To listen a short broadcast (part 2) from the WIETRZNE RADIO station in CHICAGO (USA). Dr. Grace and Ewa Staniszewska talking.
The theme of the program is acidification of the body, which is an increasing problem of people living in highly developed and developing countries.
DrGRACE TEAM August 11th, 2015
Dr Grażyna Pająk (DrGrace) is talking with Bożena Klimus about tailor – made menu – that means about your metabolic IQ.
Dr Grażyna Pająk she spoke mainly about :
The program is also available on the Polish Television website.
We invite you to watch and comment ! See you on the air !
DrGRACE TEAM August 11th, 2015
You cannot escape the electromagnetic smog. Ecology describes the interdependences between living organisms and their environment. This is a very trendy topic, but is it really understood correctly?
Most people do not notice any link between the environment and the condition of their bodies. I think that Thomas Edison himself, putting on his first light bulb 132 years ago, was not aware how much the world would be changed.
The age of electricity has accelerated the civilization development, but it has kept separating us from nature more and more efficiently and has not been able to force our bodies to entire acceptance of the new environment.
We spend nearly two thirds of our lives in artificial light, watching the sun through windows of air-conditioned rooms. Our bodies more and more often are clothed in materials unknown to the nature, while apartments and offices are decorated by artificial flowers, plastic furniture and panels, synthetic paints and adhesives. We are prisoners of air-conditioning, water and sewage systems, and moreover, we cannot live any more without cars, telephones, radio or computers.
We have been talking about ecology for a long time, but still every year the number of toxins and technical solutions harmful to health has been growing. In the 21st century one can clearly notice the adverse effects of stimuli attacking the human body: headaches, itchy eyes, decreased resistance, irritation, aggression, exhaustion, fear, confusion and growing stress level – constitute our daily life, to which our bodies protest with increasing intensity.
One can observe that when companies move their offices from an old building into a modern, hermetic, air-conditioned office tower, there is a rapid deterioration of the personnel wellbeing and sickness rate increases on average by 30 percent.
The „sick building syndrome”, the „chronic fatigue syndrome”, the „burnout syndrome”, the “leaking gut syndrome” the „carpal tunnel syndrome”, the „legionnaires disease” are just some of the ailments attributed to intensive work in facilities such as modern office towers, banks and hotels
Scientific research confirms that life processes are regulated by the natural environment. While the geopathic zones and artificial electromagnetic fields lead into functional disorders in living organisms.
Nowadays most people in the world are continuously surrounded by artificial electromagnetic waves emitted by millions of utility electrical appliances, radio and TV transmitters, radiolocation and transformer stations, electrical systems, high voltage lines, the Bluetooth, wireless internet, GPRS transmitters, EDGE, etc. These devices emit artificial electromagnetic fields that overlap, thus forming the electromagnetic smog. The commutation of the generated fields exceeds 100-200 million times the natural electromagnetic background of the 19th century!
At the age of computerization and cellular telecommunications development this issue applies to all of us, especially in cities, where there is really no escape …
“We enter the high-tech age with the structure of a primeval man” – wrote Prof. Ulrich Warnke in his book “The Risk to Your Health”. This is the price of modern civilization, even though already in the 80s the WHO experts were warning about the growing risks.
Unfortunately, we cannot see or sense the electromagnetic waves that directly penetrate our bodies; we do not develop either any defence mechanisms against their impact. Harmful effects of the electromagnetic smog exposure often occur following a latency period. That is why so often bad health condition and diseases are hardly ever connoted with the impact of harmful radiation. Regular exposure to the smog at first is perceived as excessive sleepiness, irritation, decreased concentration span.
Then they are followed by chronic fatigue, dizziness and headaches, blocked or running nose, dried out mucosa of the eyes and throat, shortness of breath, sleep and memory, later general weakness.
Hundreds of research studies prove the harmful impact on the electromagnetic radiation on the immunological and endocrine systems, the enzyme synthesis, the nervous system, the learning capacity or on our behaviours.
While we fail to link the facts, and carelessly keep building houses under high voltage lines, install antenna towers on the roof of houses, in front of kindergartens, schools, hotels, offices or hospitals.
It has been already proven that the invisible electromagnetic environment impacts every life stage of an organism. However each of us has individual sensitivity to disruptions in one’s own body rhythms and different vulnerability to the environmental stimuli. Years of observations have proven that due to neglecting the hazards and prolonged exposure to harmful radiation, these symptoms apply to everyone to certain degree. Most often allergies intensify, diseases develop, such as nervous system disorders, leukaemia, cysts, ulster, circulatory and digestive system disorders, infertility, impotence, etc.
The need for improving the life comfort one’s health has never been so high as nowadays.
The issue of the electromagnetic smog (even though often neglected), has become known enough that even exclusive cosmetic companies take into consideration protective cosmetics for skin grey with the impact of artificial electromagnetic waves
Each form of „getting closer to nature” in the modern world is invaluable. In daily life we should be surrounded with nature wherever possible. Including silk, cotton, woollen fabrics clothing our bodies, through “vitalized water”, natural food, wooden furniture, genuine candles and fresh flowers. Each form of contact with nature is also wonderfully healthy.
The VITA Tronic ambience harmoniser is a well-proven solution. This device is the simplest way for harmonized ambiance both in houses, apartments and hotels, as well as spas factories, offices, banks, schools, hospitals, clinics, and any other premises where we are exposed to the electromagnetic smog.
VITA Tronic provides harmonious equalizing of the magnetic field without the radius of 50 m.
Natural frequencies generated by the device, resonating with Earth magnetic field, create more balanced fields that reduce the negative impact of geopathic radiation and of the electromagnetic smog. One VITA Tronic unit is sufficient for a double-storey office or residential buildings and for its external surroundings.
While using VITA Tronic soon in the premises there is noticeable neutralization of the geopathic radiation and electromagnetic smog, change in the air ionization, improved efficiency of air-conditioning and the sense of harmony.
People spending time in such premises can notice: limited aggression, decreased, irritation, and elimination of chronic fatigue. They can enjoy better concentration and higher work efficiency, cheerfulness and better mood, higher resistance, improved health condition, sound, healthy and refreshing sleep, and as a result – better quality of life.
With the current progress, the harmoniser gives a chance for returning to nature without the need to give up civilization. In hotel premises and SPA centres it provides the ambience for unlimited rest, refreshing both mentally and physically, despite the presence of electrical appliances, computer networks, cellular antenna towers, high voltage lines, etc. VITA Tronic, even though it uses only the natural laws, is fully protected by patents, has gained many certificates and prizes. This device received a very positive opinion from the International Research Institute of Electromagnetic Exposures (IIREC – Austria). VITA Tronic is manually produced in Austria. Because of its high effectiveness, for five years it has become increasingly more appreciated by customers, both in Poland and in Europe. Individual orders can be placed for VITA Tronic XXL harmonising the area with the radius of 1 km.
