We live in times when the promotion of health, body regeneration, studying the body care, mind and spirit became not only a fashion, but also a necessity. Never before did we need the improvement of well-being and comfort of life more than currently…

Intensive work, increasing living pace, stress, lack of physical activity, improper breathing, growing number of fumes, electromagnetic smog, noise must be balanced with a conscious, effective relaxation,

The higher isolation from natural environment, small amount of drunk water, improper nutrition influence our well-being, but also our health.

The researches in quantum physics and biology from the last 20 years show that everything still vibrates in the universe. In nature there is a constant communication by vibrations and the absorption inside the body is made both on the chemical and electromagnetic level. According to the scientists, the human body conducts 570 billion vibrations per minute; while each part of our body on the elementary particles level (quantum level) does not function by itself. The changes in organism are so quick that as a result during one year we change over 90% of the whole matter. That is why health and well-being are maintained by the continuous process of renewal. Everything that disrupts it leads to the systematical destruction of cells, so the premature aging and development of diseases. The most recent researches confirm that the more toxins in the organism, the more difficult it is to exchange information, the nutrients are harder to transport and the cells are renewed more slowly.

Only 25-30% of the human body is a solid matter, 70-75% is water that is the best carrier of information between the cells. Health depends on the harmonious exchange of information in the organism, but its circulation depends greatly on the quantity and quality of the drunk water.

As we developed science, water was no longer a mystery, the ancient rituals stopped, grandmothers stopped talking about the magical sources, a grandfather painting the windows was gone. By making sure the course books don’t contain any non-scientific terms, along with the development and progress we studied water on the level of a substance that can be treated instrumentally.

The 20th century was dedicated to studying the water chemically. We leave school convinced that water is just a substance, a chemical compound consisting of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen with a simple chemical formula H2O.

Over the years the specialists convinced of the same started to preserve it artificially, purify it chemically and mechanically. As a result in the highly developed countries we drink water which is mostly of poor quality, chemically treated and dead energetically.

Our ancestors did not have a precise apparatus, computers and knowledge that we have today, but they intuitively appreciated the role of water, kept it in the special oval jars, vases, amphoras made of the most precious metals and ceramics of the high content of silicon. We usually use the plastic, paper, polystyrene and metal containers…

Over the time the canalized and closed water in the iron, steel, synthetic pipes which are many kilometers long in one line disrupted its natural structure and limited the access to oxygen. The research conducted at the university in Vienna showed that currently under the pipe pressure 98% of all households have energetically dead water. The information structures are destroyed and the oxygen content is lower than in the natural surroundings.

Currently the water in the sewerage is hygienically clean thanks to constant controls, but it doesn’t mean it is healthy. The water companies guarantee to deliver clear drinking water in which the content of toxins does not exceed the legal limitations. However it is not a guarantee of maintaining health and well-being.

For a long time it is not enough to prepare water, we need cleaning devices such as the carbon-ceramic filters, osmotic filters, distillers, etc. The water cleaned in such way is clean, but… dead. The scientific experiments show that chemically purified water, after being cleaned, still sends electromagnetic waves with a length characteristic for the data of removed substances, then we don’t have e.g. chlorine, cadmium, lead, aluminum etc., but the harmful vibrations stay. Removing the mechanical and chemical dirt is unfortunately not enough – we need to regain the proper electromagnetic information that is present in nature.

“Natural water” with an original structure is the one that we can see in the icebergs, virgin rivers, clean lakes. In the natural environment water is subjected to the Earth magnetic fields, sun and moon radiation, it flows through different kinds of rocks, dances with a wind, foams, rotates and falls down.

The constant movement and other impacts influence its renewal. Then water carries big amounts of energy and information that are passed to all the living organisms.

The publications of many researches from the late 20th century confirm that water that is deprived of energy or has a small amount of it does not show any organized structures. On the other hand water that has an energetic value has a crystal structure, the so-called hexagonal one. After being frozen it creates beautiful shapes (always based on a hexagon) that are condensed vertically and it builds characteristic groups resembling the quartz crystals. As Masaru Emoto has proven, freezing the plumbing water, at its current loading, usually does not restore its original structure.

The experiences show that improper information coded in water can be deleted.

Not resigning from civilization we can quickly and efficiently restore the lost energy in water using an Austrian device AQUA VITA life known for seven years.

AQUA VITA life  uses the sophisticated laws of nature and restores a real information thanks to which it regains its original structure. The plumbing water – cleansed and then vitalized changes regaining the properties of a spring water.

Using AQUA VITA life increases the quantity of the oxygen dissolved in water, strengthens the reduction processes, positively changes the pH level. What is more, it decreases the use of detergents and chemical substances, eliminates the calcium and rust deposits that are in pipes. It beneficially influences the quality of air conditioning, removes unpleasant scents and does not create any smell.

The long-term researches show that vitalizing water in swimming pools accelerates its cleaning in 50-70%, improves the oxygen transport, eliminates the anaerobic processes, enables decomposition of the organic matter and intensifies the processes of mineralization. It efficiently decreases also the aggressiveness of chlorine, does not let the development of bacteria, algae and fungi.

The “revitalized water” increases the flow of energy and nutrients, oxygenates cells, improves the acid-alkaline balance and accelerates the removal of toxins in each organism.

Energetically proper, organized structurally water carries a lot of energy and information that are delivered to all the living organisms. It plays a beneficial, however still not appreciated role in the functioning of the environment. That is why it is hard to imagine the modern sports, SPA and wellness or plastic medicine centers without such water.

The SPA of the 21st century is not only healthy because of water, but it is also a complex of perfectly synchronized treatments that after few days can completely change our well-being restoring the inner peace and vital energy.

In order to achieve such state it is not necessary to follow even the best program while drinking tap water that is dead and deprived of energy having the mobile phone masts on roofs at the same time.

Author : Dr Grażyna Pająk