In the middle of the twentieth century the medical course books discussed the mycosis caused by the Candida fungi only marginally.

From the medical point of view they were regarded as neutral for the human body. At the same time in the USA the presence of candida could be observed at 4-5% of patients, in Europe the number was much smaller.

After sixty years of intensive civilization development, the disorders of the former state of environmental balance and organisms living inside are so great that in the developed countries the presence of candida is regarded a plague of the 21st century.

By studying about 100 people, over 30 of them have candida in the mouth, 68 of them in the intestines. We can assume that among people being carriers of candida, most of them suffer from candidiasis, so Candida (Candida micosis). Among more than ten types of invasive candida, the most common, but not the only pathogenic fungus, is the Candida ablicans.

Candida ablicans – is a microorganism breeding just as the yeast, by gemmation. It doesn’t need light for living and synthesis of nutrients, it loves humidity and warmth. In the human body it nourishes with pure glucose and amino acids that are absorbed together with nutrients and oxygen. In return it causes a harmful alcoholic fermentation and produces big amounts of carbon dioxide.

By taking over the space of the digestive system the Candida ablicans damages the mucous membrane and villi in the small intestine. When it is multiplied in the guts it does not only diminish a valuable space of absorption of nutrients, but also increases the permeability of the intestine walls causing the intensive diffusion of food allergens (protein-sugar substances, so the glycoproteins) and heavy metals into the bloodstream.

In the attacked organism the mycelium produces enzymes decomposing the protein structures. Thanks to that the remains of the fungus are strongly attached to the cell membranes of the host, can easily travel across the mucous membranes and build around the tissues of the whole body.

In the normal conditions Candida constitutes around 2% of the intestinal bacterial flora in the human body. In the pathological situation, with the uncontrolled breeding and expansion of yeast, it constitutes 60-70% of the intestinal flora!

The latest researches show that the presence of Candida in the human body is one of the most dangerous pathogens that is responsible for many symptoms attributed to other diseases for years.

The most damages caused by Candida are connected to the massive quantity of toxins produced by thallus.

Many substances produced by yeasts belong to the neurotoxins group that negatively impacts the central nervous system. After attacking the brain it causes mostly the depression, emotional instability, tearfulness, indecision, chaos, sudden behaviours, anxiety, anger, carping, aggression.

Other toxins are similar to the pituitary hormone (TSH) that can disturb the whole hormonal system affecting mostly the thyroid functioning.

Damaging the immune system opens door for the bacterial and viral infections. The remains of the damaged cells after being attacked by fungus become food for the pathogenic bacteria, especially the staphylococci and streptococci. Breaking the immune barrier by the attacking microorganisms makes even a small number of bacteria lead to many infections. The further problems are a result of repeated candida infection of mucous membrane which in 80% of the cases leads to the illnesses of the digestive, respiratory, urogenital systems and the internal organs. Despite the allergies, Candida is in 25% directly responsible for all diseases on the surface and in the deeper skin layers.

Candida ablicans  does not only cause many diseases, but also indirectly contributes to their creation.

The fungal infection may manifest itself by diminishing the immunity and sensitivity to infections, but also by many well-known non-specific symptoms that we usually don’t associate with Candida, such as:

  • Somnolence, continuous tiredness
  • Decrease of productivity and concentration ability
  • Apathy, depression
  • Sleep disorders
  • Dizziness, migraines
  • Heart disorders, dyspnea, feeling hot
  • Redness, burning, lacrimation
  • Dark spots under eyes and feeling of image blurring
  • Great hunger
  • Varying weight
  • Food allergies
  • Hypoglycemia (decrease of sugar level)
  • Continuously high level of cholesterol and uric acid
  • Constant deficiency of zinc and (or) iron
  • Muscle and joints pain, collagenosis


In the case of a digestive system these include:

  • Digestive problems, stomach disorders, heartburn
  • Flatulence, felling movements inside stomach
  • Colic pains in the abdomen
  • Rash and itch near the anus
  • Constipation, diarrhea, mucus and lack of formed stool
  • Roemheld disease (stomach-heart disease)
  • Alcohol intolerance
  • Metallic taste and dryness in mouth
  • White deposit on tongue, cracked lips, unpleasant odour from mouth
  • Fatty liver, increased liver values
  • Chronic guts inflammation


When it comes to genitalia these are:

  • Recurring bladder and urinary tracts inflammation
  • Cramps and menstruation pain
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Vaginal fungal infections
  • Unwillingness for sexual contacts
  • Infertility, common miscarriages, impotency


The disorders of the respiratory system are mostly:

