simply molecules, atoms or ions with a single unpaired electron on the outer orbit. “Searching their pair” they are highly active chemically – i.e. they are aiming at neither connecting an additional electron nor eliminating the unpaired one, so they oxidize each compound they get into contact with. The immunity system has always used free radicals for eliminating infections, killing viruses, bacteria, fungi and carcinogenic cells. The issue starts when the number of such aggressors gets out of control and the body cannot manage them and starts to generate more of them than foreseen in normal metabolism.
Free radicals in the human body include: proteins, DNA structures, unsaturated fatty acids contained in the cell membranes, polysaccharides or fat molecules contained in blood. It has turned out that an avalanche of free radicals “bombarding the cell membranes intensifies the oxidation processes, i.e. generates the so called “oxidation stress”. Continued stress results in cell damage, thus rapidly accelerating the aging processes, causing chronic inflammatory conditions and numerous civilization diseases.
The most recent research confirms that the more toxins we have in our bodies, the less efficiently nutrients are transported and the slower cells are renewed.While the efficiency of all these reactions determines our physical and mental condition.
However, we are not entirely vulnerable and doomed to diseases. Good health and wellbeing are maintained by the continuous regeneration processes of the body and the bodily transformations are fast enough that we are able to regenerate effectively. During each minute of our life we lose more than 40 thousand cells, i.e. ca. 60 million old cells vanish daily from our body. The cell death process (apoptosis) is a perfectly natural physiological phenomenon, as instead new and healthy cells are formed, provided that the building material is available. The success in this respect can be attributed to a diversified and balanced diet, rich in vegetable products, including a variety of antioxidants.
In our daily diet we cannot miss cereal grains, rolls and groats, including millet and buckwheat groats, dark rice and legumes. Vegetables may be eaten both fresh in salads, as well as cooked in soups, or steamed shortly. Recommended nutrients include as well natural vegetable juices, dill vegetable pickles, and cereals, nuts and sprouted grains.
Proteins in our diet should include dairy products from free-range, healthy animals, in particular fermented yogurts, kefir, sour milk, natural cottage cheese, pure butter, cream and free-range eggs. Additionally meat and naturally bred fish. In nature fats occur together with products containing proteins and carbohydrates. That is why our diet should contain fresh butter, drawn butter, extra virgin oils, especially olive, linseed and pumpkin oils. All food seasoning should be natural – i.e. sea salt, unrefined and not iodated artificially, a variety of herbs and spices. The commonly used white sugar and aspartame may be replaced with honey, home-made plum stew, xylitol, stevia or agave syrup.
As a result proteins built our cells, fruit, vegetables and cereal groats supply a lot of enzymes and vitamins, and the additives contain minerals and biologically active compounds that facilitate the body development and maintaining balance of the oxidation and reduction processes and, thus protecting our cells effectively.
Antioxidants are organic compounds that by blocking free radicals strongly inhibit the oxidation, thus protecting cells against damage. The best known antioxidants include vitamin C and E, and beta carotene.
In fact there are much more of them, such as selenium, lutein, flavonoids, polyphenols and other vegetable compounds protecting our body against harmful exposure to free radicals, and resisting attacks of bacteria, viruses or fungi Regular intake of the flavonoid containing food, especially fruit and vegetables, improves the function of all the body systems, increasing the inter cell communication.
Antioxidants, similar to the dietary fibre, can be found mostly in vegetable products, and even though apparently they have no nutritional value, they are necessary for the human body.
Antioxidants function as a natural serum against premature aging, cancer, heart diseases and various civilization diseases. If not for the antioxidants, many of us would be victims of various infections, degeneration diseases and cancer. Dr Ronald Priori has proven that “by increasing the intake of fruit and vegetables, especially those with high flavonoid content, the antioxidant level in the bloodstream can be increased even up to 15-20%”. That is why there is so high interest in antioxidants both amongst the scientists, as well as manufacturers of various functional food, supplements and cosmetics.
With common dietary mistakes and years of health problems, apart from the right habits there is a growing demand for the so called “functional food” as a rescue for our health. It contains natural organic nutrients, supplying the body with necessary building material missing from the daily diet.
While selecting food supplements one should remember that the human body is adjusted only to the joint use of nutrients.
The best form of supplementing one’s daily diet is to provide the body additional low quantity of proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, mineral compounds, enzymes and vegetable fibres – enabling the supply of all the necessary nutrients to the body.
Home-made chutneys, salads, fruit preserves, vegetable sauces are part of our tradition but those who are too busy to prepare them can use instead ready-made mixes available on the market for a couple of years: the excellent freeze-dried beetroot with chokeberry and multi-ingredient berry or fruit and vegetable mixes in micellar form, containing natural powder mix of all the ingredients as in a fresh plant, just to be mixed with water for a “meal” to be served. A valuable source of antioxidants can be found as well in unprocessed fruit growing in the virgin areas of the world and the “youth potions” – based on the Acai berry, that combine in a synergic way with other fruit thus guarantying a shot of necessary antioxidants.
The Brazilian Acai berry, originated directly from the Amazon Basin, grows only on the top of tall palm trees, in the heart of the rain forests, the virgin wood of South America.
For ages the native inhabitants have treated this fruit as one of the healthiest food ingredients and a panacea for all diseases. The berry was discovered by a world’s famous botanist and healthy nutrition specialist, Dr Alexander Schauss who together with a team of scientists spent ten years examining and evaluating the nutritional value of the Acai berry. The results of this arduous research have by far outgrown the expectations of the researchers. Not only the exceptional curative properties of the discovered plant were confirmed, but it turned out as well that Acai berries have several times stronger anti-oxidation and anti-inflammatory properties than any plants discovered so far. No wonder that they are able to eliminate oxidation stress so rapidly, eliminate inflammatory conditions, facilitate wound healing and continued replenishment and regeneration of body cells.
The missing anti-oxidative ingredients may also be periodically supplemented with tablets or capsules, provided that these are natural and organic supplements – e.g. vitamin C from acerola, fibre from chokeberry, natural vitamin E, coenzyme Q 10, etc. We should remember, however that such supplementation will not replace a varied and balanced diet, even though it is a lesser evil than a prolonged deficiency of antioxidants that leads to the body aging and various diseases.
Grażyna Pająk, PhD
Biologist, nutritionist, natural therapist. Professor at the Bielsko-Biała College of Józef Tyszkiewicz. Author of numerous scientific publications and press articles.