Grażyna Pająk, PhD
Biologist, nutritionist, natural therapist. Professor at the Bielsko-Biała College of Józef Tyszkiewicz. Author of numerous scientific publications and press articles.
More info: Distributor for Poland AQUAcell
tel. (32) 210 77 98, 603 220 034 Email:
DrGRACE TEAM August 11th, 2015
Tags: bezpłodność, białaczka, elektryczność, guzy mózgu, harmonizacja przestrzeni, mózg, rak, smog, smog elektromagnetyczny, szkodliwe promieniowanie, telefon komórkowy, układ nerwowy, Wi-Fi
GLUTEN – jest niekorzystnym dla nas białkiem, które znajdziemy przede wszystkim w pszenicy, życie, pszenżycie, płatkach owsianych (na skutek zanieczyszczeń – sam owies jako roślina nie zawiera glutenu) i w jęczmieniu.
Pierwszego wysiewu zboża dokonano ok. 13000 lat temu w Syrii, co na zawsze zmieniło tryb życia człowieka. Możliwość uprawy roli sprawiła, że ludzie mogli osiąść w jednym miejscu. Pszenica, jako kaloryczny i wygodny zapychacz, pozwalała ludziom przeżyć bez polowania, jednak już wtedy spożywanie jej w nadmiarze było niekorzystne dla człowieka. Pierwsze zapiski dotyczące występowania celiakii, czyli gluteno-zależnej choroby trzewnej, sięgają już roku 100 n.e.
Obecnie gluten najczęściej spożywamy pod postacią pieczywa (chleb, bułki, popularne ciabatty, pity, tortille, rogaliki francuskie, hot-dogi, hamburgery), pizzy, makaronów a nawet w formie chipsów (nie zawsze już ziemniaczanych). Jednak najbardziej szkodliwy jest gluten z pszenicy.
Zmiany genetyczne dokonane na pszenicy i innych roślinach w ostatnich 50 latach okazały się prawdziwą puszką Pandory. Spożywanie coraz większych ilości produktów pszenicznych, także PEŁNOZIARNISTYCH, doprowadziło do globalnej epidemii chorób, zwłaszcza w krajach tzw. wysoko rozwiniętych i rozwijających się.
Zgodnie z badaniami naukowymi z ostatnich dwóch dekad spożywanie nowej, „lepszej” pszenicy i jej pochodnych nasila wiele zaburzeń powodujących otyłość brzuszną, cukrzycę, zwyrodnienia stawów, nadwagę, padaczkę, schizofrenię, zaburzenia pracy mózgu, demencję, przedwczesne procesy starzenia, białaczkę i wiele innych chorób, których najczęściej nie łączymy w ogóle ze spożywanymi pokarmami, a już do rzadkości należy przypisywanie ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCI za te schorzenia ciasteczkom czy reklamowanemu JAKO „ZDROWE” pieczywu pełnoziarnistemu.
Współczesna pszenica zawiera 75–80% węglowodanów, 10–15% białek. GLUTEN stanowi 80% wszystkich białek w pszenicy, obejmuje ich dwie główne rodziny: glutein i gliadyn.Według badań naukowców poszczególne składniki pszenicy powodują :
DrGRACE TEAM August 11th, 2015
Posted In: STORE,
Interviews Beata Pawłowicz
How not to develop cancer, how to recover despite bad diagnosis and how to avoid the recurrence ?
The conventional medicine does not know the answer. The cellular medicine claims that it is food that matters, so the appropriate nutrition of the organism cells. Their state is the health condition or a cause of many diseases.
Why a diet heals and is effective in over 90 percent of cases – explains dr. GRAŻYNA PAJĄK, dietician, natural therapist, endoecologist.
Beata Pawłowicz: In the case of cancer the conventional medicine is usually powerless. The diet in hospitals can be called only: light. I heard a doctor who advised a man with cancer: “Go to KFC and strengthen up before the chemotherapy”.
G.P. : More and more people with cancer problems come to my office because they are totally lost. In hospitals they learn that nutrition does not matter and they can eat everything. There are however those with similar problems who are in good form and they learn that food is an additional chance to recover.
So they come and ask what to do. They do not remember from the biology classes that nutrition is supplying the body with nutrients which are needed by every cell to function, work and regenerate. That is the basis of health because we are built of 80-100 billion of those living bricks. It is their state that decides about the state of health. Already in 1990 the World Health Organisation (WHO) stated that the problems with health begin on the cellular level.
At the same time the comparative studies of the food from 1908 and 1978 showed that the number of nutrients diminished in those years by 40-70 percent. Why? We use fertilizers, herbicides and chemical substances in each phase of production, we fasten the process of fruit maturing, we preserve them and conduct extreme farming. It all makes us eat food that does not possess the essential values in proper quantities and proportions, they disturb the metabolic processes and the balance of the organism.
B.P. : Are our dishes so bad ?
G.P. : Oh, they are ! We cannot cheat the cells, but we can do it to the mind and that is why we don’t often buy good food. Bread, milk, cheese, meat, sweets, etc. resemble food of the 20th century only by the name. Can the real milk stay on a shelf for 6 months? No, but for a modern man it is a standard. Every year in food we consume 7-9 kg of cultivators, fillers, artificial colorants, flavour and odour additions, preservatives, sweeteners, etc. In EU the food includes about 170 tonnes of aroma. The effects are allergies, inflammations of stomach and intestines, hyperactivity, insomnia, pressure disorders, etc. The deficiency of the nutrients and the excess of toxins are the first steps to the immunity disorders and then to cancer. The conventional medicine wants to avoid and treat cancer on the organ level and you talk about the treatment on the cellular level.
Each organism is build of cells inside which occur all the processes, that is why the way they function decides about our health. Each cell must maintain a proper quantity of nutrients, because only then it has a chance to create energy on the membrane and function properly. A healthy cell has the medium potential of 120 milivolts, a rheumatoid cell has only 40 and a cancerous one – only 20. That is why so important is the valuable food not poisoned with chemical substances as well as the natural supplements filling the deficient, e.g. of omega-3. If the nutrition is so important, why in the hospital menu there are only canned meat, cookies, milk, etc.?
Everything is upside down. The doctors are not taught about the diets and they do not have time for that. The academic medicine still does not treat the nutrition as a part of therapy, despite the fact that the studies show that the immune system is strengthened when it is supported by the conscious and proper nutrition. I often work with people who are in the process of chemotherapy and it turns out that with the proper diet they endure it better, have better results and after years they are not affected by recurrences. When we treat only with chemo, radiation and other academic methods and do not notice the nutrition, environment, stress neutralisation, we do not lead our bodies to the homeostasis (balance). We just remove the symptoms, but the cause remains so that is why it is difficult to fully recover. The chemo destroys the bacteria, viruses, fungi, it removes the causes of many disorders, but if we do not eat properly, the weakened body regenerates weakly.