  • Problems with maxillary, frontal and sphenoid sinus
  • Recurring viral and bacterial infections of the mucosa of the upper respiratory system
  • Recurring ear inflammation
  • Shortness of breath, feeling lack of air
  • Gasping while breathing, asthma
  • Dryness and itch in the nose
  • Constant hemming
  • Sore throat, larynx irritation, hoarseness, voice aggravation
  • Chronic dry cough
  • Constant spitting a sticky grey or brown liquid
  • Feeling of tension and weight in the chest and upper back


Disorders concerning skin problems include:

  • Dry and flaky skin
  • Excessive sweating at night
  • Swollen face in the morning
  • Nettle-rash
  • Losing hair
  • Eczema, psoriasis, rosacea
  • Rash, pimples, constant skin irritation
  • Atopic eczema (AZS)
  • Athlete’s foot, skin cracking between toes
  • Seborrheic eczema
  • Aptha, mucosa inflammation
  • Unpleasant feet odour
  • “mouse smell” of skin despite regular washing

A big variety and quantity of those symptoms of the fungal infections, that only seem not connected, makes it difficult to make a strict classification of infections caused by yeasts and determine one method of treatment. The most common symptoms concerning the digestive system, respiratory system, genitals, skin or mental disorders are just a drop in the ocean of disorders that can be caused by fungi in the human body.

The researches conducted in the developed countries show that currently more than 65% of the population suffers from the pathologic development of Candida ablicans.

The causes of such a strong dominance of this yeast is often the total weakening of the immune system. On such changes influence have the overused antibiotics, steroids, hormones, contraceptives and painkillers.

Of utmost importance is also the lifestyle and the way of nutrition. The big number of chemical substances added to the processed food, stress, contaminated water without energy, electromagnetic smog make us far away from nature and disrupt the homeostasis balance.

A perfect nutrition for yeast is, for example, sugar, white flour, highly processed, deteriorated food, dead food from microwave ovens, all advertised sweets, fizzy drinks, industrial juices, beer and wine.

The danger of development of Candida is higher because this fungus “loves” wet mucosa and when it is excessively developed, it attacks not only the digestive system, but also other membranes around the organs in the whole body.

When it produces toxins in different parts of the body, it destroys also the immunity – causing the vicious circle – the weaker the immune system is, the higher is the vulnerability to the viruses, bacteria and fungi attacks.

The scientific researches  claim for many years that: depression, hormonal disorders, allergic reactions, recurring infections, chronic anemia, diarrhea, constipations, eczema, migraine, vision problems, autoimmunological diseases and cancers are normally intensified by the uncontrolled development of Candida. However we remain deaf to it and we ignore this problems by removing them temporarily with antibiotics, steroids or painkillers. By making the same mistakes all over again we strengthen the degradation of our internal environments and we don’t give it a chance for a better life.

Despite the fact that we take care of our gardens, we fertilize the plants and treat the flowers, we still are unable to believe that the proper food is the base of appearance and functioning of each living organism, including a man.

In order to fight mycosis and help each other, we should say good bye (at least for some time) to the maximally processed food. By using a conscious program of regenerating the intestines first we should eliminate food that accelerates the pathological development of Candida ablicans.

In relation to this, we should avoid:

  • Margarine, all butter-like fats, refined oils, bought mayonnaise, all products fried on the universal oils, because they negatively affect the structure of the cell membranes, the tightness of intestines and the content of fat in blood
  • Honey, sugar, products made of white cleansed flour and rice, processed carbohydrates – chocolate, bars, candies, cookies, ice-cream, sweet desserts, overcooked pasta, white rolls, etc – because they are perfect for fungi. Additionally, at the excessive consumption of cleansed carbohydrates we acidify the body, which accelerates the functioning of the kidneys, causes the removal of calcium, phosphor, iron and zinc with urine and creates even a better environment for them
  • Potatoes, juices and fruit products as well as sweet fruit
  • All the yeast-based products
  • Beer, alcohol, all fizzy drinks
  • Vinegar, vinegar products, marinades, mustard and ketchup
  • Milk, milk products, processed and blue cheese
  • Cold meat and read meat of mass production
  • Canned and breaded fish
  • Soya and all soya products


So what can we eat ?

The allowed food includes: kefir, sour milk, yoghurt, natural buttermilk with active cultures of bacteria(without the powdered milk, sugar and fruit!), but most preferably with a spoon of natural, cold-pressed flaxseed oil. Rural eggs in any form. Ecological meat (without antibiotics) includes: rabbit, chicken, turkey, sometimes a home-made loin, venison and fish. Necessary are fresh and frozen vegetables, legumes (except soya), not too sour natural pickles, but without vinegar and sugar. All drinks, including – natural vegetable juices, herbal, green, red, rooybos tea, drunk without sugar.

