In the spring we are revived like the nature. That is why it is a perfect time for a cleansing therapy. We will feel as good as new.

Author: Grażyna Pająk – a doctor in biological sciences


Even the smallest bite influences the general state of organism. According to the toxicological researches, we eat from four to eight kilograms of different chemical compounds in food additives yearly. Such quantity of chemical substances cannot be neutral to the organism. In time we begin to feel the effects of such diet. An effect of chemical burden are often the allergies, rash, asthma attacks, stomach inflammations, malfunctioning of intestines, hyperactivity, insomnia, tension disorders, etc. Those compounds impede digestion, absorption of vitamins, macro and microelements and the undigested food becomes another toxin that goes into the blood and irritates the immune system. Then we should, for our own good, change the diet and eat natural food, free from any chemical additives. It is worth to conduct systematical cleansing treatments.


Refreshing fast 

Health and well being can the result of a continuous process of body regeneration. Spring is the best period for natural regeneration. For centuries all the religions of the world recommended their believers shorter or longer periods of changing the diet. Already before the war in Poland the religion imposed 196 days of fast, including 57 days of extreme fasting. It was associated with atonement and sacrifice, however in reality the fast was the oldest and the most natural way of treatment, a way to strengthen and rebuild the vital energy. The long-term starvation diets must be conducted under the specialist’s control. However the regular short-term starvation diets are completely safe and can be used no matter the age or lifestyle.


Once a day

The most natural and adequate is fasting once a day. It means restraining from eating for at least 10 hours a day. Then the organism has the possibility to remove the unnecessary products of metabolic processes and time to revive the immune system. Having breaks between the meals, as a way of nutrition, gives us time and chance to regenerate independently.

Once a week

The regular one-day fasts can be used at small deposits, a feeling of full stomach, constipations. They are an aware alleviation of digestive system without starvation and resigning completely from eating. 24-hour fast is based on liquids – “grandma’s broths”, brew from vegetables and herbal teas. In summer it is based on natural fruit and vegetable juices as well as on water, preferably the vitalized one whose structure was regained thanks to the use of the ultrasound, infrared or magnetic fields. Juices that are squeezed before drinking should be always diluted in water. During that day people with sensitive stomach can use the flaxseed gruel, millet, rice or oatmeal. In summer the one-day diet can be also based on the seasonal fruit – having a fast using watermelons, strawberries or cherries. Additionally we can drink natural, clean, warm, still water that works as a solvent that rinses the toxins out of the body. During the starvation diet it is better to drink too much than not enough.


How to use the starvation diet ?

  • No matter if it lasts ten hours, one day or three days, we stick to the same rules.
  • Keep warmth. During the starvation diet it is easier to overcool the body, that is why we can’t drink only the cold drinks, even in summer.
  • Raw in summer, cooked in winter. When it is warm, we can follow the juice, fruit diet or the sets of raw vegetables. In the cool period: in autumn, winter and early spring we should use the lean broths made of ecological meat – cooked 4 hours along with vegetables, ginger, garlic and herbs – as a “grandma’s broths”, the steamed vegetables, grains or groats with herbs, especially ginger, caraway, thyme or cloves.
  • Choose the organic products. All the products that you use during the fast must be fresh, ecologically clean, unmodified genetically and of the best sort.
  • Only from a fire or oven. The meals – in all the therapies, as in everyday life – should not be prepared in the microwave oven.
  • Save yourself. During a fast we should not do intensive physical work, exercise too much or take part in demanding marches and climbing, because we can easily lead our bodies to the hypoglycemia (the decrease of sugar level in blood).
  • A shower few times a day. During fasting we should wash ourselves several times a day, however we shouldn’t take hot baths!
  • Warm clothes. Fasting can cools us down so let’s remember about the warmer clothes and socks.


Once a month

Monodiet – is a treatment conducted in three subsequent days. Its type is chosen depending on our preferences and well being. The citrus diet – we use it especially in case of a raised level of uric acid. We buy fresh, ripe fruit of the best quality. Every day we prepare 900 g of grapefruit and orange juice, 200 g of lemon juice and 2 liters of water. Every day we drink four liters of juice and warm water mixtures drinking it in small portions. In case of hunger we chew singular parts of fruit with warm herbal tea. This treatment efficiently detoxifies the body, dissolves the deposits of mucus and supplies us with a lot of antioxidants. It is perfect in summer, in winter it may cool us down. That is why when we are cold, we should drink a cherry fruit compote with ginger and cinnamon. Eaten cooked cherry and a warm fruit compote will soon make you feel better. In the middle of the season we can use also strawberries and sweet cherries. The vegetable diet – is efficient all year round. During a day we drink 2 liters of fresh carrot or a carrot and celery juice (1:1), combined with water. Additionally 3 times a day a St John’s wort tea (except for people with “0” blood type), nettle or a brew made of wild rose. The rest of liquids should be water or herbal tea. Additionally two times a day we eat a set of steamed vegetables with a bit of clarified butter or flaxseed oil (parsley, leek, celery, carrot, broccoli, marrow, beetroot, etc.).

In 65-75% our health depends on: the way of thinking, ability to reduce stress, life style and the way of nutrition.

Let’s fast reasonably

Usually the first two fasts are not pleasant. Sometimes, in connection to the release of toxins, we may feel: nausea, dizziness and headaches, general weakening. Those phenomena are temporary and are gone after a walk, massage or a warm shower. The return to our usual diet must be gradual and should last as much as the starvation diet itself. After finishing fasting we cannot immediately eat meat, milk, eggs, cheese, fish, nuts, dry sunflower seeds or pumpkin. The first meals should be always salads or stewed vegetables. A properly conducted starvation diet in the form of intervals between the everyday meals, a one-day fast once a week or a few-days therapy once a month or a quarter is one of the most efficient ways of regaining and maintaining health. The longer cleansing treatments should be adjusted individually depending on the state of health and age. So they should be under the doctor’s or a dietician’s control.