B.P. : When we treat only with chemo, radiation and other academic methods and do not notice the nutrition, environment, stress neutralisation, we do not lead our bodies to the homeostasis.
So the cause of many illnesses, including cancer, is the poisoning and malnutrition of the cells ?
G.P. : Yes, cellular medicine is known for over a hundred years, it is just omitted. Already at the beginning of the 20th century, Ilja Miecznikow, a winner of the Nobel Prize, thought that the chronic diseases are caused by the disruption of the microbial flora of the digestive system and the digestive disorders come from the strong rotting processes and the secondary absorption of toxins. That is why the first step that I recommend to people with cancer is cleansing the body of the deposits from what is left after the metabolic processes, medicines and chemical substances from the environment.
Over the last 50 years, because of the common use of the antibiotics, steroids, hormones, preservatives, plant fats of the multiply pressing, wheat gluten, we let spreading of the leaky gut syndrome. It is caused also by the Candidy plague. This fungus damages the mucous tissue of the digestive system and the villi in the small intestine what increases the permeability of the intestine walls causing the diffusion of the food allergens and heavy metals to the bloodstream. When I completed my studies people said that a few percent of the population has problems with fungal diseases, today it is about 65 percent of people in the highly developed countries.
B.P. : In what way the leaky gut syndrome is responsible for the development of e.g. the lung cancer ?
G.P. : When the walls of the guts are leaky, the digested parts of food go into the bloodstream instead of the liver. And if in blood there are the foreign particles, for example the milk proteins, the organism produces antibodies that have to block them. In this way the immunological complexes are created and they are stored in the form of the deposits, e.g. in the joints, respiratory tracts, etc. When the organism builds the foreign particles into the cells, many times does not recognise them as its own and attacks them. In this way the self aggression begins, the organism destroys the cells of its own body. It is often the beginning of diseases such as the multiple sclerosis, hashimoto, ulcerative guts inflammation, psoriasis, inflammations and many more. It also causes the weakened immunity so opens the gates for cancer. In order to prevent it, the necessary is the diet that will lead the organism to balance, harmonise the metabolic processes of the cells. Since 1996 I have conducted cleansing-regenerating workshops and I see how the participants function differently already after a week. Health and good mood are possible thanks to the constant renewal of the organism. Every day we “change” about 1,5-2 kg of the body weight. This fast pace of restoration ensures us that each organism can be regenerated.
B.P. : Where should we begin our fight for health ?
G.P. : The diet is adjusted individually, but each cleansing should begin with eliminating the harmful ingredients. Most of all we should get rid of the processed food including: sugars, wheat with a very harmful gluten, margarine, all the butter-like fats and universal oils. We must remember that the processed and hardened plant oil fasten the degenerative changes and the aging of cells. We should also get rid of the refined oils of multiply pressing. We do not use the sunflower, soya, corn and grape seeds oils because they contain excess of omega-6 acids that may cause the risk of inflammations, atherosclerosis, cancer and the neurological diseases. However the seemingly healthy rapeseed oil contains the harmful erucic acid.
B.P. : So which oils and fats should we eat ?
G.P. : Our grandmothers made oil e.g. by crashing the flax seeds in the mortar. Exactly the cold pressed oils are the most valuable for our bodies, especially because they contain the omega-3 acids which are anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-cancer. Those fatty acids do not only inhibit the illness development, but are also the reason to remove the already existing disorders increasing the so-called cell immunity. The latest studies show that with a properly adjusted oils of the omega-3 group the chemotherapeutic means are more effective and they protect the healthy cells at the same time. Another source of the polyunsaturated fatty acid omega-3 are the cold-water fish and sea mammals as well as the oil, but that cold-pressed one. Also the milk fat is valuable when it comes to the regeneration of the cell membranes. The natural butter (despite its bad PR is necessary for the proper work of the brain) and clarified butter are the easiest digested animal fat.
B.P. : And what about eggs ?
G.P. : Only those from the happy hens – the country eggs in any form or those signed “0” or “1”. In a diet very important factor is the relation of omega-3 acids to omega-6. It should be 1:3 and long time ago the nature in a natural way controlled those proportions. The animals and plants living in a natural environment have much more omega-6 acids in their cells. For example, the eggs from the happy hens are a proportion 1:4, from the caged ones it is 1:19.
B.P. : And now for the dairy. The Chinese medicine does not recommend it accusing it to be the cause of inflammations.
G.P. : We should get rid of the dairy products with powdered milk, low-fat milk, imitations of the milk products, the processed or blue cheese. In the case of the cancerous problems we should use only the organic food, dairy is unfortunately not good for everyone. But when we choose it, I propose the products of the small companies, especially made of the milk of animals grazed on pastures. Sometimes we may eat the naturally soured milk, kefir and buttermilk with live intestinal bacteria, but always without addition of powdered milk, sugar and fruit. Sometimes we may add to a diet the home-made cheese made of the fermented milk.
B.P. : What about meat, vegetables and cereals ?
G.P. : We should get rid of the highly processed meat spams, sausages, pate, all the highly efficient cold meat, red meat.
Out of the animal products we can eat fresh fish (except for panga, butter fish, farmed salmon). Out of meat: ecological rabbits, chicken, turkey or a good venison. Necessary are also the legumes (except for soya), pickles but not so sour, without vinegar and sugar. Out of the cereals we can eat products from the full milling, groats (millet, buckwheat, quinoa, amaranthus, red and brown rice). The bread should be rye (without additions) or buckwheat, fermented, pasta made of the buckwheat or rice flour. The diet may be enriched by the non-musty walnuts, almonds, desiccated coconut, sprouted sunflower and radish.
The American Cancer Society indicates that the fish oil may help fighting malnutrition and accompanying cancer. According to the recent studies, adding fish oil to the diet may prevent weight and muscle loss which is common among people with cancer undergoing the chemotherapy.
B.P. : Diet like a revolution! Many people may ask what the lung or brain diseases have to do with intestines ?
G.P. : Everything that happens in our bodies depends on the functioning of our intestines. Their work decides about our immunity and what goes into the cells. The studies show that he higher number of lymphocytes is in the digestive system – especially in the small intestine. It is there that the immune system on the territory bigger than our body functions protecting us from many harmful substances coming from each meal. When digestion is abnormal, there are a lot of gases and rotting food remains in the intestine and they systematically disturb the process of absorption, overloading and weakening the immune system. Additionally, from the point of view of the quantum physics, no part of our body remains without any influence on the others, what happens in our intestines influences both lungs and brain. Already Hippocrates said: “We won’t understand what is disease if we don’t know what nutrition is”. I know that if we change diet we recover health…
B.P. : You have worked for more than ten years in PAN as a biologist. In what way has your interest in diet started ?
