In connection to the ecological report “Go green. Polish people and ecology” prepared by the DUKA brand I was invited to comment the questions as one of the experts. This year as part of the project 1800 consumers were surveyed […]
In the news category you will find information about events involving DrGrace, her lectures and the dates of Healthy Week branded workshops
In connection to the ecological report “Go green. Polish people and ecology” prepared by the DUKA brand I was invited to comment the questions as one of the experts. This year as part of the project 1800 consumers were surveyed […]
Below is the last episode of thebroadcast straight from Chicago, in which we are talking with Ewa Staniszewska about how to deal with the body after the festive overeating, picnics, barbecue and long weekends, which probably gave way to many […]
For ten years, four times a year, dr Grażyna Pająk invites to the “Healthy week” combining the body cleansing, regeneration and safe weight loss included in the eight-days holiday with the nutrition course in Szczyrk. The proper author’s diet, relaxation, […]
We have it! Broadcast from London in # wietrzneradio Chciago! Let’s hope that the next ones will be recorded with #EwaStaniszewska live in Chciago! #DGDHEALTHACADEMY again present in the media this time overseas !
To listen the broadcast from a radio station WIETRZNE RADIO Chicago (USA). Dr Grace and Ewa Staniszewska are talking. The theme of this program is whether you can beat cancer and if every bite is really important for our health.
SKŁADNIKI : Składniki przewidziane są na 1l koncentratu, który wystarcza na około tydzień dla trzech osób. 8 – 12 cytryn (w zależności od tego jak bardzo są soczyste) 4 limonki szklanka wody (250 ml) 2 korzenie imbiru (średniej wielkości) 2 […]
Stworzyliśmy DGD HEALTH ACADEMY – Akademia Zdrowia DrGrace, która pomoże Ci wybrać najlepszy sposób na rozpoczęcie zmiany stylu życia w kierunku zdrowia i dobrego samopoczucia. Chcemy pokazać Ci, że to ty tu rządzisz ! . Możesz panować nad swoim zdrowiem […]
The vitamin C does not only support us in fight against cold. It also makes us younger, we have better skin, stronger bones and more energy. How much of it do we need and in what form we should take […]
The modern life in the urban agglomerations is so far away from the nature that our body cannot accept it. Stress, lack of physical activity, small amount of drunk water, improper nourishment, growing number of fumes, electromagnetic smog and noise […]
You cannot escape the electromagnetic smog. Ecology describes the interdependences between living organisms and their environment. This is a very trendy topic, but is it really understood correctly? Most people do not notice any link between the environment and the […]
Interviews Beata Pawłowicz How not to develop cancer, how to recover despite bad diagnosis and how to avoid the recurrence ? The conventional medicine does not know the answer. The cellular medicine claims that it is food that matters, so […]
VERY EVENING SCHOOL BROADCAST DrGrace together with The Editor Anetta Chlebica-Zawada are talking about CANDIDA – that is, they deal with the plague of fungi that attack us. Evening broadcast is a continuation of the morning program WE CAN HANDLE […]
We eat more and more rubbish. Interview with biologist and nutritionist Grazyna Pajak PhD In shops there’s plenty of food filled with chemical substances, some of which are even hard to pronounce. Do we know what we eat ? Do […]
Największe kulinarne wydarzenie roku już niebawem! II edycja festiwalu kulinarnego GOOD FOOD FEST odbędzie się dniach 21-23.06.2013, na terenie warszawskiej Królikarni. GOOD FOOD FEST 2013 to rodzinny festiwal skierowany do laików, smakoszy oraz profesjonalistów. Na miejscu ponad 50 kulinarnych osobowości […]
What our health depends on – genes or a lifestyle ? The newest technology let us look closer at nature and be amazed with the wonders it created. While wandering around the world, watching films and reading we can admire […]
Almost half of our life is spent with an artificial light watching the sun from behind the hermetic windows and soundproof buildings. Our bodies more often discover materials unknown to the nature. The flats and buildings are decorated with artificial […]