To listen the broadcast from a radio station WIETRZNE RADIO Chicago (USA).
Dr Grace and Ewa Staniszewska are talking.
The theme of this program is whether you can beat cancer and if every bite is really important for our health.
DrGRACE TEAM March 18th, 2016
Tags: audycja, cancer, Chciago, dr Grażyna Pająk, Ewa Staniszewska, jesteś tym co jesz, każdy kęs ma znaczenie, radio, rak, USA, Wietrzne Radio, Zwierciadło
DrGRACE TEAM January 26th, 2016
Posted In: MEDIA
DrGRACE TEAM December 1st, 2015
Tags: acne, addiction, cancer, celiac disease, corn, DGD, diabetes, drugs, dwarf wheat, glifosat, gluten, gluten free products, gmo, health academy, herbicides, leukemia, modified grains, monsanto, obesity, Polish Radio, radio, rashes, schizophrenia, soy, sugar, the myth of whole grain, very evening school, wheat
Składniki przewidziane są na 1l koncentratu, który wystarcza na około tydzień dla trzech osób.
8 – 12 cytryn (w zależności od tego jak bardzo są soczyste)
4 limonki
szklanka wody (250 ml)
2 korzenie imbiru (średniej wielkości)
2 łyżki cukru trzcinowego
2 łyżki ksylitolu brzozowego
Każdy znajdzie swój sposób, w zależności od posiadanych urządzeń w domu. My opisujemy własne środki na przygotowanie eliksiru, oczywiście jeżeli macie na to lepsze patenty – komentarze mile widziane.
1 butelka litrowa z korkiem – my stosujemy taką z IKEA w cenie 5,99 zł
Thermomix lub inne urządzenie, które jest w stanie zmielić korzenie imbiru
1 lejek
1 prasa do ziemniaków – dostepna w IKEA w cenie 39,99 zł
1 wyciskarka do cytrusów – dostęna w IKEA w cenie 12,99 zł lub w większości supermarketów w dziale kuchnia
Cytryny i limonki myjemy i wyciskamy ręcznie. Następnie sok przelewamy do butelki używając lejka, tak aby zajął 3/4 butelki.
Kolejno wsypujemy cukier i ksylitol. Jeżeli chcemy w ogóle wyeliminować cukier możemy użyć samego ksylitolu.
Imbir obieramy i kroimy na plastry. Wrzucamy do Thermomix’a lub innego miksera, dolewamy wodę i miksujemy aż do uzyskania papki imbirowej.
Teraz z pomocą przychodzi Nam prasa do ziemniaków. Nakładamy średnio dwie łyżki zmielonego imbiru do prasy i wyciskamy sok do pojemnika – my używamy tego z ręcznej wyciskarki ale oczywiście naczynie nie ma tu znaczenia.
Wyciśnięty sok z imbiru dolewamy do butelki. Zamykamy, mieszamy i gotowe. Koncentrat trzymamy w lodówce.
W zależności od upodobań wlewamy ok 1,5 cm koncentratu do szklanki 350 ml dolewamy wodę gazowaną naturalnie lub wodę strukturalną.
Mieszamy i pijemy ! Smacznego !
Ponieważ było Nam szkoda odpadów z imbiru postanowiliśmy użyć ich do produkcji domowej imbirówki. Jak to zrobić ?
Do pustej butelki wciskamy wióry pozostałe z przygotowania eliksiru. Wsypujemy 2-3 łyżek ksylitolu brzozowego, zalewamy czystym spirytusem i odstawiamy do leżakowania aż się przegryzie. Uwaga ! Jest mocna. Żeby złagodzić taką nalewkę najlepiej odcedzić fusy lub rozcieńczyć. Sprawdza się idealnie na mdłości, zatrucia, wychłodzenie i wszelkie zimowo – świąteczne objawy, które mogą dopaść każdego.
DrGRACE TEAM December 1st, 2015
Tags: bóle głowy, bóle stawów, cytryna, detox, eliksir, energia, grypa, imbir, koncentrat, limonka, napój alkaliczny, obrzęki, odchudzanie, odkwaszanie, odwaszanie, power shot, przeciwzapalny, przeziębienie, toksyny, trawienie, wzdęcia, zatoki, zatrucie
Stworzyliśmy DGD HEALTH ACADEMY – Akademia Zdrowia DrGrace, która pomoże Ci wybrać najlepszy sposób na rozpoczęcie zmiany stylu życia w kierunku zdrowia i dobrego samopoczucia.
Chcemy pokazać Ci, że to ty tu rządzisz ! . Możesz panować nad swoim zdrowiem i dobrym samopoczuciem.