G.P. : For almost half of my life I have asthma. Since I was five I have had all possible kinds of inflammations of the higher respiratory tracts, constant cough and allergies. When I was in my early thirties I would end up in an oxygen tent and with the invalidity pension – the pneumatological clinic was powerless. And then, after 27 years of the illness, I finally started to fight, as a biologist I decided to bring my body to homeostasis. After two weeks of using natural therapies I felt better, after two months of intensive work I eliminated asthma. I couldn’t believe, for a year I still carried the medicines in my bag, just for case. Many years have passed since that day and my illness did not come back… The spirit of a scientist was fighting, I spent another years on complementing my knowledge. After 25 years I know that we don’t have to be ill, the health depends mostly on us.
DrGRACE TEAM August 11th, 2015
Sposób wykonania :
Jajko od biegającej kury wrzuć do gotującej wody na dwie minuty. Po tym czasie wyciągnij jajko i daj do zimnej wody.
(Jeżeli nie ma przeciwwskazań, majonez można również robić z surowego jajka.)
Przygotuj :
Do słoika lub dużego kubka wlej jajko, dodaj :
Do mieszaniny wolno wlewaj olej i miksuj. W momencie gdy majonez jest bardzo gęsty dolej 2-3 łyżek schłodzonej wody dalej miksując.
* wszystkie składniki do majonezu powinny mieć podobną temperaturę
** majonez przechowuj w lodówce, jest zdatny do użycia przez tydzień
DrGRACE TEAM August 11th, 2015
Tags: błony komórkowe, majonez domowy, świeży, wsie jaja, zdrowy
Składniki :
6 dużych jajek od szczęśliwych kur
3 łyżki (około 45-50 ml) zimnego zakwasu, lub żurku, lub zimnej wody z cytryną
3 łyżki (około 45-50 ml) 100% oleju ryżowego
1 – 2 szczypty soli
3 łyżki mąki gryczanej
mielony kminek
mielone orzechy włoskie lub migdały albo czarnuszka
proszek do pieczenia bez fosforanów
Sposób przygotowania :
Wymieszać : 3 łyżki czubate mąki gryczanej z :
1 – łyżka mielonych orzechów włoskich lub migdałów, czarnuszki
1 – 2 łyżeczki proszku do pieczenia bez fosforanów (np. czeski)
1 – płaska łyżeczka mielonego kminku
Białka ubić na sztywno dodając soli. Ubijać dalej dodając kolejno żółtka, zakwas, olej.
Po dokładnym ubiciu jajek, drewnianą łyżką zmieszać z mąką i resztą składników, które wczesniej dodaliśmy do mąki, tworząc ciasto na biszkopt.
Cztery keksówki posmarowane masłem i oprószone mąką (gryczaną, jaglaną lub migdałową)
Napełnić ciastem. Piec około 35-40 minut w temp. 160 st. C
DrGRACE TEAM August 11th, 2015
Tags: bezglutenowe, biszkopt, gluten free, lekkie, pieczywo tostowe, wiejskie jaja
Stworzona przez Nas FORMUŁA 3G ma za zadanie wyeliminować z naszego codziennego menu trzech winowajców wszelkich problemów z Naszym zdrowiem i wyglądem, czyli GLUTEN, CUKIER i KWASY TŁUSZCZOWE TRANS.Nie obiecujemy, że będzie łatwo, ale obiecujemy, że będzie skutecznie.
GLUTEN – jest niekorzystnym dla nas białkiem, które znajdziemy przede wszystkim w pszenicy, życie, pszenżycie, płatkach owsianych (na skutek zanieczyszczeń – sam owies jako roślina nie zawiera glutenu) i w jęczmieniu.
Pierwszego wysiewu zboża dokonano ok. 13000 lat temu w Syrii, co na zawsze zmieniło tryb życia człowieka. Możliwość uprawy roli sprawiła, że ludzie mogli osiąść w jednym miejscu. Pszenica, jako kaloryczny i wygodny zapychacz, pozwalała ludziom przeżyć bez polowania, jednak już wtedy spożywanie jej w nadmiarze było niekorzystne dla człowieka. Pierwsze zapiski dotyczące występowania celiakii, czyli gluteno-zależnej choroby trzewnej, sięgają już roku 100 n.e.
Obecnie gluten najczęściej spożywamy pod postacią pieczywa (chleb, bułki, popularne ciabatty, pity, tortille, rogaliki francuskie, hot-dogi, hamburgery), pizzy, makaronów a nawet w formie chipsów (nie zawsze już ziemniaczanych). Jednak najbardziej szkodliwy jest gluten z pszenicy.
Zmiany genetyczne dokonane na pszenicy i innych roślinach w ostatnich 50 latach okazały się prawdziwą puszką Pandory. Spożywanie coraz większych ilości produktów pszenicznych, także PEŁNOZIARNISTYCH, doprowadziło do globalnej epidemii chorób, zwłaszcza w krajach tzw. wysoko rozwiniętych i rozwijających się.
Zgodnie z badaniami naukowymi z ostatnich dwóch dekad spożywanie nowej, „lepszej” pszenicy i jej pochodnych nasila wiele zaburzeń powodujących otyłość brzuszną, cukrzycę, zwyrodnienia stawów, nadwagę, padaczkę, schizofrenię, zaburzenia pracy mózgu, demencję, przedwczesne procesy starzenia, białaczkę i wiele innych chorób, których najczęściej nie łączymy w ogóle ze spożywanymi pokarmami, a już do rzadkości należy przypisywanie ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCI za te schorzenia ciasteczkom czy reklamowanemu JAKO „ZDROWE” pieczywu pełnoziarnistemu.
Współczesna pszenica zawiera 75–80% węglowodanów, 10–15% białek. GLUTEN stanowi 80% wszystkich białek w pszenicy, obejmuje ich dwie główne rodziny: glutein i gliadyn.Według badań naukowców poszczególne składniki pszenicy powodują :
CUKIER – to słodkie szaleństwo zainicjował Krzysztof Kolumb, a dziś doprowadziło Nas do gorzkiej ery supersize i globalnej pandemii otyłości. Świat nauki wciąż szuka nowych winowajców niezliczonych schorzeń współczesnego Świata, kiedy coraz więcej osób zdaje sobie sprawę z tego, że wróg czyha w domowej lodówce i w gąszczu sklepowych regałów, zapełnionych dziesiątkami tysięcy produktów, uznanych za spożywcze.
Czy wiedzieliście, że archeolodzy chcąc wstępnie określić wiek szczątek ludzkich, w pierwszej kolejności sprawdzają zęby. Dlaczego ? Dopóki człowiek nie jadał cukru, próchnica niemalże nie istniała.
„Podaję wam gorzkie pigułki w słodkim lukrze. Pigułki są nieszkodliwe, trucizna jest w tej słodyczy.”