For drinking we use especially still, structural water.

The cereal products that we can eat include millet, buckwheat, light and dark, quinoa, amaranthus, dark rice, gluten-free bread, only sourdough – without yeast, the pasta made of rice flour.

Not rotten walnuts, almonds, desiccated coconut, home-sprouted sunflower and radish. The legume seeds, only after soaking in water with salt and home-made wine vinegar first. Fats include clarified butter, cold-pressed oils, especially flaxseed, rice, pumpkin oils, but also the olive oil.

Most of people suffering from fungal infections is tired, unwilling, depressed and generally broken. That is why following even a few weeks of therapy may not seem attractive. But despite all, it is worth it, because the key to success is to rebuild the beneficial bacterial flora in the intestines.

We must remember that our problems did not appear one day and we need time to regenerate. The patience pays off. Despite better and worse moments that will appear during the therapy, the state of organism will systematically improve.


(9 – 12 weeks on average)

During the first three weeks, in addition to the properly adjusted diet, we use Omega 3 or primrose, natural mineral-vitaminic extracts based on herbs and enzymes, preparations containing lactic acid bacteria. In order to remove mycosis we need the PauD’arco preparation and colloidal silver.

In the second phase, after the improvement of our mood, we gradually introduce berry fruit between the meals, we can use also grapefruit. By using the previous set of preparations, we complement it with the calcium-magnesium extracts and natural herbal products that reinforce the nervous system.

At least after six weeks we feel better and we can go to the next phase.

In the third phase we can introduce meals based on flour, especially the ecological products.

We still use the prophylactic bacteria of lactic acid and the supplementation with mineral-vitaminic-herbal products.

We can’t forget about PauD’arco that is with us up to minimum 12 weeks.

During the treatment we should drink a lot of water and do not forget about the exercises, recreation and walking in the sun and fresh air.

During my sixteen years of practice I have written several articles about Candida. However for many years I go back to the same method, because the one that cleans the intestines and the whole body, which I developed years ago, is the most effective. The efficiency of this treatment depends mostly on our discipline, however the gained effects and the improvement of our mood are worth it.

The strict following of the rules of therapy combined with relaxation and other natural methods of regeneration give perfect effects leading the body to the state of balance. The most efficient preparations that additionally support the removal of fungus include – argan oil drops, grapefruit seeds extract, Noni fruit juice, aloes water extract and garlic supplements. All of them are very helpful and, when used interchangeably, they are a perfect complement of the method described above. For the consolation we have the xylitol – a safe sweetener made of birchwood – that does not only give a sweet taste, but also effectively fights infections.

For people who has suffered from this infection for many years a systematic therapy is not always enough, but then the whole program is set individually.

When talking about mycosis of the intestines we should also take into consideration the most commonly recommended treatment of hydrocolonotherapy. It concerns rinsing the large intestine with a cleansed, filtered and warmed water under a small pressure. This treatment is beneficial, but should be conducted with utmost care!

  • Only people who are sure that their intestines are not damaged in any part can undergo the treatment
  • We must check whether the water used is clean and has a proper structure (if it is vitalized), because only this kind of water can protect us from inflammations and development of fungi in the intestines.
  • We should prepare ourselves for the treatment with a proper diet
  • After the treatment, additionally during 7-10 days we should complement the diet with products containing living lactic acid rods that will fill the bacterial flora.

According to me also the gravitational hegars without any specialized supervision are safe and efficient and we are sure that we do not harm ourselves.

Many biologists proved that fungi have a highly developed and extremely sensitive system of receiving external stimuli and their own way of collecting and remembering the information that are transmitted.

For centuries, when the Earth was naturally balanced, the whole ecosystem was ordered, no fungi were developed excessively and the toxins produced by them (mycotoxins) did not poison the environment.

From the moment of massive chemical substances flooding the environment, especially of: artificial fertilizers, herbicides, preservatives, colorants, antibiotics, hormones and millions of synthetic medicines – the balanced has been shaken – the artificial chemical substances became an ally of the fungi in the fight against the environment. The problem is that serious because this process is driven by the regularly destroyed water structure and artificial magnetic fields… Will candida destroy us?… It depends on us, on our awareness of the danger and ability to use the natural methods in order to return the homeosthasis state. If we fail to do this, we will be beaten by fungi…

 Author : Dr Grażyna Pająk