For ten years, four times a year, dr Grażyna Pająk invites to the “Healthy week” combining the body cleansing, regeneration and safe weight loss included in the eight-days holiday with the nutrition course in Szczyrk. The proper author’s diet, relaxation, lectures and workshops let efficiently relax, regenerate the body, lose weight, understand and love the healthy lifestyle. The stays are for all people that want to improve the metabolic processes of their bodies. They are safe for people with kidney and digestive system diseases, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue, allergy, asthma, etc.

The number of participants is limited.

Registration: Centrum Pomocy Zdrowia „Herbacell”, 43-230 Goczałkowice – Zdrój, ul. Szkolna 37, phone (32) 21077 98, 603-220 034

The liver is not only the main laboratory, but also the biggest organ of our body. Despite its big role and hard work, it is not always treated by us with respect and care. We know that we have it, we sometimes feel it, but most of all we neglect it. We often remember about it after “joyful” holidays, happy Christmas or big parties.

In order to understand the liver and become friends with it, we must get to know it better, accept its habits and rules of hard work. Liver fills the bigger part of our abdomen. It is conical, weights from 1 to 1,5 kg. it is made of two parts – left and right. The right one is six times bigger than the left one and is divided into three smaller ones. This particular organ of the human body is as the only one supplied by two separate blood sources – the liver artery supplies fresh blood from the heart and the portal vein transports the blood full of nutrients from the stomach and guts.

The liver artery and the portal vein go into the liver and are divided into smaller blood vessels. The smallest veins and arteries go into the microscopic sinus spaces covered with rows of highly specializes liver cells. Those structures create the “microscopic lakes” in which the dead and cancerous cells, yeasts, viruses, bacteria, parasites are “absorbed”. What is more, they neutralize the artificial chemical compounds, indigested proteins and foreign organisms.

This very précised structure has a strategic role in liver functioning. This central laboratory identifies all the compounds that get into the organism, it neutralizes toxins and creates the blood compounds that condition the metabolic processes and body immunity.

Of the key role of the liver states the fact that this organ produces over 1000 different enzymes necessary for the digestion process and absorption of nutrients. It manages also some of the hormones. It is a massive blood vessel. On average about 1,4 liter of blood flows through it. When body rests, about 1 liter of blood is collected inside and at the moment of hard work almost everything is disposed in the body. We should remember that the liver is the main organ responsible for the balance and proper burning of fat in our body. One of the key functions is the production of bile, about 800-1000 ml of which is produced inside the body. This bitter-sweet fluid created by the liver cells has a bit alkaline pH and temporarily stays in the gall bladder or goes straight to the duodenum where it partially neutralizes the acid food remains going from the stomach and it creates the emulsion with the particles of fat.

Without the bile we wouldn’t digest fats present in our food. The composition of bile, its density and way of its removal from the body depends greatly on the type of food. Fat meals rich in proteins and refined sugar cause the emission of denser bile that enable creation of stones. The scale of problem is shown by the research conducted in the 90s that prove that in the developed countries one man out of nine produces kidneys already at the age of 16-20 and at the age of 65 every third person has them.

Liver also produces urea that, as a final product of the protein changes, is removed by the kidneys. Also this organ supplies the body in lymph in 30-50 percent. In order to understand how hard our liver works, we should remember that every year we eat about 8 kg of different chemical compounds, our diet is rich in the highly purified carbohydrates, a lot of sugar and improper fat. Additionally, we take more and more medicines and different stimulants that damage our liver tissues.

The products that regularly burden our liver include: fried meals, canned food, cold meat, large amounts of cheese, powdered milk, dried eggs, highly processed plant oils, butter-like products, margarine and large amounts of animal fats. Also harmful are great amounts of fizzy drinks containing sweeteners and preservatives, cold snacks with vinegar and highly processed food. Food with high content of starch, especially white flour, pastry, puffy white rolls, “enhanced” bread or different ice-cream, bars, chips, breadsticks, cookies and other ready snacks.

The black list also contains food eaten in great amounts: alcohol, strong tea, coffee, cocoa, pepper, ketchup, mustard, etc. Now it is easier to understand why the cleaning properties of our bodies end so quickly. Most of popular foods in our modern diet are the products that decrease the functionality of the liver. If the amount of the toxic compounds absorbed from the environment and food is to high, the liver cells will be overcharged with toxins after some time. Then the liver is not able to properly clean the blood and the toxins begin to accumulate inside the body causing the metabolic processes and homeostasis (balance) disorders.