– Stanisław Jerzy Lec
W 1890 roku średnia konsumpcja cukru na osobę w USA wynosiła nieco ponad 2 kg na rok. Obecnie (dane z 2009 roku) wynosi 61 kilogramów rocznie i w ciągu ostatnich 20 lat systematycznie wzrastała w tempie około 0,45 kg każdego roku. Problem w tym, że globalizacja rynków oznacza, że to, co Ameryka je dzisiaj, jutro będzie jeść reszta Świata. Każdy Zachodni kraj spożywa dziś więcej cukru, niż kiedykolwiek konsumowaliśmy w przeszłości, co ma ogromny wpływ na nasze zdrowie, ciała i życie.
Zainteresowanie słodkim smakiem leży w naszej naturze. Czubek języka reaguje gwałtownie na słodki smak. Jest to cecha wykształcona w drodze ewolucji przez wszystkie ssaki z rzędu naczelnych. Za zadanie ma pomóc nam odróżnić dojrzałe owoce od surowych, dobre pożywienie od zepsutego, również zweryfikować które rośliny zawierają najwięcej witamin i minerałów. Nauczyliśmy się jednak produkować cukier, oszukując naturę i siebie, w efekcie przeciążając nasz organizm sacharozą. Rezultatem jest faktyczne uzależnienie od cukru.
Dostępny jest on w nieograniczonych ilościach, całodobowo, a znaleźć go można w produktach w których nigdy byśmy się go nie spodziewali. Cukrem kipią nie tylko alejki ze słodyczami w supermarkecie, ale również wędliny, mięso, pieczywo, produkty light, chipsy, przetwory, marynaty, dżemy, płatki dla dzieci, sałatki, sosy, dipy, soki, napoje, a nawet woda.
Dawno temu kiedy człowiek wędrował w poszukiwaniu jedzenia, rozwinęła się u niego zdolność do magazynowania nadmiaru pokarmu w postaci tłuszczu (najczęściej w talii i na pupie) który spalany był dopiero gdy brakowało pożywienia. Dziś nie biegamy ani nie chodzimy nawet w przybliżeniu tyle ile nasi przodkowie, jednak nasze organizmy nadal są zaprogramowane, tak by magazynować tłuszcz na czarną godzinę.
Jednak dziś nie musimy się wysilać aby go zdobyć. Dostępny jest na każdym kroku w nieograniczonych ilościach, a jego cena jest tak niska, że możemy w nim pływać.
Dlaczego cukier powoduje cukrzycę ?
Nasza trzustka jest najmniej wymagającym narządem. Dostarcza enzymów trawiennych do soku jelitowego i zawsze gdy spożywamy węglowodany – wydziela hormon zwany insuliną. W odległych czasach ludzie nie jadali oczyszczonego cukru. Jadano bulwy, zboże i owoce. Po ich spożyciu musiało upłynąć sporo czasu, zanim węglowodany uległy rozkładowi i powstała glukoza. Cały proces zgodny z naturą. Dziś podobnie jak palenie powoduje raka płuc, nadmierne spożycie cukru powoduje cukrzycę. Stała się ona plagą nowego wieku i chorobą społeczną, która wyklucza z normalnego życia coraz więcej ludzi młodych i dzieci. Ważna dla życia glukoza, może przedostać się do komórek organizmu tylko za pomocą insuliny. U chorej osoby jednak system ten nie działa. Glukoza u takiej osoby do komórek, dociera w zbyt małym stopniu lub wcale. Dzieje się tak z powodu niedoboru insuliny lub kiedy komórki odmówią przyjmowania cukru. Znacznie częstsza jest jednak cukrzyca typu 2, na którą cierpi 90 % chorych. Nazywana niegdyś chorobą wieku starczego dziś atakuje od najmłodszych lat życia. Zgubą tego schorzenia są wysokie wartości glukozy, jeśli we krwi nagromadzi się jej zbyt dużo, skutki mogą być niszczące dla organizmu.
Cukier, wszystko co słodkie, produkty z białej mąki czy oczyszczony polerowany ryż składają się głównie z szybko rozpuszczalnej glukozy. Ponieważ twarda tkanka włóknista, naturalnie występująca w tych roślinach, została już mechanicznie usunięta w procesie produkcji, żołądek i jelita nie mają wiele pracy. Glukoza zostaje w ekspresowym tempie przekazana z błony śluzowej jelita do krwioobiegu, a stężenie cukru we krwi gwałtownie rośnie. Trzustka szaleje. Malutki organ musi wyprodukować gigantyczne ilości insuliny w jak najkrótszym czasie aby oddać ją do krwi. Każda cząsteczka insuliny to 51 cegiełek białka. Po zjedzeniu jednego kawałka słodkiego ciasta, trzustka musi wytworzyć miliardy, biliony takich cząsteczek. Po zjedzeniu tiramisu wartość glukozy wzrasta do 300 mg/dl a nawet wyżej, a cukier we krwi staje się trucizną. Po akcji reanimacyjnej trzustki, stężenie cukru gwałtownie spada, poniżej poziomu fizjologicznego nawet do 70 mg/dl.
Natura jednak nieprzypadkowo wyznaczyła idealną wartość glukozy wokół 100 mg/dl. Glukoza bowiem jest jedynym paliwem dla komórek nerwowych i mózgowych. W przeciwieństwie do tłuszczu (przetwarzanego przez komórki mięśniowe na energię), energia pochodzącą z glukozy wybucha natychmiast. Dzieje się tak dlatego że w przypadku nagłego stresu lub sytuacji zagrożenia, mózg i nerwy muszą reagować natychmiastowo.
DrGRACE TEAM August 9th, 2015
DrGrace together with The Editor Anetta Chlebica-Zawada are talking about CANDIDA – that is, they deal with the plague of fungi that attack us.
Evening broadcast is a continuation of the morning program WE CAN HANDLE ANYONE where they moved topic – Candida.
DrGRACE TEAM March 18th, 2015
Tags: Anetta Chlebica-Zawada, audycja, candida, dr Grażyna Pająk, grzybica, każdemu damy radę, polskie radio, radio, radio Katowice
Pre-Christmas episode about healthy Christmas food, about how to deal with festive grazing. The program also includes Christmas decorations that build the mood and of course about plants: Christmas trees, mistletoe and Bethlehem stars. And for dessert, the decupagu method as an idea for making special Christmas presents with the soul.
DrGRACE TEAM December 16th, 2014
How does a contemporary MAN look like ? Laptop on his knees, smart phone in his pocket, wireless earpiece in his ear and he is ready for the battle ! In addition, most of the time he stays in a car with all possible technological novelties, or in his fancy office that is full of devices.
Threats ? Brain cancer, impotence, infertility, digestive disorders, decreased immunity and efficiency of the body, sleep disturbances, hyperactivity, chronic fatigue, lack of concentration, total disorders of the nervous system, etc. – the list is relatively long.
