More than healthy eating – DGD anti-cancer diet – cleaning

„Does the anti-cancer diet exist ? Statistics are inexorable, each year more and more people fall ill with cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes and ….that’s what we’re worried about most – cancer. Academic medicine is trying to help us, but classic Western medicine therapies without a solid change in lifestyle usually, unfortunately, end up with relapses of the disease, so-called metastases. However, it turns out that they are proven, available to everyone methods to overcome the disease. What are they ?

The guest of today’s podcast is known to my listeners Dr. Grażyna Pająk, a very experienced diet therapist, author of the DGD diet. This diet has been used successfully for more than 20 years in cases of various civilization diseases including cancers.

In this recording Grazyna talks about assumptions, the history of the formation and effectiveness of the diet. In a moment you will learn how to prepare for such a diet and how to go through it, to be able to feel its amazing effectiveness on your own skin 🙂 “

In this podcast episode you will learn :
  • Why research for the invention of a cancer cure consumes so much money.
  • Anti-cancer diet – it replaces the conventional treatment or support it.
  • At what stage of cancer this diet can be used.
  • Cleansing and regeneration – 2 basic stages of the diet.
  • Products allowed and prohibited at the stage of purification of the body.
  • Why do we put away raw vegetables on the first stage ?
  • How to get rid of pesticides from vegetables and fruits.
  • What meals to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • What should be the caloric content of meals.
  • What natural supplements to use at the cleansing stage.
  • How to prepare for diet treatment.

Below is the last episode of thebroadcast straight from Chicago, in which we are talking with Ewa Staniszewska about how to deal with the body after the festive overeating, picnics, barbecue and long weekends, which probably gave way to many people.

You must listen that absolutely ! You will find out why it is worth to carry out a sugar detox and how vitamin D and K2 can help you regenerate.


For ten years, four times a year, dr Grażyna Pająk invites to the “Healthy week” combining the body cleansing, regeneration and safe weight loss included in the eight-days holiday with the nutrition course in Szczyrk. The proper author’s diet, relaxation, lectures and workshops let efficiently relax, regenerate the body, lose weight, understand and love the healthy lifestyle. The stays are for all people that want to improve the metabolic processes of their bodies. They are safe for people with kidney and digestive system diseases, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue, allergy, asthma, etc.

The number of participants is limited.

Registration: Centrum Pomocy Zdrowia „Herbacell”, 43-230 Goczałkowice – Zdrój, ul. Szkolna 37, phone (32) 21077 98, 603-220 034

We invite you to listen to the latest broadcast straight from #CHICAGO, where, together with Ewa Staniszewska we talk about which vegetables to choose !

Stworzyliśmy DGD HEALTH ACADEMY – Akademia Zdrowia DrGrace, która pomoże Ci wybrać najlepszy sposób na rozpoczęcie zmiany stylu życia w kierunku zdrowia i dobrego samopoczucia.

Chcemy pokazać Ci, że to ty tu rządzisz ! . Możesz panować nad swoim zdrowiem i dobrym samopoczuciem.

W pierwszych trzech odcinkach pokażemy Ci informacje, które naszym zdaniem mogą być dla Ciebie ważne, a Ty zdecydujesz, czy chcesz oglądać Nas dalej czy nie.

Dziękujemy za wsparcie i czekamy na Wasze opinie.
DrGrace & Angie

Zapraszamy na pierwszy sezon filmów DGD HEALTH ACADEMY – AKADEMIA ZDROWIA.

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