DrGRACE TEAM May 20th, 2013
Nowadays in the developed countries more than 50% of society has problems with excessive fat tissue. Every tenth Polish man is obese and almost 30% of women and 50% of men are overweight. The overweight and obesity are a serious problem for many people of all ages. In the past it was associated with wealth and prosperity, today they are treated as the lack of character, gluttony, indolence and a basis of many diseases. Despite the aesthetics itself we know that the overweight gradually leads to obesity, helps creating many chronic diseases increasing the risk of, e.g.:
The modern civilization promotes an ideal of a slim, healthy, fit man, but this very civilization has created a large number of temptations and obstacles that make it difficult to reach this ideal. The high standard of living, unlimited access to food and technological development made us free from any form of physical activity. The quantity of food products that we have at our disposal is increased from the average of 500 to 50000 and the consumed energy decreased by 25%. At the beginning of the 20th century the natural complex carbohydrates constituted over 50% of the consumed caloric value. Today this share fell to 20%, however the consumption of fat doubled and the consumption of sugar increased by 240%.
The impairment of balance of the organic and mineral components caused the disturbance of all the biological processes in the environment. The lack of balance in the soil decreased the quality of plants and disrupted the balance of nutrients in plants which became a less valuable food for people and animals.
The modern technologies let us process the food, what as a result deprived it of the rest of valuable vitamins and minerals. By isolating particular nutrients, adding dozens of different chemical compounds in form of cultivators, colorants, odours, preservatives, we produce the modern food in a completely different form that the nature did. In 1985 the food committee working for World Health Organization (WHO) has set the average nutrition norms for the highly developed countries, but already in 1991 it turned out that e.g. because of the processing of food it lacks about 40% of vitamins, micro- and macroelements as well as fiber. An average man compensates it usually with an additional portion of food in order to get rid of the quality hunger. He gets fat, disrupts the balance of components in the organism and ruins the cells. He is completely lost in all the rules of healthy eating. We got used to comfort, we began to eat the beautiful, colorful, artificial and less healthy food.
In our menu we can find too many over processed food, artificial preservatives and colorants, canned meals or those prepared and warmed in the microwave ovens.
Let’s remember:
the process of the permanent weight loss without effort is possible only when:
We eat too much meat, white bread, sweets, sugar, salt, fat. We eat food that is incorrectly balanced when it comes to quality and quantity, we eat it irregularly, consuming it also between the meals. Instead of clean water and natural juices we drink too much fizzy drinks without any nutritive values, but with a great quantity of sugar, chemical flavors and fragrance additions as well as preservatives.
According to the most recent researches, the obesity is a disease connected to the qualitative malnutrition of the body. It is mostly a problem of metabolic processes than an excess of calories. The metabolic disorders may be caused by a long period of improper nutrition, using some medicines or different weight loss diets.
Most often the overweight is a result of many years of improper eating. More often we go on diet the more problems it brings. The “wonderful” diets are only momentary, but do not promote the balance in the body. On the contrary, usually they disrupt it and make the metabolic processes even slower. A diet limiting a quantity of energy (e.g. up to 1000 kcal) also is not beneficial because – with current poor quality of food – we are not able to complement all the ingredients.
At the time of each starvation diet the metabolic process slows down from 15 to 30%. This phenomenon is caused by decreasing of the muscle mass, in which the processes of burning carbohydrates and fats takes place, and decreasing of the efficiency of the thyroid hormones that are responsible for the regulation of metabolism.
When after finishing each treatment we go back to our own nutritional habits, the weight is increased above the original state. Another diet begins when the fat tissue is more thicker and the metabolic process is lower. We come across a vicious circle – at each new trial the starting conditions are harder, the impoverishment and weight are higher. At the same time the key issue of weight loss is not to lose kilograms, but to maintain a new weight for a long time. A well set program will never be a starvation diet. Despite the reduction of calories, we can supply the body with all the necessary nutrients that are necessary for a proper development and functioning of all the cells.
By unlocking the absorption mechanism we make the whole body more effective, we feel and look better and the weight control seems easier.
To determine the level of overweight we commonly use the so-called BMI index (Body Mass Index) – we divide the number of kilograms by the height measured in metres and then we square it. For example: the BMI index of a person who is 170 cm tall and weighs 80 kg is: BMI = 80 : (1,7)2 = 27, 68 kg/m2/
Nutrition and civilization diseases
It is a chronic disease in which the cholesterol is stored in the blood vessels. In time it leads to tightening of the vessels that cause the painful asthma, heart attacks, hypertension or a stroke. Today more and more young people may suffer from this condition.
The cause of circulatory diseases is often an improper way of nutrition full of all the refined carbohydrates (white bread, rolls, sweets, sugar, starch, pasta, etc.), animal fats (fatty red meat, ducks, geese, sausage, pate, offal, canned meat), cheese and powdered milk containing the saturated fatty acid and the oxidized cholesterol. The well known Polish dishes and fast food snacks full of preservatives, colorants and chemical compounds systematically disrupt the balance of microelements and cause the deficiency of vitamins of B group (B6, B12, folic acid). This is the reason why the atherosclerosis is a civilization disease that happens mostly to people with bad eating habits. Those people usually have a chronic deficiency of vitamins from group B which causes the improper biochemical change of homocysteine. The real medical power is in the plant dishes.
A lot of green leaved vegetables, tomatoes, carrots, beetroots, legumes, melons, pumpkins, grapes, red and yellow fruit provide our body with valuable vitamins, mineral salt and compounds biologically active that prevent us from heart diseases. Enriching the menu with nuts, almonds, groat, dark rice, brown bread increases the quantity of those compounds that accelerate the regeneration of the body. However complementing the diet in B6, B12 vitamins and folic acid does not let raising the homocysteine level in blood which effectively protect us from damaging the surface of the blood vessels.
For human health important is not only the quantity and quality of the fat but also the proportion of certain types of eaten fatty acids. A diet composed of the modern highly processed food available on market does not provide us with the Omega-3 acids, but plenty of Omega-6. This state causes the increase of inflammations inside a body and regular weakening of the immune system. A diet should include sea fish that are a good source of necessary Unsaturated Fatty Acids Omega-3 that protect us from heart diseases. The well known source of Omega-3 and other nutrients is flaxseed. Apart from the unsaturated acids from Omega-3 and Omega-6 groups it is a good source of lignans, natural antioxidants of the fito estrogen class that are a part of the seeds in the cell membranes. According to the newest researches the proportion of Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids in the cold-pressed flaxseed oil is 2,5:1 and is in the range from 4:1 and 1:1. The research showed also that the lignans have strong anticancer properties.