Not everyone feels the same impact of electromagnetic fields generated by mobile phones, Wi-Fi antenna, mobile networks, high voltage lines and a lot of other electrical equipment, but the research confirms that these fields remove from the cell membranes important calcium ions, resulting in leakage into the interior of cells and long-term disruption of their function.
DrGRACE TEAM October 21st, 2014
Tags: AQUAcell, fale radiowe, guz, internet, iphone, mikrofale, mobile, mózg, rak, smart life system, smartphone, telefon komórkowy, Wi-Fi
We eat more and more rubbish. Interview with biologist and nutritionist Grazyna Pajak PhD
In shops there’s plenty of food filled with chemical substances, some of which are even hard to pronounce. Do we know what we eat ? Do we realize which ingredients can be harmful ? About the influence of proper diet on our health and why we should avoid processed food we talk to a biologist and dietician dr Grażyna Pająk.
Joanna Szubierajska: Apparently we eat about 2 kg of chemical substances a year. In which products there is the most of it ?
Dr Grażyna Pająk: 2 kg of chemical substances was eaten in the 90s, at the moment the food available on market supplies us with around 7 to 9 kg of those substances yearly. The highest amount of chemical additives is in all the products that are maximally processed, highly efficient, coloured and with a long expiration date. Only 100 years ago we had a selection of about 500 food products, currently we have around 50 thousand, but the modern food rarely meets the needs of our bodies. We eat more and more rubbish, less and less nourishment.
9 kilograms is a lot. So how does our body react to those processed nutrients ?
It rebels. At first we don’t feel well, we don’t have energy, we are irritated, we have sleeping problems and we are chronically tired. Our immunity decreases. With time we have more symptoms – allergies, intolerance and different kinds of health problems, it is a call for help. Mostly we ignore the signals sent by our organism or we try to suppress it with pills for every disease until we are seriously ill.
The institutions that introduce food on market try to convince us that processed food is safe and healthy, meets specific norms, so it isn’t harmful ?
In mass food production the controls are necessity. There is a number of norms and provisions thanks to which the processed food can go to shops. However it does not mean that our body can always accept them. For centuries a man used to acquire, cultivate and grow natural food. Then we supplied our bodies with all the essential nutrients that built our cells. Currently we eat products and their names, not the nutrients. A lot of them contain substances that are foreign to our organism. In the products we eat the TRANS fatty acids, massive amounts of sugar and the omnipresent GLUTEN. Those products are destructive to us; only 100 years ago they were not present in our diet, today they are common and compliant to norms, so often treated as a normal food.
So that’s why it is said that the obese people are undernourished ?
Currently obesity is mostly a result of a body malnutrition, but also of overworking, tiredness, excess of empty calories, pesticides, GMO and electromagnetic smog. Paradoxically more people die from civilization diseases than hunger. We try to lose weight, we limit the number of calories or use fashionable diets and we maintain the weight for a short time, then we are trapped by the yo-yo effect. As a result we weaken the muscle tissue and the fatty tissue becomes thicker. The proper weight-losing program should remove toxins from the body, complement the deficiencies, improve the metabolic processes eliminating the excess of fatty tissue and strengthening the healthy tissues. Such system lets maintain a beautiful silhouette, good condition and immunity without the yo-yo effect.
What about the storage of food and preparing meals – does it even matter ?
Yes. The base of healthy meals is the presence of enzymes that are sensitive to processing and improper storage. For example, in fridge we shouldn’t store food in plastic bags, it is better to put it into a glass or ceramic bowl and cover it with a sling film. We need to remember that we shouldn’t cook fruit and vegetables for a long time and put them into metal pots. A better option are the enameled and glass vessels. Let’s remember that for a thermal treatment the best are fire, food steamer, devices using the halogen light, convection and electric ovens.
What about the food prepared in the microwave oven ?
For years it is known that a microwave oven is harmful. Already in the 60s the Russian conducted a detailed research showing that food from a microwave oven in simply dead. Within seconds in the heated food we destroy all enzymes and biologically active compounds. Instead, we create a lot of free radicals and processed chemical compounds. In order to digest the dead food, the body needs to use its own enzymes and energy. As a result, instead of getting energy from food, we take it away of the organism in order to digest what we ate.
„Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” convinced Hippocrates. Can we really regain health and well-being by diet ?
Of course. Hippocrates also said that: „we will never understand what is a disease until we don’t know what is food”. From the biological point of view nutrition is supplying the body in all essential nutrients, from plants and animals, that each our body cell needs in order to live, work, regenerate and breed. Our body is built of 80 to 100 trillion of such living bricks. During one day we change around 2,5 billion cells in a body. With a proper nutrition we are able to clean the body, regenerate it and nourish. Then we function completely differently using the potential of a human body. A proper lifestyle and a properly adjusted diet can work “miracles” in case of diseases.
Can the cleansing therapies work “miracles” as well ?
Purifying the body of toxins and deposits is essential, especially in the 21st century when we are bombed with harmful chemical substances from all angles. Unfortunately there is no one wonderful diet for everyone. The way of cleansing should be adjusted individually depending on the problems we have. A safe way to relieve the body is a one-day starvation diet or mono diet consisted of seasonal fruit and vegetables. For many years I have been adjusting diets for my patients. The positive effects of a well conducted cleansing therapy still surprises me and my patients.
What diet should we use if we don’t want to go to the dietician, but we still care about our health ?
A proper diet should supply us with all the essential nutrients in the most natural form. Additionally, we should select the proportions of ingredients according to our metabolism type that we can determine indicatively by a test. Let’s eat 5-6 meals a day. By limiting gluten, sugar and trans fatty acids, soya, corn and all the maximally processed products, we can create a way of nutrition that will be safe for our body. The diet should include groats and their derivatives (flour, flakes), vegetables, legumes, fruit, ecological fish and meat, free range eggs, organic fermented dairy, real butter without plant additives, clarified butter, olive oil, flaxseed oil and rice oil. Let’s eat a lot of almonds, walnuts, sunflower, pumpkin, flaxseed, nigella, herbs. We should remember about supplying ourselves with a big amount of water – clean and revived.
Thank you for the interview !
DrGRACE TEAM June 13th, 2013
Tags: diet, dr Grażyna Pająk,, food, Hippocrates, interview, medicine, microwave, rubbish, well-being
Największe kulinarne wydarzenie roku już niebawem!
II edycja festiwalu kulinarnego GOOD FOOD FEST odbędzie się dniach 21-23.06.2013, na terenie warszawskiej Królikarni.
GOOD FOOD FEST 2013 to rodzinny festiwal skierowany do laików, smakoszy oraz profesjonalistów.