For centuries the Chinese medicine has regarded the liver as the harmony. Indeed, when we look closer at the environment we can notice e.g. a strong correlation between the emotional state and condition and state of this organ. Even the temporary poisoning of the liver causes the excess excitement, agitation, anger, irrational irritation, sleeping troubles, dizziness and constant headaches. A longer state caused by poisoning or improper diet additionally deepens the irritability, tensions, troubles with memory and logical thinking, it “grows” depression. The state of “constant poisoning” may be also the reason of higher blood pressure, storing water in the body, hypoglycemia or the varying sugar level in blood. Excessive using of pharmacotherapy usually removes those temporary symptoms without removing the main reason.

Additionally each factor decreasing the efficiency of the liver and damaging its tissues causes the weakening of the immune system.

At the moment of large contaminations, a part of nutritive received from food omits the liver and goes through other veins (without the possibility of changing into more absorbable form which is necessary for the organism). Then we most often suffer from the deficiency of the nutrients and the unprocessed particles, foreign for our organism, become strong allergens.

In this way the new list of metabolic disorders appears. As a result, the “toxic internal environment” still weakens other organs burdening and exhausting the immune system and gradually leading to a long list of illnesses that are not always associated with their real cause. Among them there are the persistent headaches, itchy and burning cornea, chronic exhaustion, lungs irritation, asthma attacks, recurring anemia, problems with muscles, chronic guts inflammations, gallstones, fatty liver, liver inflammation, persistent immune disorders, autoimmunological diseases and cancers. Those problems do not appear when the liver is healthy and when it has a supply of energy thanks to which it can regenerate and work properly.

According to the newest researches, this organ has a large ability to regenerate, thanks to which, despite high loading, can still renew quickly on the condition that we will give it a chance with a proper diet and conscious cleansing of the body.

The first step to improve the liver functioning is the elimination of the highly processes plant fats, the excess of animal fats, the generally available “industrial” food, artificial additions, colorants, preservatives, refined sugar, alcohol and overused medicines. The diet should be full of: proteins with a low fat content, mainly: natural semi-fat cottage cheese, kefir, beans, peas, chickpea, lentils, wheat germs, free-range eggs, low-fat fish and meat.

The fats that are used always in small amounts and the preferred ones are the cold-pressed plant oils, especially the flaxseed, pumpkin and olive oils. The animal fats include occasionally the clarified butter. Very helpful are green vegetables, especially: broccoli, parsley, zucchini, tomatoes, garden cabbage, different kinds of lettuces, celery, beetroot and carrot. The beneficial is also eating small amounts of mild natural pickles (may be of cabbage, cucumber and other pickled vegetables), salads as well as the steamed horseradish and  garlic.

The helpful fruit are dried plums, strawberries, cherries, grapes, grapefruits, lemons and cooked or baked apples. Valuable is the graham bread, sourdough rye bread, groats (millet, expanded millet, popping, non-roasted buckwheat), dark, wild, red rice. Depending on the gravity of the problem, at the beginning the meals should be cooked, boiled or parboiled. After some time the diet can be varied by adding fresh vegetables, vegetable juices and fruit. When we have problems with liver we should be careful when it comes to mushrooms, raw radish, kohlrabi, onion or garlic, because they sometimes may seem too heavy. Necessity is the removal of the rancid fats, rotten meals and dead food from the microwave oven.

We should remember that the liver is the weakest in late autumn and in winter. That is why in those seasons we don’t clean it too intensively, however we can improve its condition and enable its functioning. Of utmost importance is removing the constipations and improving the functioning of the large intestine. Also necessary is drinking proper amounts of clean, highly energetic water that enables rinsing toxins out of the whole body.

In this part of the year beneficial is drinking fresh beetroot and carrot juice (2:1) 1-2 x a day. A few times a week we can eat a salad made of wheat germ or sunflower, grated carrot and beetroot with the addition of a lemon and flaxseed oil. The salad can be enriched with different herbal spices, chopped parsley or dill. A valuable addition is also the mixture of minced flaxseed, almonds, sesame and sunflower seeds. The sour and a bit salty taste stimulates the liver and the gall bladder, however the spicy, hot meals weaken those organs. The gall bladder and liver reach their energetic minimum between 11.00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. They have the most energy between 11:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m., that is why it should be the time of resting.

In the horizontal position those organs are cleaned faster. Additionally, we can enable their regeneration by drinking a mixture of freshly squeezed juice with ½ of grapefruit and two spoons of flaxseed or olive oil before going to sleep. As the liver “loves warmth”, the whole process will be accelerated by the hot water bottle laid on the right side of the stomach.