Every third person has problems with joint, bones, arthritis, gout (podagra) or back pain. All those diseases are caused, e.g. by the excess of uric acid in body. In the period of food deficiency after 2nd World War there were not many of them. In the animal world only the organisms of people and monkeys cannot decompose the uric acid. However only humans, by achieving the wealth, make many nutritional mistakes. We love to eat – we eat large amounts of animal proteins, fats and sugar. Eating too much of those can cause their storage in the body in minimal amounts, but regularly creating many disorders over the years.
High-protein diet causes the gradual increase of purine bodies in blood. People prone to arthritis or gout shouldn’t eat more than 1 g of proteins for a kilogram of the body mass. Cooking meat causes partial rinsing of the purins into water, that is why in a given meal we can eat either the brew or meat, not both at the same time.
The plant products that we should avoid include: legumes (bean, peas), asparagus, spinach, lentils, champignons and boletus. A lot of purines is also in the beer, beer yeast and yeast flakes. However the alcoholic beverages successfully inhibit the production of urine acid by kidneys. It is also worth to avoid sweets with refined sugar, it is not hard to understand why after parties with a lot of food – big amounts of proteins, fat, sugar and alcohol, we often suffer from different inflammations, colic, another arthritis attack or the gout.
People prone to podagra and strong rheumatic pains should avoid not only the high-protein and high-fat diet, but also the long-term starvation diets and intensive weight loss diets with a fast process of fat burning. The fast increase of products of metabolic processes are again inhibited by the removal of uric acid from the body.
It concerns about 10% of the population in the Western countries. In our country, according to the data from 1996, the statistics is higher by 50%. The reasons can be found in the environment pollution, lifestyle (alcohol, cigarettes, lack of physical activity) and in the incorrect diet of the Polish people.
The “escape” of calcium with urine is caused by many factors connected to the way of nutrition and lifestyle. One of the main reasons is excessive eating of high-protein animal products and purified carbohydrates. The acidification of the organism caused by the excessive consumption of sugar and proteins accelerates the functioning of kidneys and may remove the calcium with urine. The scientific researches from the last years show that in this situation the calcium balance is negative because of the amount of the delivered calcium.
The natural level of calcium is disrupted also by phosphorus compounds. Phosphates may produce hormones of thyroid that activate the calcium supply from bones. At the same time the phosphates present in many food products bond water in cold meats, thanks to which they look better, it improves the consistence of cheese and melted cheese, they leaven the pastry, “enrich” snacks and puddings, complement the instant coffee, fizzy drinks, etc. Especially harmful is the orthophosphate acid in the fizzy drinks. Children and teenagers who drink it may develop an abnormal bone structure with lower density. The researches show that 0,3 l of coke (one can!) drunk during one day by a 10-year old blocks completely the absorption of calcium and magnesium. Additionally it accelerates development of plague, acidify the body, irritates the stomach mucosa, causes heartburn, bloat, erosion.
Menopause, despite the fact that it is a physiological period of a woman’s life, for the reason of many changes happening inside the body is a reason of bad mood and accompanying diseases, is controversial and we are often afraid of it. Most often these include the hormonal disproportions, disorders and many diseases. They include the metabolic disorders, central obesity, diabetes, hypertension, high level of cholesterol, osteoporosis, thyroid diseases, circulatory diseases or degenerative-inflammatory diseases.
Currently 1/3 of the woman’s life on average is a period of menopause. The knowledge of proper methods of alleviating the symptoms and ways of early prevention of diseases and overweight is a base of good health. The individually set complex action plan, including diet, relaxation and proper prophylactics, gives good effects until the old age. The most effective therapies used in the menopause period is a natural hormonal therapy (bioidentical hormones – NHT), natural supplementation (herbal – plantal, antioxidants, vitamins, microelements) and, of course, properly adjusted diet enriched in the flaxseed oil.
Author: Doctor in biological science Grażyna Pająk
A biologist, nature therapist, dietician, long-term employee of the Polish Science Academy, member of the Polish Hydrobiological Society, Polish Phycological Society and Scientific Committee of the Polish Convention of Energy Therapy, Master of Energy therapy. As one of the first people in Poland she developed and promoted therapies and regeneration of the organism thanks to the cell nutrition. Since 1992 she has managed the Centre of Health Promotion “Herbacell”. In her practice she uses different natural methods of regeneration restoring vitality and health. She is the author of “Deacidifying diet”, based on the unique program of deacidification and nutrition influencing the improvement and strengthening of the organism defense system.
DrGRACE TEAM May 20th, 2013
Tags: atherosclerosis, BMI, diseases of civilization, dr Grażyna Pająk, drGrace, gastrointestinal dysfunctions, joint diseases, menopause, obesity, osteoporosis, overweight, rheumatism
Over the years our genes almost didn’t change, however we changed our life style and diet. We got used to comfort, we forgot about the good, old eating habits. We eat new dishes which are beautiful, colorful, artificial and unhealthy. Let’s use spring to say stop to the worthless meals and snacks.
The drastic changes in our diet and life style can be the reason of tragic statistics. In the highly developed countries over 60% of society has problems with excessive deposition of fat tissue. Every tenth Pole is obese and over 30% of women and 50% of men are overweight.
The overweight gradually leads to obesity that can cause the development of many chronic diseases – e.g. cardiovascular disorders (cardiac disease, hypertension, venous insufficiency), diabetes, disorders of kidneys, digestive, respiratory and nervous systems. Later on it can cause the rheumatological disorders, immune system disorders, cancers and others. The modern civilization promotes the ideal of slim body, however on the other hand it creates many temptations that make it hard to reach this ideal. Over 100 years the number of food products that are at our disposal increased from around 500 to 50000 and the energy decreased to 25% of calories that we used to burn.
According to the recent research the obesity is a disease connected to the qualitative malnutrition of the body.
At the beginning of the 20th century the natural complex carbohydrates (unprocessed: seeds, groat, vegetables, sometimes fruit) constitute over 50% of our diet. Today it is only 20%. Instead, we eat two times more fat and 250% more purified carbohydrates and sugar.
In 1985 the nutrition committee working for WHO determined average nutrition norms for the highly developed countries, but already in 1991 it turned out that e.g. because of the processing the food lacks about 40% of vitamins, micro and macroelements as well as the fiber.
After years those proportions are even more unbalanced. An average man, after feeling the deficiency, compensates it with additional portion of food, getting rid of the qualitative hunger and he gets fat. He distorts the balance of the compounds in the organism ruining the cells. We are completely lost in the rules of healthy eating.