Na miejscu ponad 50 kulinarnych osobowości i autorytetów, warsztaty i pokazy kulinarne, laboratoria i targowisko smaku, strefa pro, całodniowa strefa dzieciaka, strefa blogera, kino plenerowe Kuchni +, warszawski festiwal nalewek, strefa Chilli ZET, strefa interakcji oraz wytrawna strefa magazynu WINO…
Szykuje się najsmaczniejszy dzień ojca (23 czerwca) matki, dziecka, babci i dziadka zarazem.
Są z nami: Kurt Scheller, Tomek Jakubiak, Magda Gessler, Paweł Loroch, Janek Paszkowski – Master Chef, Hanna Szymanderska, Paweł Oszczyk, Tomek Woźniak, Maryla Musidłowska, Monika Węgrzyn, Przemysław Wieloch, Malka Kafka, Jola Słoma, Mirek Trymbulak, Dorota Minta, Maciej Jabłoński, Zbyszek Kmieć, Anna Jelonek…
Na festiwal zaprasza organizator główny GOOD FOOD FEST 2013 – Kuba Korczak.
Program oraz szczegółowe informacje: oraz
Patronat honorowy nad festiwalem objęli: Slow Food Polska, Minister Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi, Marszałek Województwa Mazowieckiego, Polska Izba Produktu Regionalnego i Lokalnego, Muzeum Narodowe, Polska Akademia Smaku, Fundacja Klub Szefów Kuchni.
Patronat medialny: Kuchnia +, Magazyn SMAK, ChilliZET, Magazyn WINO,, e!stilo, Smaki Życia,,
DrGRACE TEAM June 13th, 2013
Posted In: Bez kategorii,
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DrGRACE TEAM May 21st, 2013
Tags: masło Gi, masło skalrowane, zdrowe tłuszcze
Defining one’s metabolic type is based on the holistic approach to each individual. By using the vast scope of information included in the science of medicine, biology, biochemistry, psychology or genetics a holistic systemic outline can be developed for each individual. Such individual approach is much more important that the disease name or the set of symptoms. It is not a new approach; however, with the development of science it can become an increasingly more precise tool.
Already in the 4th century BC Hippocrates divided patients into particular types. As the father of medicine he would say that “It was much more crucial to know the particular patient type suffering from a disease, rather than to know the particular disease of such patient”. The Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, homeopathy or healers of various cultures have always referred to dividing people into individual types, as a means of adjusting an appropriate diet and selecting an effective therapy.
Even though over 30 years ago The World Health Organization concluded that each disease starts at the cell level, we keep treating our bodies as if we were built from pieces of metal or wood connected with screws …
While all our individual features have their patterns in the biochemistry of the human body. Each living organism tries to keep the balance, which is why our condition is the final outcome of significantly individualized homeostasis status.
The heritage from our ancestors includes weaknesses or strengths that diversify our autonomic nervous system, the oxidation speed, the balance of catabolic and anabolic processes and the endocrine system. The autonomic nervous system controls all the reflective functions of the body; it determines the heartbeat, respiration, digestion, reproductive functions and immunological reactions. The oxidation and catabolic – anabolic processes determine the quality and quantity of the energy generated, while the endocrine system influences our metabolism, controlling the tissue and cell activity. By evaluating the performance of these systems, specialists are able to determine dysfunctions resulting in the body imbalance.
According to the principles of biology, nutrition is a process of supplying all the substances necessary for life. If just one of the essential nutrients is systematically omitted or not supplied in adequate quantity, then the body does not fully absorb the others. As an effect, due to the shortage of the necessary feedstock and energy, and due to the excess of toxins, our cells cease to operate properly. Most often the common symptoms of tiredness appear, such as headaches, nervousness, insomnia, feeling generally unwell.
In such situation, in order to help ourselves, we increase the intake of various medicines that temporarily eliminate the upsetting symptoms. As a result, despite the momentary improvement of our condition, the core cause of the health problems, i.e. the malnourishment, remains unsolved. After some time the adverse symptoms reoccur in an intensified way. And then, step by step, the system immunity decreases, resulting in infections, allergies, hypertension, weight increase, depressive disposition, and the whole range of other commonly known ailments. Then the symptoms recede again for some time, but the disease keeps developing. After some time the tired and unhappy cells rebel, making as aware of a crisis – such as heart attack, brain stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis, rheumatism, degeneration, tumours, etc. With malnutrition, sooner or later, everyone starts to get ill.
Our predecessors used to have simple and modest, yet healthy eating profile. They would eat natural food originating from the place of their residence, based on intuition, habits and tradition. It is hardly conceivable that an Eskimo would eat rootlets and the greens, while an equatorial zone inhabitant would be fed with seal meat and fish oil. At that time most probably the metabolic types used to align with the blood group determined diet.
Nowadays, as a result of ages of people migration, these dependences have been “blended”. More and more often you can see persons with the blood group suggesting e.g. vegetarian diet and with the metabolic type for an Eskimo, or the other way round.
With time the old good habits got completely blurred and food became readily available at any time of the day and the year. We have started to eat new, pretty, colourful, artificial but unhealthy food. As a result we eat a lot of highly processed, artificially preserved, coloured food, canned or ready-made dishes and heated in microwave ovens. Additionally we eat massive quantities of white bread, sweets, salt, soya, powder milk and eggs and the bad fat, bombarding our body with gluten, sugar and TRANS fatty acids. We drink too much of various junk beverages, not only deprived of any nutritional value, but also containing significant quantities of glucose-fructose syrup, chemical colorants, flavour and fragrance additives, and food preservatives.
We are getting more and more lost amid the endorsed diet theories – vegetarian, high carb, high protein, low calories, slimming, anti-aging, high calories diet…. etc., forgetting completely that food is not meant to junk the body and that it needs to be individually selected, depending on our current health condition and genetic disposition.
In order to purify and regenerate our bodies we need to use the same nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fats) that our ancestors did, rather than highly processed products with similar names, but often mere approximates of the natural ones. Natural food additives and diversified organic supplements are meant to help us in the regeneration, but they cannot replace normal food. As a result of years of going astray, with bad nutrition, many of us live below our genuine, genetically determined health capacity. The signals sent out by our body are very frequently the call for „the right fuel for your engine type”.
There is no one miracle diet for everyone. Based on the research each of us is a specific metabolic individual. What we eat determines our condition, both in the mental and physical aspect. The food, depending on the metabolism type, impacts our life attitude, aggression, calmness, cheerfulness, good night rest, etc. That is why conscious change of one’s diet results in eliminating adverse symptoms, overcoming various ailments, boosting one’s energy and effective weight control.
Author: Grażyna Pająk, PhD
DrGRACE TEAM May 21st, 2013
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DrGRACE TEAM May 21st, 2013
Posted In: Kontakt
What our health depends on – genes or a lifestyle ?
The newest technology let us look closer at nature and be amazed with the wonders it created. While wandering around the world, watching films and reading we can admire the ways the plant and animal species adjust to their habitats, working on the adaptive abilities that will let them survive.