In diet we should also remember about complementing the beta-carotene (provitamin A), the natural vitamins of group B, vitamin C with flavonoids, Omega 3 acids. Helpful may be also young nettle, dandelion, pansy and tutsan tea (that can be drunk by people that do not have “0” type blood). The end of March and April are the best months to clean those organs. That is why each beneficial change of diet and used cleaning treatment will improve our physical and mental mood.

The liver decides greatly about the biochemistry of our body, so if we give it a chance, we can quickly feel the difference in our attitude and general state of health and the world is more colorful when we take the liver into consideration.

Author : dr Grażyna Pająk

Already Hippocrates has stated that we do not understand what is a disease if we do not know what is nutrition. Those words should be carefully considered if we want to treat seriously the skin diseases, including acne – underlines dr Grażyna Pająk, a dietician and nature therapist.

Our skin is not only a packaging, it is a complicated, massive organ that constitutes about 7% of our body. In order to function it needs 1/3 of circulating blood, it receives oxygen and removes the carbon dioxide. The whole life it protects us from external toxins and bacteria, it removes the toxins gathered inside the body and regulates the body warmth.

The reasons causing skin problems include: eating processed food, meals with low energetic value (e.g. from the microwave), large amounts of sugar and bad fats, environmental pollution, UV radiation, electromagnetic smog, careless use of antibiotics, steroids, hormonal agents, stress, smoking, deficiency of vitamins, enzymes and natural nutrients.

Sweets and hormones

The level of sugar in blood influences the hormone production and the appearance of our skin. The carbohydrates – chocolate, bars, sweets, cookies, ice-cream, sweet desserts, overcooked pasta, white rolls, etc. raise the level of glucose in blood and increase the insulin production. After eating sweets the insulin raises the level of testosterone in the body and accelerates the functioning of the skin glands which enables creation of pimples. That is why people fighting acne should avoid eating sweets.

 „Enriching” chemical substances

When it comes to food processing we have reached the level of absurdity. Our cells on the molecular level receive high amounts of chemical compounds instead of proper nutrients. In the 90s we ate about 2,5 kg of different chemical substances yearly. Currently it is about 7-8 kg. Only in the EU we add about 170 000 tons of aromas to the produced food yearly. Despite the fact that in the last twenty years the additives and their negative impact on people were the subject of many articles, the amount of chemical substances “enriching” the food increased almost three times. The problem is also that many institutions that allow this food to be on the market still convince us that the processed food is safe, tasty and healthy.

Attention –TRANS fatty acids

The key role in the integrality and fluency of our cell membranes have the proper fatty acids. What a cell builds in its membrane depends mostly on the individual way of nutrition. The researches show that the daily intake of only 5,6g of trans fatty acids may increase the risk of heart diseases even by 20%. All the sweets, pastry of mass production, mayonnaises, cheese-like products, refined plant oils, butter-like products, margarines, etc. – contain the trans fatty acids.

What should we eat to improve our skin ?

  • Kefir, sour milk, yoghurt, natural buttermilk with active cultures of bacteria and additional flaxseed oil
  • Rural eggs in any form
  • Ecological meat – rabbit, chicken, turkey, sometimes home-made loin, venison and fresh fish
  • Necessarily vegetables, especially stewed, steamed and in form of a soup
  • Home-made pickles, but without sugar, may be in form of vegetable juices with a few drops of flaxseed oil
  • For drinking only still water (the best one is the structural or at least boiled), home-made fruit compote, herbal, green and red teas (all without sugar)
  • Cereals – products fully milled, groats (millet, buckwheat, tapioca, amaranthus), dark, wild, red rice, pasta made of whole-wheat flour, sourdough bread – without yeast
  • Walnuts (without mold, e.g. through roasting), almonds, washed desiccated coconut, sesame, sunflower
  • Mung and azuki bean and other dried seeds of legumes (except soya) – only after prior soaking in salted water and wine vinegar or home-made cider vinegar
  • Fats: clarified butter, cold-pressed oils, especially flaxseed, pumpkin oils, but also olive oil

Which products are harmful for the skin ?

  • Food affecting skin inflammations and acne includes: margarine, all butter-like fats, refined oils, industrial mayonnaise, all products fried in universal oils – they negatively affect the structure of the cell membranes, the intestines tightness and content of fat in blood.
  • Additionally, honey, sugar, products made of cleansed flour and rice, processed carbohydrates – chocolate, bars, candies, cookies, ice-cream, sweet deserts, overcooked pasta, white rolls, etc.
  • Industrial juices and fruit products, beer, alcohol, all fizzy drinks, vinegar, vinegar products, marinades, mustard and ketchup, uht milk, milk desserts, processed cheese and blue cheese.
  • All the soya products, canned and breaded fish, cold meat and red meat of mass production.