The overweight is mostly the effect of many years of making nutritional mistakes. The more we try to lose weight the more problems it creates.
What is the reason of getting weight ?
Vicious circle
While taking care of our silhouette we make terrible mistakes – we resign from breakfast, we eat irregularly during the day, the meals are often unbalanced when it comes to quality and quantity, we eat also sweets and snacks full of empty calories between the meals. According to the most recent news, obesity is an illness connected to the qualitative malnutrition of the body.
Most often the overweight is an effect of many years of making nutritional mistakes. The more we try to lose weight, the more problems it brings. The “miraculous” diets give momentary effects and they do not cause the balance in the organism.
On the contrary, they often disrupt the balance of building components inhibiting the metabolic processes. Solely a diet with a limited number of calories (e.g. up to 1000 kcal) also does not work. At current qualitative limitation of food, we cannot complement all the necessary nutrients. At the time of each weight loss diet, which is not a starvation diet, the metabolic processes are inhibited by 15-30%.
When we try to suppress the mental needs, we obsessively focus on food and body mass, we often fall into other traps, so the eating disorders.
This phenomenon is caused by diminishing the muscle mass where the processes of burning carbohydrates and fats take place and by diminishing the efficiency of thyroid hormones which are responsible for the regulation of metabolism.
When after the end of treatment we go back to our usual eating habits, the weight usually increases to the level above the initial state. A new diet begins when the fat tissue is much thicker and the metabolic processes are much lower. We reach a vicious circle – at each new trial the starting conditions are much harder, the impoverishment of the organism with the nutrients which are necessary for the proper functioning and the kilograms grow.
How to lose weight wisely ?
The key issue of losing weight are not kilograms but a long-term maintenance of a new weight. A well set program will never be a starvation diet. Despite the reduction of calories it enables supplying the whole organism in essential nutrients. With a properly adjusted diet, depending on our type of burning, we unblock the absorption mechanism and make the whole body work more effectively.
We feel better and we look better and the weight control becomes easier. By using the rules of quantum mechanics of the body we can influence its physiological state. That is why a proper treatment combining relaxation methods, studying stress reduction with a proper nourishment will let us reach the goal quickly. Our body is adjusted only for a combined usage of the nutrients.
The digestive system disorders are conditioned psychosomatically. Rush, tiredness, anxiety, pain, fear, anger are emotions that negatively influence digestion.
A daily diet should include a proper amount of proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, plant fibers and herbs.
Supplying them in proper amounts supplies each cell with a set of nutrients. An advantage of such a diet is unblocking the absorption mechanism. Food can be fully used and the toxins can be thrown out. That increases the flow of energetic potential on the cell membranes and it enhances the functioning of the whole body. In this way we diminish the toxic burden in the body regaining the balance which we all need. We must remember that a body purified of toxins perfectly knows what is the best for it, it is us who lost the instinct and do not pay attention to the body signals.
Let’s remember:
Stress: a serious enemy
Every year there are more factors that disrupt the state of natural balance. The artificial electromagnetic waves, noise and toxins are strengthened. Those factors on the level of information sent by cells cause a total chaos and stress. The disorder of homeostasis influences not only the body, but also the mind. We feel bad more often and we are emotionally exhausted. A momentary stress cause the defense reaction causing a general mobilization of the body. However a long-term stress factors lead to: weakening of the immunity, disorders of the metabolic process and imbalance of the hormone state.
If we fail to fight the additional kilograms, it is time for a cleansing – regenerating therapy. A proper diet, relaxation, massages, sound baths can work miracles.
For months and years we fight the tiredness, apathy, sleepiness, anxiety. Those symptoms, even when are often neglected, increase the sensitivity to infections leading to many serious diseases. The resulting nervous tension may be a reason for malfunctioning of the intestines, pancreas inflammations, problems with thyroid or depression – which make it easier to gain weight.
The dysfunctions of the digestive system are strongly influenced psychosomatically. Rush, tiredness, anxiety, pain, fear, despair, anger are the emotions that disrupt the production of digestive juices and stop the intestinal passage. Food eaten in such moments is mostly not absorbed, it ferments, rots and poisons the organism. The problems with a weakened pancreas lead to hyperinsulinemia, with a pancreas – they disrupt the metabolism and enable the fat tissue deposition.
Food obsessions
When we want to suppress the mental needs we obsessively focus on eating and our weight, often falling into a trap of eating disorders.
In our culture food is a pleasure, it is associated with love, bond, consolation, entertainment, happy events and with an intensive weight loss, with a strong will and decidedness. The symptoms of anorexia, bulimia and internal obligation became a plague of the modern world. We are tired of our habits, miraculous diets, low esteem and we are lost in all the information concerning food.
There are people that with cannot eat while feeling even just a bit stressed, however most of us try to forget about it – by eating. As a consolation we usually use products that cause euphoria, such as chocolate, bars, ice-cream and other sweets. Then, despite the earlier efforts, we stop controlling the appetite and we get fat again.
If we fail to fight excessive fat being the result of stress, it is time for proper cleansing-regenerating therapies. A properly adjusted diet, relaxation and sound baths can work miracles. Helpful are also the slimming therapies in the beauty salons and SPA resorts – they relax and improve the self esteem.
By knowing the rules of proper nutrition and diets, we can get rid of overweight for a long time. A properly balanced diet and meals of good quality will become a pleasure, not an obligation and another “miraculous diet”. In stress management helpful can be respiratory exercises, good meditation tapes, music therapy, tai-chi, yoga. Each way to relax that can clean our minds and make us regain the self-confidence leads us to success. Each physical activity – cycling, walking, hiking can remove tension and reduce stress. If we cannot take out the anger on a person who made us angry, we have to run faster, hit a ball harder, make more exercises and we will get a double benefit – less stress and less additional calories.
Author : dr Grażyna Pająk
DrGRACE TEAM May 20th, 2013
Tags: alimentary disorders, anorexia, bulimia, deacidification, dietary obsessions, lose weight safely, miracle diet, obesity, overweight, slimming, stress, vicious circle
Defining one’s metabolic type is based on the holistic approach to each individual. By using the vast scope of information included in the science of medicine, biology, biochemistry, psychology or genetics a holistic systemic outline can be developed for each individual. Such individual approach is much more important that the disease name or the set of symptoms. It is not a new approach; however, with the development of science it can become an increasingly more precise tool.
