For centuries water has been in centre of legends, myths and fairytales. Already the ancient people believed in its magical properties and worshipped it as the centre of life. For ages the mysterious rituals were connected to cleansing and vital energy, in many religions to baptism and initiation. Water was associated with magic and places of water outlet were considered to be sacred.

Over the time science has revealed all the mysteries and water was claimed to be just like any other substance that can be treated instrumentally. The 20th century was dedicated mostly to studying the water composition. We leave schools and laboratories convinced that water is just a substance. Over the years the specialists preserved the „H2O” artificially, purified it chemically and mechanically. As a result in the highly developed countries, where there is seemingly plenty of it, we have only water of poor quality, processed chemically and dead energetically.

At current division of science into specific disciplines and more particular specializations, the interdisciplinary outlook is harder. For years the scientific conferences have included the specialists in so narrow fields, that it is sometimes hard to discuss the vast influence of environment on human body. Additionally taking into consideration the number of factors influencing our health and well-being, studying those results are hard to interpret. What is even worse, scientific research of water needs a very precise and expensive apparatus – so the generous and interested sponsors.

Currently in the world we have more than 60 scientific centers that study the water structure and despite that many of those places are ignored and discredited. By scrupulous studying of the results we can notice that many of them are actually coherent. The scientists and researches such as – Viktor Szhauberger, JohanGrander, Joachim Luttermann, JackuesBenevista, Teodor Schwenk, Juri Rachmanin, Vladimir Kondratow, Emilio del Giudice, Giuliano Preparata, Ivan Engler and many more – add another bricks to the wider outlook on water and the world around us.

Many world experts claim that the 21st century will belong to the physics of water which was neglected until now. The studies on quantum physics and biology from the last 20 years show that all the time everything vibrates in the universe and it is (as writes professor Ivan Engler in his book – “Water – a phenomenon of polarization, carrier of information, the life cure”) organized by those different networks and hierarchy influences. In the environment there is a constant communication of vibrations and the absorption is conducted not only on the chemical, but also an electromagnetic level.

According to the scientists, the human body conducts 570 billion vibrations per minute, while no part of our body on the elementary particles level (the quantum level) functions by itself. The processes in the organism are so quick that as a result during one year we change 90% of the whole matter. Health and well-being are maintained by the continuous process of regeneration. Everything that disrupts them leads to the systematical destruction of cells, so the premature aging and development of diseases. The recent researches confirm that the more toxins we have in our bodies, the harder it is to change information, the nutrients are transported with more difficulty and the cells are renewed more slowly. On the efficiency of all those reactions depends our physical and mental state.

Only 25-30% of the human body is solid matter, 70-75% is water. A water particle is ten millionth part of a millimeter, so approximately 10 billion particles is the size of a headpin. In a human body for one particle falls around 10 thousand particles of water. The last years made us realize that it is water that is the best carrier of information, a channel enabling a transmission of vital energy in the exchange between the cells. We know that health depends on the harmonious transmission of energy inside the body, but it depends on the number and quality of the drunk water. At the same we drink not enough of it. The modern civilization caused the massive access to liquids that do not always hydrate our body. The dark tea, coffee, beer, artificial juices, sweet colorful drinks, processed milk cocktails, ice cream and other tasty drinks often deprive us of water instead of supplying it into our cells. The lack of water in our body cause the improper reactions. Each disharmony disrupts our functioning causing the distress, in time also pain and diseases.

Intuitively appreciating the role of water, our ancestors kept it in wonderful oval jars, vases, amphoras made of most precious stones and ceramics with a high content of silicon. In the past water was taken directly from the source or a well. In the ancient Rome water was flowing through long and curvy aqueducts made of wood and stone that ensured its free flow, on Crete the sewerage was built with ceramic cones, appropriately joined  segments that maintained its original energy according to its provenance.

Over the time the canalized and closed water in the iron, steel, synthetic pipes disrupted its natural structure and limited the access to oxygen. The research conducted at the university in Vienna showed that currently under the pipe pressure (3-9 atm.) 98% of all households have energetically dead water. The information structures are destroyed and the oxygen content is lower than in the natural surroundings.

Currently the water in the sewerage is hygienically clean thanks to constant controls, but it doesn’t mean it is healthy. The water companies guarantee to deliver clean drinking water in which the content of toxins does not exceed the legal limitations. However it is not a guarantee of health and well-being.

The growing pollution of air and food diminishes the tolerance of the organism to it, and other way round. According to the researchers of WHO over 80% of civilization diseases is connected to the quality of water. For a long time it is not enough to prepare water, we need cleaning devices such as the carbon-ceramic filters, osmotic filters, distillers, etc. The water cleaned in such way is clean, but… dead. The scientific experiments show that chemically purified water, after being cleaned, still sends electromagnetic waves with a length characteristic for the data of removed substances, then we don’t have e.g. chlorine, cadmium, lead, aluminum etc., but the harmful vibrations remain. Removing the mechanical and chemical dirt is unfortunately not enough – we need to regain the proper electromagnetic information that is present in nature.

“Natural water” with an original structure is the one that we can see in the icebergs, virgin rivers, clean lakes. In the natural environment water is subjected to the Earth magnetic fields, sun and moon radiation, it flows through different kinds of rocks, dances with a wind, foams, rotates and falls down. The constant movement and other impacts influence its renewal. Then water carries big amounts of energy and information that are passed to all the living organisms. It can protect itself and, as the naturalists claim, it has its own immune system.

The publications of many researches from the late 20th century confirm that water that is deprived of energy or has a small amount of it does not show any organized structures. On the other hand water that has an energetic value has a crystal structure, the so-called hexagonal one. After being frozen it creates beautiful shapes (always based on a hexagon) that are condensed vertically and it builds characteristic groups resembling the quartz crystals.