Milk and milk products

The quality of milk products is getting worse every year. Butter is no longer a butter, cheese becomes a cheese-like product, yoghurts and milk desserts become a mixture of chemical compounds. Most of them contain: trans fatty acids (universal oils) and oxysterol (powdered milk, dried eggs). Additionally the benzoic acid and its derivates irritate the stomach, increase inflammations of intestines and can cause allergies and rash. Also the sulfites and sulphur dioxides are dangerous because of their constant use. Because of their presence in food we may experience allergies, even at small doses, people suffering from asthma may have respiratory problems, swollen nose mucosa, constant headaches, nausea, stomach problems, rash, face redness. The sulphur compounds harm the villi of the small intestine and destroy the vitamins of B group. Similar colorants – those red ones, are harmful for people suffering from asthma and allergies. They may cause skin changes and other sensitization response.

Excess of medicines

We are the leaders when it comes to the medicines intake. Instead of believing in the natural defensive potential of our bodies, each time, according to the suggestive adverts, we take pills. Now we have more and more of them, what comes along with the liver destruction. As a result we take pills for every basic illness and then medicines for treating side effects of those therapies. The disorders of liver functioning also influence the skin.

Deficiency of water and oxygen

The appearance of our skin depends on the efficient exchange of energy in our body. Even the best food is not enough if our cells do not contain enough water and oxygen. With the lack of those compounds our body cannot efficiently convert all the necessary nutrients. The research show that only 2% of cell water deficiency may cause the loss of 20% of energy.

Electromagnetic smog

For centuries all the cells of our body „talk” to each other using different biochemical reactions and very subtle electromagnetic signals with low frequency. The natural environment and magnetic fields manage the biochemical and physiological processes in the body. However the stress caused by artificial electromagnetic field and foreign chemical compounds with the simultaneous lack of proper nutrients cause total chaos on the molecular level (of cells). That is why currently hundreds of researches show harmful influence of the modern world on the immune, hormonal and nervous systems as well as on the synthesis of enzymes. Those factors intensify the skin problems and inhibit the therapy. So it is worth considering whether we need to spend so much time on the computer or with a cell phone at our ear.

Mycosis so the candidiasis

Damaging the immune system by the uncontrolled candida development opens door to bacterial and viral infections. Each breakage of the immune barrier by the attacking microorganisms may cause a small number of bacteria lead to the more serious infections. The remains of the destroyed cells after a fungus attack are a perfect food for the pathogenic bacteria, especially the staphylococcus and streptococcus. In the case of acne the problems concern mainly the repeated infection of the mucosa and skin with a candida, which as a result leads to the development of diseases. In normal conditions the candida is about 2-7% of the bacterial flora of intestines, in the pathological situation it is 60-70% of the intestinal flora! By taking over a bigger space in the digestive system it damages the mucosa and villi in the small intestine, diminishes the space of absorbing nutrients, increases the permeability of the intestine walls causing the permeation of the allergens. Additionally, the mycelium produces the enzymes decomposing the structures of proteins and the shreds of fungi – attached tightly to the cell membranes of the provider – may travel along the mucosa around the cells of our bodies. A perfect nutrition for the candida is sugar, white flour, highly processed, low-value  food, dead food from microwave ovens, all the advertised sweets, fizzy drinks, industrial fruit juices, beer and wine.


Using more and more chemical substances (medicines, household chemicals, cosmetics, food, etc.) and the environmental toxins around us disrupt the balance of the organism. In such conditions the parasites have access to settle in our intestines, blood and organs. Routinely we deworm animals, but we forget about ourselves. The parasites and the toxins emitted by them influence the skin lesions.

If the laboratorial studies do not show anything, I recommend the resonant diagnosis and blood tests in a dark or light field of vision – a good specialist can read a lot of information from these. When it comes to treatments I recommend the therapy by the resonance, milimetre wave, Zapper, deworming medicines, wild oregano oil, PauD’arco, etc. All of them should be supported by the cleansing diet, regenerating and tightening the intestines, and then a proper nutrition.

Time for regeneration

The continuous process of renewal lets the body keep the health skin. Each, even the smallest amount of toxins in the body is a stressor. The more toxins in the body, the hardest the information exchange is, the nutrients are harder to transport and the cells are renewed more slowly. If we give ourselves a chance, the whole body can efficiently and quickly regenerate, because each minute of life we lose over 40 000 old cells. Each day we lose about 60 000 000 old cells and the new ones are created. The changes inside the body are so fast that as a result during one day “we change about 2 kg of organic matter”. The most efficient substances supporting the removal of acne disorders include the antioxidants, wild oregano oil (drops and pills), chlorella, dietetic fiber with herbs, water aloes extract, lapachol (PauD’arco), colloidal silver, acai frui (MonaVie), probiotics (lactic acid bacteria, without the powdered milk), silicon preparation, etc. All of them are efficient, but must be selected individually.