In the 20th century we were convinced that genes control our lives, health and destiny. The school taught us about the process of inheritance and transferring the genetic features as well as health problems over generations.
We talk more and more about the risk of heart attacks, high cholesterol level, high pressure, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, cancers, etc. – we tried to justify it blaming our genes for the health state or we lived in terror of expecting a disease that our grandmother, mother or other relatives suffered from.
It is worth knowing that the civilization illnesses appeared in masses after the Second World War, however the epidemic of diabetes and obesity is present only for 25-30 years. The idea that genes control our biology was only a hypothesis which was negated already in the 90s of the 20th century. Nevertheless, the “genetic control” became such a strong metaphor that we still believe it today despite the fact that the disturbances (mutations) of one gene concern only 2% of the population.
At the same time the some people are born with genes that give them a chance for health and happy life. Usually the diseases that we suffer from appear as a result of the metabolic disorders connected to the relation between genes and environmental factors.
Thanks to the crucial publications on genetics and cytology of dr. Bruce Lipton, a professor in Wisconsin (USA), in the last decade there was a turning point in the field of the cellular biology and the scientists began to speak courageously about the fact that particular genes are correlated with features and behavior of the organism, however they are not active. It turned out that genes are shaped and controlled by signals coming directly from the environment and our thoughts, emotions and beliefs.
In this way the scientific revelations of recent years has begun to confirm the religious truths and the oldest knowledge concerning the human life on earth as well as the researches provided by the quantum physics. This knowledge confirms that the main factors deciding about our health in 65-75% are unchangeably – way of thinking, ability to relieve stress, lifestyle and way of nutrition.
Filled with goods of civilization we often don’t remember that we are inseparable and integral part of the natural environment and in order to survive we should live according to the truths known for billions of years. The science and technology accelerated the development of civilization, but they were unable to adjust the adoptive abilities of our organisms. According to the rule of homeostasis, if we want a living organism to function properly, its internal balance must be kept no matter the changes in the external environment. When the pollution excesses the adaptive abilities of our body, the disorders in the external environment appear and they lead to the decrease of energy and a general weakness. The decrease of energy causes the disorders of absorbing the nutrients, inhibits the metabolic processes and makes it harder to remove toxins. The gradual disorder of the functioning lead to many civilization diseases. The environmental changes and lifestyle do not include the genetically coded and evolutionally developed necessary needs enabling a proper functioning of our body.
Already in the 60s professor Julian Aleksandrowicz stated that “the genetic information in the DNA code is the same as thousands of years ago, however the material received from food does not fit the coded parameters. So the human body is built and rebuilt out of the much worse material than before. It is like we would build a palace designed by a famous architect, but instead of granite we would use a sandstone or clay. From the outside it would be similar, however inside it would decay faster.”
In the 20th century we entered the age of the industrial food production with a body structure of our ancestors. Over 100 years the number of food products grew from 500 to 50000. The consumption of fat was doubled and additionally we received the new processed, refined plant oils. Earlier, the correct relation of omega6 acids to omega3 was 3:1, today it is 16:1. Before the seeds, the high-value groats, vegetables, wild fruit constituted 60% of the diet – today they are only 20%. It is worth knowing that the consumption of the purified carbohydrates and sugar was increased by over 250% and the energy was decreased by 75%. When it comes to food processing we reach the level of absurdity and currently we cannot even comprehend it. In the last 20 years the amount of chemical substances that was supposed to “enrich” food increased three times. Yearly with food we eat about 7-9kg of artificial chemical compounds, raising agents, fillers, artificial colorants, flavorings, aroma compounds, preservatives, sweeteners, aromas, etc. Only in the EU about 170 000 tons of aroma is added to food each year!
Well, obesity and civilization diseases are hidden on shelves. Influenced by pushy commercials we are lost in the rules of healthy living.
In keeping the natural body weight we are disrupted by: excessively processed food with big amounts of purified carbohydrates – white bread, purified rice, overcooked pasta, white rolls, chips, snacks, sweets, industrial ice-cream, sugar, sweetened fizzy drinks, beer, coke, industrial fruit juices.
Big amounts of the delicatessen products filled with fat, soya and gluten are foreign to our body. Harmful for us are also the processed plant oils, trans fatty acids, industrial mayonnaise, butter-like products and dairy filled with powdered milk and chemical substances. The body diseases are also aggravated by ready meals, canned food and meals prepared and heated in the microwave oven.
Unfortunately, no organism is able to adjust to this kind of nutrition and as a result many harmful changes and activation of genes responsible for many diseases may appear.
Based on years of research, in the 90s professor Ulrich Warnke warned that we enter the age of high technology with a structure of a primeval man. The new lifestyle: rush, stress, polluted dead water, artificial materials, concrete deserts, air conditioning, shortage of sunrays, electromagnetic smog began to accompany us every day and the distance from nature grew. Unfortunately the studies show that those factors can cause the disorders of the metabolism and enzymatic changes in the organism, which cause a whole variety of metabolic disorders.
The natural magnetic fields have been always controlling the biochemical and physiological processes in our bodies maintaining proper energy in the cells. All the cells in our body “talk to each other” using many biochemical reactions and very gentle electromagnetic signals with low frequency. Health and wellbeing are kept by the continuous process of renewal inside the body.
Everything that disturbs this process leads to the systematic destruction of cells, so the premature aging and creation of diseases. The newest researches show that our physical and mental state depends on the efficiency of all the metabolic reactions. Those changes in the organism are so fast that during one year we can change over 90% of the whole matter. Each minute we lose over 2 000000 of old cells, so about 2,5 billion cells a day disappear in our body and the new ones are created. The fast pace of renewal ensures us that every organism can be regenerated.
Unfortunately health, wellbeing and condition are nothing we can buy. We can however work on this and support others in order to help them. The complex program of regeneration, cleaning the body, proper diet, filling in shortages, eliminating environmental threats, contact with nature, positive thinking bring shocking results, no matter the disease we suffer from. Only in few weeks of following a properly adjusted regeneration program we can feel much better eliminating gradually the causes of our diseases. After some time we may function completely differently. That is why more and more people accept and promote healthy lifestyle. If we follow it, we may experience positive changes that are possible to achieve by everyone.
According to the observations of the researchers, the most creative and healthy electromagnetic field is sent by our thoughts connected to love, care and sensitivity. That, what we are convinced of is reflected in our reality.
Dr. Bruce Lipton after 15 years of research stated “I realized that we are not the victims of our genes, but the masters of our fate able to create life full of health, happiness and love”.
Author: Dr. Grażyna Pająk
Diet coach, biologist, nature therapist, member of the Slow Food International
DrGRACE TEAM May 20th, 2013
Tags: Bruce Lipton, civilization diseases, drGrace, genes, health, lifestyle, Moda na zdrowie, obesity, organism, overweight