Already in the 4th century BC Hippocrates divided patients into particular types. As the father of medicine he would say that “It was much more crucial to know the particular patient type suffering from a disease, rather than to know the particular disease of such patient”. The Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, homeopathy or healers of various cultures have always referred to dividing people into individual types, as a means of adjusting an appropriate diet and selecting an effective therapy.
Even though over 30 years ago The World Health Organization concluded that each disease starts at the cell level, we keep treating our bodies as if we were built from pieces of metal or wood connected with screws …
While all our individual features have their patterns in the biochemistry of the human body. Each living organism tries to keep the balance, which is why our condition is the final outcome of significantly individualized homeostasis status.
The heritage from our ancestors includes weaknesses or strengths that diversify our autonomic nervous system, the oxidation speed, the balance of catabolic and anabolic processes and the endocrine system. The autonomic nervous system controls all the reflective functions of the body; it determines the heartbeat, respiration, digestion, reproductive functions and immunological reactions. The oxidation and catabolic – anabolic processes determine the quality and quantity of the energy generated, while the endocrine system influences our metabolism, controlling the tissue and cell activity. By evaluating the performance of these systems, specialists are able to determine dysfunctions resulting in the body imbalance.
According to the principles of biology, nutrition is a process of supplying all the substances necessary for life. If just one of the essential nutrients is systematically omitted or not supplied in adequate quantity, then the body does not fully absorb the others. As an effect, due to the shortage of the necessary feedstock and energy, and due to the excess of toxins, our cells cease to operate properly. Most often the common symptoms of tiredness appear, such as headaches, nervousness, insomnia, feeling generally unwell.
In such situation, in order to help ourselves, we increase the intake of various medicines that temporarily eliminate the upsetting symptoms. As a result, despite the momentary improvement of our condition, the core cause of the health problems, i.e. the malnourishment, remains unsolved. After some time the adverse symptoms reoccur in an intensified way. And then, step by step, the system immunity decreases, resulting in infections, allergies, hypertension, weight increase, depressive disposition, and the whole range of other commonly known ailments. Then the symptoms recede again for some time, but the disease keeps developing. After some time the tired and unhappy cells rebel, making as aware of a crisis – such as heart attack, brain stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis, rheumatism, degeneration, tumours, etc. With malnutrition, sooner or later, everyone starts to get ill.
Our predecessors used to have simple and modest, yet healthy eating profile. They would eat natural food originating from the place of their residence, based on intuition, habits and tradition. It is hardly conceivable that an Eskimo would eat rootlets and the greens, while an equatorial zone inhabitant would be fed with seal meat and fish oil. At that time most probably the metabolic types used to align with the blood group determined diet.
Nowadays, as a result of ages of people migration, these dependences have been “blended”. More and more often you can see persons with the blood group suggesting e.g. vegetarian diet and with the metabolic type for an Eskimo, or the other way round.
With time the old good habits got completely blurred and food became readily available at any time of the day and the year. We have started to eat new, pretty, colourful, artificial but unhealthy food. As a result we eat a lot of highly processed, artificially preserved, coloured food, canned or ready-made dishes and heated in microwave ovens. Additionally we eat massive quantities of white bread, sweets, salt, soya, powder milk and eggs and the bad fat, bombarding our body with gluten, sugar and TRANS fatty acids. We drink too much of various junk beverages, not only deprived of any nutritional value, but also containing significant quantities of glucose-fructose syrup, chemical colorants, flavour and fragrance additives, and food preservatives.
We are getting more and more lost amid the endorsed diet theories – vegetarian, high carb, high protein, low calories, slimming, anti-aging, high calories diet…. etc., forgetting completely that food is not meant to junk the body and that it needs to be individually selected, depending on our current health condition and genetic disposition.
In order to purify and regenerate our bodies we need to use the same nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fats) that our ancestors did, rather than highly processed products with similar names, but often mere approximates of the natural ones. Natural food additives and diversified organic supplements are meant to help us in the regeneration, but they cannot replace normal food. As a result of years of going astray, with bad nutrition, many of us live below our genuine, genetically determined health capacity. The signals sent out by our body are very frequently the call for „the right fuel for your engine type”.
There is no one miracle diet for everyone. Based on the research each of us is a specific metabolic individual. What we eat determines our condition, both in the mental and physical aspect. The food, depending on the metabolism type, impacts our life attitude, aggression, calmness, cheerfulness, good night rest, etc. That is why conscious change of one’s diet results in eliminating adverse symptoms, overcoming various ailments, boosting one’s energy and effective weight control.
Author: Grażyna Pająk, PhD
DrGRACE TEAM May 20th, 2013
Almost half of our life is spent with an artificial light watching the sun from behind the hermetic windows and soundproof buildings. Our bodies more often discover materials unknown to the nature. The flats and buildings are decorated with artificial plants, synthetic wallpapers, panels, furniture. We are the prisoners of the sewerage and electro energetic networks. We cannot live without cars, phones, radios, television or computers. This is the price of civilization – the environment of people living in cities on the whole globe. And despite the fact that already in 1982 the World Health Organization has claimed those phenomena to be harmful, the problem is still aggravated.
The change of lifestyle causes the isolation from the natural environment, the number of toxins in the inhaled air, drunk water and eaten food raises. The development of science and technology accelerates the civilization development, but still is not able to increase the adaptation abilities of the body.
We are always surrounded by the artificial electromagnetic waves. The source of dangerous electromagnetic radiation are the waves emitted by hundreds of electrical devices of everyday use, the radio and television transmitters, radiolocation stations and transformers, electrical installations, high-voltage lines, GPRS, EDGE transmitters, etc. Those devices emit artificial electromagnetic fields that cross each other creating the electromagnetic smog. Those created field are summed usually hundreds of times and they exceed the natural environment electromagnetically.
The researches show that the natural electromagnetic fields regulate the life processes, however the geopathic and artificial electromagnetic field lead to the dysfunctions of the living organisms.
A man does not see and feel the electromagnetic waves directly, he does not also create any mechanisms protecting him from their activity. Unfortunately the harmful effects of electromagnetic smog often occur after some time of latency. That is why most often a bad mood and diseases are not often associated with an activity of a harmful radiation.
The scientific centers confirm the negative impact of electromagnetic smog and geopathic radiation underlining their negative influence on human health. The problem concerns mostly the workers of multi-level office buildings, banks, modern hotels and block of flats. Currently at the age of computers and mobile phones this phenomenon concerns all of us, especially in the cities where we cannot escape it…
People living in such places at the beginning feel the excessive sleepiness, anxiety, decrease of concentration. A bit later the chronic tiredness, dizziness and headaches, runny nose, dryness of the mucosa of eyes and throat, flat breath, sleeping and memory disorders, in time also weakening and decrease of the organism immunity.
