What our health depends on – genes or a  lifestyle ?

The newest technology let us look closer at nature and be amazed with the wonders it created. While wandering around the world, watching films and reading we can admire the ways the plant and animal species adjust to their habitats, working on the adaptive abilities that will let them survive.

In the 20th century we were convinced that genes control our lives, health and destiny. The school taught us about the process of inheritance and transferring the genetic features as well as health problems over generations.

We talk more and more about the risk of heart attacks, high cholesterol level, high pressure, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, cancers, etc. – we tried to justify it blaming our genes for the health state or we lived in terror of expecting a disease that our grandmother, mother or other relatives suffered from.

It is worth knowing that the civilization illnesses appeared in masses after the Second World War, however the epidemic of diabetes and obesity is present only for 25-30 years. The idea that genes control our biology was only a hypothesis which was negated already in the 90s of the 20th century. Nevertheless, the “genetic control” became such a strong metaphor that we still believe it today despite the fact that the disturbances (mutations) of one gene concern only 2% of the population.

At the same time the some people are born with genes that give them a chance for health and happy life. Usually the diseases that we suffer from appear as a result of the metabolic disorders connected to the relation between genes and environmental factors.

Thanks to the crucial publications on genetics and cytology of dr. Bruce Lipton, a professor in Wisconsin (USA), in the last decade there was a turning point in the field of the cellular biology and the scientists began to speak courageously about the fact that particular genes are correlated with features and behavior of the organism, however they are not active. It turned out that genes are shaped and controlled by signals coming directly from the environment and our thoughts, emotions and beliefs.

In this way the scientific revelations of recent years has begun to confirm the religious truths and the oldest knowledge concerning the human life on earth as well as the researches provided by the quantum physics. This knowledge confirms that the main factors deciding about our health in 65-75% are unchangeably – way of thinking, ability to relieve stress, lifestyle and way of nutrition.

Filled with goods of civilization we often don’t remember that we are inseparable and integral part of the natural environment and in order to survive we should live according to the truths  known for billions of years. The science and technology accelerated the development of civilization, but they were unable to adjust the adoptive abilities of our organisms. According to the rule of homeostasis, if we want a living organism to function properly, its internal balance must be kept no matter the changes in the external environment. When the pollution excesses the adaptive abilities of our body, the disorders in the external environment appear and they lead to the decrease of energy and a general weakness. The decrease of energy causes the disorders of absorbing the nutrients, inhibits the metabolic processes and makes it harder to remove toxins. The gradual disorder of the functioning lead to many civilization diseases. The environmental changes and lifestyle do not include the genetically coded and evolutionally developed necessary needs enabling a proper functioning of our body.

Already in the 60s professor Julian Aleksandrowicz stated that “the genetic information in the DNA code is the same as thousands of years ago, however the material received from food does not fit the coded parameters. So the human body is built and rebuilt out of the much worse material than before. It is like we would build a palace designed by a famous architect, but instead of granite we would use a sandstone or clay. From the outside it would be similar, however inside it would decay faster.”

In the 20th century we entered the age of the industrial food production with a body structure of our ancestors. Over 100 years the number of food products grew from 500 to 50000. The consumption of fat was doubled and additionally we received the new processed, refined plant oils. Earlier, the correct relation of omega6 acids to omega3 was 3:1, today it is 16:1. Before the seeds, the high-value groats, vegetables, wild fruit constituted 60% of the diet – today they are only 20%. It is worth knowing that the consumption of the purified carbohydrates and sugar was increased by over 250% and the energy was decreased by 75%. When it comes to food processing we reach the level of absurdity and currently we cannot even comprehend it. In the last 20 years the amount of chemical substances that was supposed to “enrich” food increased three times. Yearly with food we eat about 7-9kg of artificial chemical compounds, raising agents, fillers, artificial colorants, flavorings, aroma compounds, preservatives, sweeteners, aromas, etc. Only in the EU about 170 000 tons of aroma is added to food each year!

Well, obesity and civilization diseases are hidden on shelves. Influenced by pushy commercials we are lost in the rules of healthy living.

In keeping the natural body weight we are disrupted by: excessively processed food with big amounts of purified carbohydrates – white bread, purified rice, overcooked pasta, white rolls, chips, snacks, sweets, industrial ice-cream, sugar, sweetened fizzy drinks, beer, coke, industrial fruit juices.

Big amounts of the delicatessen products filled with fat, soya and gluten are foreign to our body. Harmful for us are also the processed plant oils, trans fatty acids, industrial mayonnaise, butter-like products and dairy filled with powdered milk and chemical substances. The body diseases are also aggravated by ready meals, canned food and meals prepared and heated in the microwave oven.

Unfortunately, no organism is able to adjust to this kind of nutrition and as a result many harmful changes and activation of genes responsible for many diseases may appear.

Based on years of research, in the 90s professor Ulrich Warnke warned that we enter the age of high technology with a structure of a primeval man. The new lifestyle: rush, stress, polluted dead water, artificial materials, concrete deserts, air conditioning, shortage of sunrays, electromagnetic smog began to accompany us every day and the distance from nature grew. Unfortunately the studies show that those factors can cause the disorders of the metabolism and enzymatic changes in the organism, which cause a whole variety of metabolic disorders.

The natural magnetic fields have been always controlling the biochemical and physiological processes in our bodies maintaining proper energy in the cells. All the cells in our body “talk to each other” using many biochemical reactions and very gentle electromagnetic signals with low frequency. Health and wellbeing are kept by the continuous process of renewal inside the body.

Everything that disturbs this process leads to the systematic destruction of cells, so the premature aging and creation of diseases. The newest researches show that our physical and mental state depends on the efficiency of all the metabolic reactions. Those changes in the organism are so fast that during one year we can change over 90% of the whole matter. Each minute we lose over 2 000000 of old cells, so about 2,5 billion cells a day disappear in our body and the new ones are created. The fast pace of renewal ensures us that every organism can be regenerated.

Unfortunately health, wellbeing and condition are nothing we can buy. We can however work on this and support others in order to help them. The complex program of regeneration, cleaning the body, proper diet, filling in shortages, eliminating environmental threats, contact with nature, positive thinking bring shocking results, no matter the disease we suffer from. Only in few weeks of following a properly adjusted regeneration program we can feel much better eliminating gradually the causes of our diseases. After some time we may function completely differently. That is why more and more people accept and promote healthy lifestyle. If we follow it, we may experience positive changes  that are possible to achieve by everyone.

According to the observations of the researchers, the most creative and healthy electromagnetic field  is sent by our thoughts connected to love, care and sensitivity. That, what we are convinced of is reflected in our reality.

Dr. Bruce Lipton after 15 years of research stated “I realized that we are not the victims of our genes, but the masters of our fate able to create life full of health, happiness and love”.

Author: Dr. Grażyna Pająk

Diet coach, biologist, nature therapist, member of the Slow Food International