You cannot escape the electromagnetic smog. Ecology describes the interdependences between living organisms and their environment. This is a very trendy topic, but is it really understood correctly?

Most people do not notice any link between the environment and the condition of their bodies. I think that Thomas Edison himself, putting on his first light bulb 132 years ago, was not aware how much the world would be changed.

The age of electricity has accelerated the civilization development, but it has kept separating us from nature more and more efficiently and has not been able to force our bodies to entire acceptance of the new environment.

We spend nearly two thirds of our lives in artificial light, watching the sun through windows of air-conditioned rooms. Our bodies more and more often are clothed in materials unknown to the nature, while apartments and offices are decorated by artificial flowers, plastic furniture and panels, synthetic paints and adhesives. We are prisoners of air-conditioning, water and sewage systems, and moreover, we cannot live any more without cars, telephones, radio or computers.

We have been talking about ecology for a long time, but still every year the number of toxins and technical solutions harmful to health has been growing. In the 21st century one can clearly notice the adverse effects of stimuli attacking the human body: headaches, itchy eyes, decreased resistance, irritation, aggression, exhaustion, fear, confusion and growing stress level – constitute our daily life, to which our bodies protest with increasing intensity.

One can observe that when companies move their offices from an old building into a modern, hermetic, air-conditioned office tower, there is a rapid deterioration of the personnel wellbeing and sickness rate increases on average by 30 percent.

The „sick building syndrome”, the „chronic fatigue syndrome”, the „burnout syndrome”, the “leaking gut syndrome” the „carpal tunnel syndrome”, the „legionnaires disease” are just some of the ailments attributed to intensive work in facilities such as modern office towers, banks and hotels

Scientific research confirms that life processes are regulated by the natural environment. While the geopathic zones and artificial electromagnetic fields lead into functional disorders in living organisms.

Nowadays most people in the world are continuously surrounded by artificial electromagnetic waves emitted by millions of utility electrical appliances, radio and TV transmitters, radiolocation and transformer stations, electrical systems, high voltage lines, the Bluetooth, wireless internet, GPRS transmitters, EDGE, etc. These devices emit artificial electromagnetic fields that overlap, thus forming the electromagnetic smog. The commutation of the generated fields exceeds 100-200 million times the natural electromagnetic background of the 19th century!

At the age of computerization and cellular telecommunications development this issue applies to all of us, especially in cities, where there is really no escape  …

“We enter the high-tech age with the structure of a primeval man” – wrote Prof. Ulrich Warnke in his book “The Risk to Your Health”. This is the price of modern civilization, even though already in the 80s the WHO experts were warning about the growing risks.

Unfortunately, we cannot see or sense the electromagnetic waves that directly penetrate our bodies; we do not develop either any defence mechanisms against their impact. Harmful effects of the electromagnetic smog exposure often occur following a latency period. That is why so often bad health condition and diseases are hardly ever connoted with the impact of harmful radiation. Regular exposure to the smog at first is perceived as excessive sleepiness, irritation, decreased concentration span.

Then they are followed by chronic fatigue, dizziness and headaches, blocked or running nose, dried out mucosa of the eyes and throat, shortness of breath, sleep and memory, later general weakness.

Hundreds of research studies prove the harmful impact on the electromagnetic radiation on the immunological and endocrine systems, the enzyme synthesis, the nervous system, the learning capacity or on our behaviours.

While we fail to link the facts, and carelessly keep building houses under high voltage lines, install antenna towers on the roof of houses, in front of kindergartens, schools, hotels, offices or hospitals.

It has been already proven that the invisible electromagnetic environment impacts every life stage of an organism. However each of us has individual sensitivity to disruptions in one’s own body rhythms and different vulnerability to the environmental stimuli. Years of observations have proven that due to neglecting the hazards and prolonged exposure to harmful radiation, these symptoms apply to everyone to certain degree. Most often allergies intensify, diseases develop, such as nervous system disorders, leukaemia, cysts, ulster, circulatory and digestive system disorders, infertility, impotence, etc.

The need for improving the life comfort one’s health has never been so high as nowadays.

The issue of the electromagnetic smog (even though often neglected), has become known enough that even exclusive cosmetic companies take into consideration protective cosmetics for skin grey with the impact of artificial electromagnetic waves

Each form of „getting closer to nature” in the modern world is invaluable. In daily life we should be surrounded with nature wherever possible. Including silk, cotton, woollen fabrics clothing our bodies, through “vitalized water”, natural food, wooden furniture, genuine candles and fresh flowers. Each form of contact with nature is also wonderfully healthy.

The VITA Tronic ambience harmoniser is a well-proven solution. This device is the simplest way for harmonized ambiance both in houses, apartments and hotels, as well as spas factories, offices, banks, schools, hospitals, clinics, and any other premises where we are exposed to the electromagnetic smog.

VITA Tronic provides harmonious equalizing of the magnetic field without the radius of 50 m.

Natural frequencies generated by the device, resonating with Earth magnetic field, create more balanced fields that reduce the negative impact of geopathic radiation and of the electromagnetic smog. One VITA Tronic unit is sufficient for a double-storey office or residential buildings and for its external surroundings.

While using VITA Tronic soon in the premises there is noticeable neutralization of the geopathic radiation and electromagnetic smog, change in the air ionization, improved efficiency of air-conditioning and the sense of harmony.

People spending time in such premises can notice: limited aggression, decreased, irritation, and elimination of chronic fatigue. They can enjoy better concentration and higher work efficiency, cheerfulness and better mood, higher resistance, improved health condition, sound, healthy and refreshing sleep, and as a result – better quality of life.

With the current progress, the harmoniser gives a chance for returning to nature without the need to give up civilization. In hotel premises and SPA centres it provides the ambience for unlimited rest, refreshing both mentally and physically, despite the presence of electrical appliances, computer networks, cellular antenna towers, high voltage lines, etc. VITA Tronic, even though it uses only the natural laws, is fully protected by patents, has gained many certificates and prizes. This device received a very positive opinion from the International Research Institute of Electromagnetic Exposures (IIREC – Austria). VITA Tronic is manually produced in Austria. Because of its high effectiveness, for five years it has become increasingly more appreciated by customers, both in Poland and in Europe. Individual orders can be placed for VITA Tronic XXL harmonising the area with the radius of 1 km.



Grażyna Pająk, PhD

Biologist, nutritionist, natural therapist. Professor at the Bielsko-Biała College of Józef Tyszkiewicz.                    Author of numerous scientific publications and press articles.

More info: Distributor for Poland AQUAcell

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