W pierwszych trzech odcinkach pokażemy Ci informacje, które naszym zdaniem mogą być dla Ciebie ważne, a Ty zdecydujesz, czy chcesz oglądać Nas dalej czy nie.
Dziękujemy za wsparcie i czekamy na Wasze opinie.
DrGrace & Angie
Zapraszamy na pierwszy sezon filmów DGD HEALTH ACADEMY – AKADEMIA ZDROWIA.
Trzy pilotażowe odcinki to :
ZDROWIE – TY TU RZĄDZISZ – premiera 4 grudnia 2015 godzina 20:00
GLUTEN – O CO CHODZI – premiera 11 grudnia 2015 godzina 20:00
RAK – CZY MOŻNA Z NIM WYGRAĆ – premiera 18 grudnia 2015 godzina 20:00
DrGRACE TEAM November 16th, 2015
Tags: @DrGraceDiet, akademia zdrowia, Angie, DGD, dieta bezglutenowa, dr Grażyna Pająk, gluten, health academy, każdy kęs ma znaczenie, premiera, rak, sezon 1, SLOWFOODlife, ty tu rządzisz, youtube, zdrowie
The vitamin C does not only support us in fight against cold. It also makes us younger, we have better skin, stronger bones and more energy. How much of it do we need and in what form we should take it – explains Doctor Grażyna Pająk.
LNE: Does the quantity of the consumed vitamin C influence our look ?
G.P. : The vitamin C works in favor of our beauty because it neutralizes the impact of the free radicals. It is also a very active antioxidant working in the blood plasma.
It works with other compounds catching the free radicals, which means the slower destruction of cells and a younger organism. At the same time it reduces the oxidized vitamin E activating it anew. Thanks to that it enhances the stability of the cell membranes in the whole organism, also in the skin. The vitamin C also enables the synthesis of the collagen and the basic proteins. Thanks to that the connective tissue that builds the skin, bones and cartilage becomes stronger and more resistant. Also the influence of this vitamin on the immune system is well-known. It is worth mentioning that is promotes the wound healing, increases the iron absorption and enables the transport of the fatty acids to the mitochondria. All of this has influence on the beautiful and youthful appearance. Additionally, the beneficial influence of the vitamin C on the nervous system makes us smile.
LNE: How can we tell we have the deficiency of vitamin C ?
G.P. : There are many signs that can alarm us: fatigue, grey skin, aggravation of allergy, decrease of immunity – for example when we cannot cure cold for a long time.
LNE: How much of it do we need ?
G.P. : A while ago we talked about as many milligrams as we weigh. 60-75mg of the natural vitamin C is really enough when we are healthy, we fell well and live a balanced life. However currently people say that we need around 200mg. There are several reasons: less vitamins in the natural food products, more polluted environment, common stress. However when we suffer serious health conditions, in the hospitals or private clinics doctors use much higher doses, sometimes even up to 20g of vitamin C per day.
We should also note that under long-time stress our demand for vitamin C is higher. The same is when we smoke because the substances included in the smoke eliminate this vitamin from our body. Also the environment matters. The lesser the electromagnetic smog around us is and the more we work with computers, the more vitamin C we need and we must pay attention to supplement it.
The same is with illnesses, infections, taking medicines, drinking alcohol, high level of physical activity – especially when it is cold. The demand for vitamin C is higher in autumn, when the temperature is lower.
Sometimes we need only 60 mg of vitamin from acerola to give body a right dose – in the case of the ascorbic acid it must be much more.
LNE: In what form should we take this vitamin ?
G.P. : As opposed to other organisms, a man, the rest of the primate mammals and the guinea pigs do not produce the vitamin C. That is why we need to take it in proper amounts along with the food. It is worth taking this vitamin in the natural form. It is the so-called levorotatory vitamin, connected to the biologically active substances contained in plants and concentrated plant extracts.
I recommend being careful when it comes to the vitamin C in the form of popular pills or effervescent tablets. They are the pure ascorbic acid which may irritate the cell membranes, increase the quantity of stones in the gall bladder, kidneys and bladder, disrupt the insulin production by bodies of people suffering from diabetes. Sometimes it causes the stomach or duodenum irritation. In bigger doses – as results from the current studies – it may inhibit the transport of electromagnetic impulses in muscles. It is a dextrorotary chemical compound that acidifies the organism. For the body it is a foreign substance which is hardly recognized by our DNA, so it is hardly absorbed. From the chemical point of view, the natural and synthetic vitamin C is the same compound, but biochemically those substances work differently.
LNE: What products should we take into consideration ?