Using a conscious program including the regeneration of intestines, cleaning the liver, improving functioning of the kidneys and partial program of fungi removal, we lead the body to the state of balance that is the base of health and we can also achieve the expected, long-term effects of the holistic acne therapy.

Author: Dr Grażyna Pająk



Almost half of our life is spent with an artificial light watching the sun from behind the hermetic windows and soundproof buildings. Our bodies more often discover materials unknown to the nature. The flats and buildings are decorated with artificial plants, synthetic wallpapers, panels, furniture. We are the prisoners of the sewerage and electro energetic networks. We cannot live without cars, phones, radios, television or computers. This is the price of civilization – the environment of people living in cities on the whole globe. And despite the fact that already in 1982 the World Health Organization has claimed those phenomena to be harmful, the problem is still aggravated.

The change of lifestyle causes the isolation from the natural environment, the number of toxins in the inhaled air, drunk water and eaten food raises. The development of science and technology accelerates the civilization development, but still is not able to increase the adaptation abilities of the body.

We are always surrounded by the artificial electromagnetic waves. The source of dangerous electromagnetic radiation are the waves emitted by hundreds of electrical devices of everyday use, the radio and television transmitters, radiolocation stations and transformers, electrical installations, high-voltage lines, GPRS, EDGE transmitters, etc. Those devices emit artificial electromagnetic fields that cross each other creating the electromagnetic smog. Those created field are summed usually hundreds of times and they exceed the natural environment electromagnetically.

The researches show that the natural electromagnetic fields regulate the life processes, however the geopathic and artificial electromagnetic field lead to the dysfunctions of the living organisms.

A man does not see and feel the electromagnetic waves directly, he does not also create any mechanisms protecting him from their activity. Unfortunately the harmful effects of electromagnetic smog often occur after some time of latency. That is why most often a bad mood and diseases are not often associated with an activity of a harmful radiation.

The scientific centers confirm the negative impact of electromagnetic smog and geopathic radiation underlining their negative influence on human health. The problem concerns mostly the workers of multi-level office buildings, banks, modern hotels and block of flats. Currently at the age of computers and mobile phones this phenomenon concerns all of us, especially in the cities where we cannot escape it…

People living in such places at the beginning feel the excessive sleepiness, anxiety, decrease of concentration. A bit later the chronic tiredness, dizziness and headaches, runny nose, dryness of the mucosa of eyes and throat, flat breath, sleeping and memory disorders, in time also weakening and decrease of the organism immunity.

The organism tolerance may differ, but sooner or later those symptoms concern everyone.

Many years of observations showed that after some time, as a result of a longer impact of harmful radiation, the allergies, nervous system diseases, leukemia, cysts, boils, infertility, impotency, circulatory problems, digestive system problems etc. are aggravated.

The topic of electromagnetic smog is often omitted, however it is so well-known that even one of the exclusive cosmetic companies, thinking about the grayish skin caused by the artificial electromagnetic waves, introduced the proper protective cosmetics.

Well, this process cannot be stopped, but we can be “closer to nature” at any time when it is only possible. One of such ways is using the VITA Tronic device.

VITA Tronic is the easiest way to reach the harmonious, balanced and healthy atmosphere is the flats, houses, hotels, workplaces, offices, banks, schools, hospitals, clinics, server rooms and all kinds of public areas.

VITA Tronic can reach the harmonious balance of the magnetic field in the radius of 50 metres. The frequency produced by the device includes the resonance with an Earth magnetic field. VITA Tronic creates more balanced fields, reduces the negative influence of the geopathic radiation and electromagnetic smog. It is produced in Austria. Uniquely as a device using only the natural laws, it has a patent protection.

In order to achieve the expected effects, using this device is enough in a two-floor office building in size of a multi-family house and in its surrounding.

Shortly while using VITA Tronic not only did the neutralization of the geopathic radiation and electromagnetic smog were noticed, but also the change of the air ionization, highest efficiency of air conditioning, feeling of harmony inside the room.

People staying in its surrounding noticed: limited aggression and irritation, elimination of chronic tiredness, better concentration and higher efficiency, healthy and relaxing sleeping, joy and well-being, immunity and state of health, as a result also the improvement of the quality of life.

Author: Dr Grażyna Pająk