The experiments have proven that the improper information coded in water can be deleted thanks to the carefully adjusted ultrasonic parameters, infrared, lasers or proper frequency of the magnetic fields. We can also, as you remember from previous articles, change it using a prayer, thought, crystals, etc. As Masaru Emoto has proven, freezing the plumbing water, at its current loading, usually does not restore its original structure.

Not resigning from civilization we can quickly and efficiently regain the lost energy and information in the water not only using the Grander’s  device, but also an Austrian device Aqua Vita life known for seven years and created by Joachim Luttermann.

The creator and producer of AQUA VITA LIFE – (image 1) based it on nature and used the dia-, para- and ferro-magnetism. In the centre of the device there are the carefully selected precious metals, minerals, microelements, trace elements and crystals with the essential vibrations. A proper casing and parameters let maintain the natural energy protecting the interior from the harmful influence of the electromagnetic smog, so the geopathic radiation. The “circulatory” influence of the energy of the three simultaneous forms of the magnetism creates (over the device) the constantly renewable energetic vibrations, so that water can get the information thanks to which its physical structure is changed. In this why after attaching the Aqua Vita life to the pipe, water becomes more structuralized and its original structure is regained. The AVl device is based on resonance – “renews” water changing its polarization from negative to positive. It causes the increase of soluble oxygen, accelerates reduction processes, beneficially changes the pH ratio, transforms calcium. As a result the purified, and then renewed, water from sewerage changes regaining the properties of a spring water.

Unfortunately the rules of nature are strict, so we need the crystal clear and highly energetic water for the metabolic processes. Only such water, as a carrier of electromagnetic vibrations, can directly influence the regulating processes of our body, while trying to counteract the negative influence of the environment. Everyone should drink about 0,3l of the highly energetic water per 10kg of the body mass. Perfect results can be gained by bathing or taking a shower, because the energy can be transmitted through skin increasing the potential of the cell membranes.

The academic studies are surprising, for example by having a bath filled with normal water, there are less toxins in water – because we absorb them through skin, however when bathing in water of the regained structure, there are more toxins in it because we release them from the body.

Similarly, the comparative analysis of the meridians, using the bioresonance method, shows the improvement of the physical functioning after drinking vitalized water, drinking distilled water decreases it (image 2, 3).

(image 4) The image of the red blood cells – the erythrocytes – comes from the microscope studying the state of blood in the dark field of vision (dark field microscope). Picture A – depicts a drop of blood of the 50-year-old man who doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink a lot, but follows an incorrect diet, a small amount of drunk water – has led to the clear conglomeration of erythrocytes (the visible “worms”). The erythrocytes in such form cannot properly transport oxygen and are not able to swim to every part of our body.

Picture b – depicts a drop of blood of the same person, but two minutes from the moment of drinking one glass of water vitalized with a device Aqua Vita life. Drinking water with a proper structure caused an immediate scattering of the erythrocytes which in such form can easily transport oxygen and influence the smallest blood vessels. The observations show that this state is maintained for a few hours, on condition that a given person is not influenced by high electromagnetic smog and is not irritated.

The experiences proved also the improvement in treating people with skin diseases (e.g. psoriasis, mycosis, eczema, allergies). Under influence of the “revived water” the wound healing is accelerated, the digestive system functioning is improved, the metabolic processed are escalated and the sugar and pressure levels are regulated.

The results show that by using the revived water we can notice the improvement in the body functioning. By drinking it regularly we supply the body with energy and nutrients, we oxidize the cells, keep the acid-alkaline balance, improve the enzymatic levels, regain the thermal balance, increase the amount of removed toxins. As a result we rebuild the immune system.

The revived water Aqua Vita life stimulates the whole body bioenergetically, strengthens the activity of different therapies and natural treatments restoring the homeostasis state.

Today we are more separated from natural environment, we work more intensively, our life pace is faster, we lack physical activity and don’t drink enough water, we nourish improperly, breath improperly, we are surrounded by fumes, electromagnetic smog and noise that should be balanced by aware, effective relaxation. Never before did we need such improvement of comfort and well being. That is why each form of being “closer” to nature in the modern world is indispensable.

Many years of research made us realize that even vitalizing water in swimming pools accelerates its cleaning in 50-70%, it improves the transport of oxygen, eliminates the anaerobic processes, facilitates the distribution of organic matter and aggravates the mineralization processes. It successfully eliminates chlorine from water, diminishes its aggressiveness, does not let the development of bacteria, algae and fungi. The water protected in such a way can limit the usage of cleaners and other substances in 50%.

Aqua Vita life uses the sophisticated natural rules, restores the structure of water causing not only the diminishing of using chemical substances in all cleaning processes, but also eliminates the calcium and rust remains in the sewerage, heating and cooling systems. On the other hand the change of air ionization and limiting the microflora in air conditioning removes unpleasant smells leaving no fetor.

dr GRAŻYNA PAJĄK   – Biologist, Master of nature therapy, Nutritionist

She is a biologist, a long-term scientific worker in ZBW P.A.N. For twenty-five years she has studied water, also its structure, reviving and influence on environment. Together with a research team she is a creator of patents of devices used for activating liquid and gas media.

At the same time for fifteen years she has managed the Centre of Health Promotion. She is known from tens of radio and television broadcasts connected to healthy lifestyle. For a long time she’s been writing articles, conducting authorial lectures, courses on nutrition, health promotion and nature therapy.

She is a co-founder of the AQUAcell (2003) which operates on the territory of Africa, Asia, USA and Europe.