The organism tolerance may differ, but sooner or later those symptoms concern everyone.
Many years of observations showed that after some time, as a result of a longer impact of harmful radiation, the allergies, nervous system diseases, leukemia, cysts, boils, infertility, impotency, circulatory problems, digestive system problems etc. are aggravated.
The topic of electromagnetic smog is often omitted, however it is so well-known that even one of the exclusive cosmetic companies, thinking about the grayish skin caused by the artificial electromagnetic waves, introduced the proper protective cosmetics.
Well, this process cannot be stopped, but we can be “closer to nature” at any time when it is only possible. One of such ways is using the VITA Tronic device.
VITA Tronic is the easiest way to reach the harmonious, balanced and healthy atmosphere is the flats, houses, hotels, workplaces, offices, banks, schools, hospitals, clinics, server rooms and all kinds of public areas.
VITA Tronic can reach the harmonious balance of the magnetic field in the radius of 50 metres. The frequency produced by the device includes the resonance with an Earth magnetic field. VITA Tronic creates more balanced fields, reduces the negative influence of the geopathic radiation and electromagnetic smog. It is produced in Austria. Uniquely as a device using only the natural laws, it has a patent protection.
In order to achieve the expected effects, using this device is enough in a two-floor office building in size of a multi-family house and in its surrounding.
Shortly while using VITA Tronic not only did the neutralization of the geopathic radiation and electromagnetic smog were noticed, but also the change of the air ionization, highest efficiency of air conditioning, feeling of harmony inside the room.
People staying in its surrounding noticed: limited aggression and irritation, elimination of chronic tiredness, better concentration and higher efficiency, healthy and relaxing sleeping, joy and well-being, immunity and state of health, as a result also the improvement of the quality of life.
Author: Dr Grażyna Pająk
DrGRACE TEAM May 20th, 2013
Tags: AQUAcell, blood, cancer, diabetes, DNA, electro smog, EMF, harmful, internet, new-tech, radiation, regeneration, temperature, VITA Tronic, wifi
We live in times when the promotion of health, body regeneration, studying the body care, mind and spirit became not only a fashion, but also a necessity. Never before did we need the improvement of well-being and comfort of life more than currently…
Intensive work, increasing living pace, stress, lack of physical activity, improper breathing, growing number of fumes, electromagnetic smog, noise must be balanced with a conscious, effective relaxation,
The higher isolation from natural environment, small amount of drunk water, improper nutrition influence our well-being, but also our health.
The researches in quantum physics and biology from the last 20 years show that everything still vibrates in the universe. In nature there is a constant communication by vibrations and the absorption inside the body is made both on the chemical and electromagnetic level. According to the scientists, the human body conducts 570 billion vibrations per minute; while each part of our body on the elementary particles level (quantum level) does not function by itself. The changes in organism are so quick that as a result during one year we change over 90% of the whole matter. That is why health and well-being are maintained by the continuous process of renewal. Everything that disrupts it leads to the systematical destruction of cells, so the premature aging and development of diseases. The most recent researches confirm that the more toxins in the organism, the more difficult it is to exchange information, the nutrients are harder to transport and the cells are renewed more slowly.
Only 25-30% of the human body is a solid matter, 70-75% is water that is the best carrier of information between the cells. Health depends on the harmonious exchange of information in the organism, but its circulation depends greatly on the quantity and quality of the drunk water.
As we developed science, water was no longer a mystery, the ancient rituals stopped, grandmothers stopped talking about the magical sources, a grandfather painting the windows was gone. By making sure the course books don’t contain any non-scientific terms, along with the development and progress we studied water on the level of a substance that can be treated instrumentally.
The 20th century was dedicated to studying the water chemically. We leave school convinced that water is just a substance, a chemical compound consisting of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen with a simple chemical formula H2O.
Over the years the specialists convinced of the same started to preserve it artificially, purify it chemically and mechanically. As a result in the highly developed countries we drink water which is mostly of poor quality, chemically treated and dead energetically.
Our ancestors did not have a precise apparatus, computers and knowledge that we have today, but they intuitively appreciated the role of water, kept it in the special oval jars, vases, amphoras made of the most precious metals and ceramics of the high content of silicon. We usually use the plastic, paper, polystyrene and metal containers…
Over the time the canalized and closed water in the iron, steel, synthetic pipes which are many kilometers long in one line disrupted its natural structure and limited the access to oxygen. The research conducted at the university in Vienna showed that currently under the pipe pressure 98% of all households have energetically dead water. The information structures are destroyed and the oxygen content is lower than in the natural surroundings.
Currently the water in the sewerage is hygienically clean thanks to constant controls, but it doesn’t mean it is healthy. The water companies guarantee to deliver clear drinking water in which the content of toxins does not exceed the legal limitations. However it is not a guarantee of maintaining health and well-being.
For a long time it is not enough to prepare water, we need cleaning devices such as the carbon-ceramic filters, osmotic filters, distillers, etc. The water cleaned in such way is clean, but… dead. The scientific experiments show that chemically purified water, after being cleaned, still sends electromagnetic waves with a length characteristic for the data of removed substances, then we don’t have e.g. chlorine, cadmium, lead, aluminum etc., but the harmful vibrations stay. Removing the mechanical and chemical dirt is unfortunately not enough – we need to regain the proper electromagnetic information that is present in nature.
“Natural water” with an original structure is the one that we can see in the icebergs, virgin rivers, clean lakes. In the natural environment water is subjected to the Earth magnetic fields, sun and moon radiation, it flows through different kinds of rocks, dances with a wind, foams, rotates and falls down.
The constant movement and other impacts influence its renewal. Then water carries big amounts of energy and information that are passed to all the living organisms.
The publications of many researches from the late 20th century confirm that water that is deprived of energy or has a small amount of it does not show any organized structures. On the other hand water that has an energetic value has a crystal structure, the so-called hexagonal one. After being frozen it creates beautiful shapes (always based on a hexagon) that are condensed vertically and it builds characteristic groups resembling the quartz crystals. As Masaru Emoto has proven, freezing the plumbing water, at its current loading, usually does not restore its original structure.
The experiences show that improper information coded in water can be deleted.
Not resigning from civilization we can quickly and efficiently restore the lost energy in water using an Austrian device AQUA VITA life known for seven years.
AQUA VITA life uses the sophisticated laws of nature and restores a real information thanks to which it regains its original structure. The plumbing water – cleansed and then vitalized changes regaining the properties of a spring water.
Using AQUA VITA life increases the quantity of the oxygen dissolved in water, strengthens the reduction processes, positively changes the pH level. What is more, it decreases the use of detergents and chemical substances, eliminates the calcium and rust deposits that are in pipes. It beneficially influences the quality of air conditioning, removes unpleasant scents and does not create any smell.
The long-term researches show that vitalizing water in swimming pools accelerates its cleaning in 50-70%, improves the oxygen transport, eliminates the anaerobic processes, enables decomposition of the organic matter and intensifies the processes of mineralization. It efficiently decreases also the aggressiveness of chlorine, does not let the development of bacteria, algae and fungi.
The “revitalized water” increases the flow of energy and nutrients, oxygenates cells, improves the acid-alkaline balance and accelerates the removal of toxins in each organism.
Energetically proper, organized structurally water carries a lot of energy and information that are delivered to all the living organisms. It plays a beneficial, however still not appreciated role in the functioning of the environment. That is why it is hard to imagine the modern sports, SPA and wellness or plastic medicine centers without such water.
The SPA of the 21st century is not only healthy because of water, but it is also a complex of perfectly synchronized treatments that after few days can completely change our well-being restoring the inner peace and vital energy.
In order to achieve such state it is not necessary to follow even the best program while drinking tap water that is dead and deprived of energy having the mobile phone masts on roofs at the same time.
Author : Dr Grażyna Pająk
DrGRACE TEAM May 20th, 2013
Tags: AQUA VITA life, cells, chemical compound, human body, information, lving water, organism, oxygen, quality, structure water, water
For centuries water has been in centre of legends, myths and fairytales. Already the ancient people believed in its magical properties and worshipped it as the centre of life. For ages the mysterious rituals were connected to cleansing and vital energy, in many religions to baptism and initiation. Water was associated with magic and places of water outlet were considered to be sacred.
Over the time science has revealed all the mysteries and water was claimed to be just like any other substance that can be treated instrumentally. The 20th century was dedicated mostly to studying the water composition. We leave schools and laboratories convinced that water is just a substance. Over the years the specialists preserved the „H2O” artificially, purified it chemically and mechanically. As a result in the highly developed countries, where there is seemingly plenty of it, we have only water of poor quality, processed chemically and dead energetically.
At current division of science into specific disciplines and more particular specializations, the interdisciplinary outlook is harder. For years the scientific conferences have included the specialists in so narrow fields, that it is sometimes hard to discuss the vast influence of environment on human body. Additionally taking into consideration the number of factors influencing our health and well-being, studying those results are hard to interpret. What is even worse, scientific research of water needs a very precise and expensive apparatus – so the generous and interested sponsors.
Currently in the world we have more than 60 scientific centers that study the water structure and despite that many of those places are ignored and discredited. By scrupulous studying of the results we can notice that many of them are actually coherent. The scientists and researches such as – Viktor Szhauberger, JohanGrander, Joachim Luttermann, JackuesBenevista, Teodor Schwenk, Juri Rachmanin, Vladimir Kondratow, Emilio del Giudice, Giuliano Preparata, Ivan Engler and many more – add another bricks to the wider outlook on water and the world around us.
Many world experts claim that the 21st century will belong to the physics of water which was neglected until now. The studies on quantum physics and biology from the last 20 years show that all the time everything vibrates in the universe and it is (as writes professor Ivan Engler in his book – “Water – a phenomenon of polarization, carrier of information, the life cure”) organized by those different networks and hierarchy influences. In the environment there is a constant communication of vibrations and the absorption is conducted not only on the chemical, but also an electromagnetic level.
According to the scientists, the human body conducts 570 billion vibrations per minute, while no part of our body on the elementary particles level (the quantum level) functions by itself. The processes in the organism are so quick that as a result during one year we change 90% of the whole matter. Health and well-being are maintained by the continuous process of regeneration. Everything that disrupts them leads to the systematical destruction of cells, so the premature aging and development of diseases. The recent researches confirm that the more toxins we have in our bodies, the harder it is to change information, the nutrients are transported with more difficulty and the cells are renewed more slowly. On the efficiency of all those reactions depends our physical and mental state.
Only 25-30% of the human body is solid matter, 70-75% is water. A water particle is ten millionth part of a millimeter, so approximately 10 billion particles is the size of a headpin. In a human body for one particle falls around 10 thousand particles of water. The last years made us realize that it is water that is the best carrier of information, a channel enabling a transmission of vital energy in the exchange between the cells. We know that health depends on the harmonious transmission of energy inside the body, but it depends on the number and quality of the drunk water. At the same we drink not enough of it. The modern civilization caused the massive access to liquids that do not always hydrate our body. The dark tea, coffee, beer, artificial juices, sweet colorful drinks, processed milk cocktails, ice cream and other tasty drinks often deprive us of water instead of supplying it into our cells. The lack of water in our body cause the improper reactions. Each disharmony disrupts our functioning causing the distress, in time also pain and diseases.
Intuitively appreciating the role of water, our ancestors kept it in wonderful oval jars, vases, amphoras made of most precious stones and ceramics with a high content of silicon. In the past water was taken directly from the source or a well. In the ancient Rome water was flowing through long and curvy aqueducts made of wood and stone that ensured its free flow, on Crete the sewerage was built with ceramic cones, appropriately joined segments that maintained its original energy according to its provenance.
Over the time the canalized and closed water in the iron, steel, synthetic pipes disrupted its natural structure and limited the access to oxygen. The research conducted at the university in Vienna showed that currently under the pipe pressure (3-9 atm.) 98% of all households have energetically dead water. The information structures are destroyed and the oxygen content is lower than in the natural surroundings.
Currently the water in the sewerage is hygienically clean thanks to constant controls, but it doesn’t mean it is healthy. The water companies guarantee to deliver clean drinking water in which the content of toxins does not exceed the legal limitations. However it is not a guarantee of health and well-being.
The growing pollution of air and food diminishes the tolerance of the organism to it, and other way round. According to the researchers of WHO over 80% of civilization diseases is connected to the quality of water. For a long time it is not enough to prepare water, we need cleaning devices such as the carbon-ceramic filters, osmotic filters, distillers, etc. The water cleaned in such way is clean, but… dead. The scientific experiments show that chemically purified water, after being cleaned, still sends electromagnetic waves with a length characteristic for the data of removed substances, then we don’t have e.g. chlorine, cadmium, lead, aluminum etc., but the harmful vibrations remain. Removing the mechanical and chemical dirt is unfortunately not enough – we need to regain the proper electromagnetic information that is present in nature.
“Natural water” with an original structure is the one that we can see in the icebergs, virgin rivers, clean lakes. In the natural environment water is subjected to the Earth magnetic fields, sun and moon radiation, it flows through different kinds of rocks, dances with a wind, foams, rotates and falls down. The constant movement and other impacts influence its renewal. Then water carries big amounts of energy and information that are passed to all the living organisms. It can protect itself and, as the naturalists claim, it has its own immune system.
The publications of many researches from the late 20th century confirm that water that is deprived of energy or has a small amount of it does not show any organized structures. On the other hand water that has an energetic value has a crystal structure, the so-called hexagonal one. After being frozen it creates beautiful shapes (always based on a hexagon) that are condensed vertically and it builds characteristic groups resembling the quartz crystals.
The experiments have proven that the improper information coded in water can be deleted thanks to the carefully adjusted ultrasonic parameters, infrared, lasers or proper frequency of the magnetic fields. We can also, as you remember from previous articles, change it using a prayer, thought, crystals, etc. As Masaru Emoto has proven, freezing the plumbing water, at its current loading, usually does not restore its original structure.
Not resigning from civilization we can quickly and efficiently regain the lost energy and information in the water not only using the Grander’s device, but also an Austrian device Aqua Vita life known for seven years and created by Joachim Luttermann.
The creator and producer of AQUA VITA LIFE – (image 1) based it on nature and used the dia-, para- and ferro-magnetism. In the centre of the device there are the carefully selected precious metals, minerals, microelements, trace elements and crystals with the essential vibrations. A proper casing and parameters let maintain the natural energy protecting the interior from the harmful influence of the electromagnetic smog, so the geopathic radiation. The “circulatory” influence of the energy of the three simultaneous forms of the magnetism creates (over the device) the constantly renewable energetic vibrations, so that water can get the information thanks to which its physical structure is changed. In this why after attaching the Aqua Vita life to the pipe, water becomes more structuralized and its original structure is regained. The AVl device is based on resonance – “renews” water changing its polarization from negative to positive. It causes the increase of soluble oxygen, accelerates reduction processes, beneficially changes the pH ratio, transforms calcium. As a result the purified, and then renewed, water from sewerage changes regaining the properties of a spring water.
Unfortunately the rules of nature are strict, so we need the crystal clear and highly energetic water for the metabolic processes. Only such water, as a carrier of electromagnetic vibrations, can directly influence the regulating processes of our body, while trying to counteract the negative influence of the environment. Everyone should drink about 0,3l of the highly energetic water per 10kg of the body mass. Perfect results can be gained by bathing or taking a shower, because the energy can be transmitted through skin increasing the potential of the cell membranes.
The academic studies are surprising, for example by having a bath filled with normal water, there are less toxins in water – because we absorb them through skin, however when bathing in water of the regained structure, there are more toxins in it because we release them from the body.
Similarly, the comparative analysis of the meridians, using the bioresonance method, shows the improvement of the physical functioning after drinking vitalized water, drinking distilled water decreases it (image 2, 3).
(image 4) The image of the red blood cells – the erythrocytes – comes from the microscope studying the state of blood in the dark field of vision (dark field microscope). Picture A – depicts a drop of blood of the 50-year-old man who doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink a lot, but follows an incorrect diet, a small amount of drunk water – has led to the clear conglomeration of erythrocytes (the visible “worms”). The erythrocytes in such form cannot properly transport oxygen and are not able to swim to every part of our body.
Picture b – depicts a drop of blood of the same person, but two minutes from the moment of drinking one glass of water vitalized with a device Aqua Vita life. Drinking water with a proper structure caused an immediate scattering of the erythrocytes which in such form can easily transport oxygen and influence the smallest blood vessels. The observations show that this state is maintained for a few hours, on condition that a given person is not influenced by high electromagnetic smog and is not irritated.
The experiences proved also the improvement in treating people with skin diseases (e.g. psoriasis, mycosis, eczema, allergies). Under influence of the “revived water” the wound healing is accelerated, the digestive system functioning is improved, the metabolic processed are escalated and the sugar and pressure levels are regulated.
The results show that by using the revived water we can notice the improvement in the body functioning. By drinking it regularly we supply the body with energy and nutrients, we oxidize the cells, keep the acid-alkaline balance, improve the enzymatic levels, regain the thermal balance, increase the amount of removed toxins. As a result we rebuild the immune system.
The revived water Aqua Vita life stimulates the whole body bioenergetically, strengthens the activity of different therapies and natural treatments restoring the homeostasis state.
Today we are more separated from natural environment, we work more intensively, our life pace is faster, we lack physical activity and don’t drink enough water, we nourish improperly, breath improperly, we are surrounded by fumes, electromagnetic smog and noise that should be balanced by aware, effective relaxation. Never before did we need such improvement of comfort and well being. That is why each form of being “closer” to nature in the modern world is indispensable.
Many years of research made us realize that even vitalizing water in swimming pools accelerates its cleaning in 50-70%, it improves the transport of oxygen, eliminates the anaerobic processes, facilitates the distribution of organic matter and aggravates the mineralization processes. It successfully eliminates chlorine from water, diminishes its aggressiveness, does not let the development of bacteria, algae and fungi. The water protected in such a way can limit the usage of cleaners and other substances in 50%.
Aqua Vita life uses the sophisticated natural rules, restores the structure of water causing not only the diminishing of using chemical substances in all cleaning processes, but also eliminates the calcium and rust remains in the sewerage, heating and cooling systems. On the other hand the change of air ionization and limiting the microflora in air conditioning removes unpleasant smells leaving no fetor.
dr GRAŻYNA PAJĄK – Biologist, Master of nature therapy, Nutritionist
She is a biologist, a long-term scientific worker in ZBW P.A.N. For twenty-five years she has studied water, also its structure, reviving and influence on environment. Together with a research team she is a creator of patents of devices used for activating liquid and gas media.
At the same time for fifteen years she has managed the Centre of Health Promotion. She is known from tens of radio and television broadcasts connected to healthy lifestyle. For a long time she’s been writing articles, conducting authorial lectures, courses on nutrition, health promotion and nature therapy.
She is a co-founder of the AQUAcell (2003) which operates on the territory of Africa, Asia, USA and Europe.
DrGRACE TEAM May 20th, 2013
Tags: algae, bacteria, calcium, funghi, health, ionization, memory, oxygen, sewerage, SPA, structure, sustainable city, swimming pools, vitalizator, water, wellness