G.P. : Fruit of course, such as the wild rose, currant, gooseberry, chokeberry, grapefruit, lemon, strawberries and vegetables such as cabbage and cauliflower, onion, garlic, leek, chive, tomato and pepper. The bigger amount of vitamin C is in the fresh and natural food. Its content is influenced not only by processing the crop but also the length of storage, conditions of transport and chemical substances used in production and preservation.
It is worth taking vitamin C in the natural form, the so-called levorotatory vitamin, which is contained in plants and concentrated plant extracts.
LNE: Does it mean that it is enough to eat properly or we should take supplements containing vitamin C ?
G.P. : With our current lifestyle and the state of environment the fruit and vegetables are not enough. However instead iof the pills with ascorbic acid I propose the natural juice and fruit extracts. They may be weak substances containing 60-150mg of this vitamin and they should be taken quite often. For example acerola products. This variant of cherry contains incredibly big amount of vitamin C along with the bioflavonoid. Sometimes we need only 60mg of vitamin with acerola to give our body a proper amount – in the case of the ascorbic acid it must be much more. If we decide to take synthetic ascorbic acid, it must be always accompanied by the bioflavonoid, so the biologically active compounds thanks to which the vitamin is friendly for the organism.
LNE: How often should we take those products ?
G.P. : Like every antioxidants, the vitamin C is best to be taken 2-3 times a day in small amounts and not once a day in a bigger amount. The antioxidants protect the cell membranes, however the organism cannot use them all at once. Their surplus is discharged and after about 6 hours the stress appears on the cell membranes. It is important to take vitamin C regularly – only then we can improve the immunity and balance the metabolic processes.
The deficiency cannot be complemented with one dose, however we can feel a bit better.
Dr Grażyna Pająk Biologist, diet coach, media expert, lecturer.
Interview for LNE – conducted Olga Filanowska
DrGRACE TEAM September 4th, 2015
Tags: active antioxidants, beauty, bones, connective tissue, drGrace, free radicals, increased iron absorption, LNE, more energy, skin, supplements, vitamin C, vitamin E, youth
The recent science research confirms the facts that the factors deciding about the man’s health did not change – these are the ability to relieve stress, the lifestyle and model of nutrition. The development of science and technique accelerated the civilization development but cannot increase the adaptation capacity of the organism. That is why the change of the lifestyle causes the disorder of the biological rhythms what influences our health and mood.
On the cell level
The civilization introduced many changes in our environment, taking us away from the nature more quickly and efficiently. The pace of those changes happens in the geometrical progress. As a result we know much more but we understand less. The sudden development of civilization diseases accelerated the researches on the immunity system. The development of physics, quantum chemistry and cytology at least partially let understand the changes on the cell level explaining many processes that happened in the living organisms.
Almost16years ago the World Health Organization stated that every disease starts on the cell level. The state of the organism depends on the correct work of those smallest “living bricks”. While eating we rarely think about the nutrition of our cells. At the same time the most important thing is to supply the organism in the substances necessary to live.
Even the smallest bite has influence on the general state of our organism.
Already in the 60s professor Julian Aleksandrowicz said that the genetic information included in the DNA code is the same as thousands of years ago, however the eaten ingredients do not always match the coded parameters. So currently the human body is built and rebuilt much worse than it used to. As a result the cells do not receive the proper substances for the biochemical changes. It is like we would build the palace designed by the most famous architect, but instead of marble we would use the sandstone or clay. From the outside the palace will be similar, but is will decay faster. The same is with the organism.
We eat what we like
In our part of the world we have almost all kinds of food at our disposal, in any part of a day and year and in much bigger quantity than our body needs. We most often eat what we like and how much we like. We got used to be comfortable. The old, good habits passed down by our grandparents have been lost in time. Currently we eat too much highly processed, preserved, artificially coloured food which is also often heated in a microwave oven. Additionally we eat too much white bread, soya, sweets, salt and fats.
In order to keep the proper nutrition we need: proteins, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral substances, fiber and clean structural water. If at least one of those nutrients is omitted, there is a shortage of it or it is of bad quality, using the rest of the nutrients is weakened.
The lack of one of the amino acids or one vitamin may impair the protein synthesis and inhibit the cell metabolism. As a result we may experience the decrease of mental efficiency, bad mood and skin problems. In 1985 the food committee working for WHO established nutrition norms for the highly developed countries. 6 years later it turned out that because of the higher food processing we lack about 40% of micro- and macro-elements. After twenty years the situation grew and as a result our body senses the deficiency of nutrients and unconsciously compensates it with “fillers” – sweets, chips and spicy snacks. In this situation we suppress the hunger for quality and create imbalance by gaining weight and ruining our metabolism.
The state of skin is strictly connected to the state of liver, performance of the digestive, bloodstream, respiratory and immune systems. Without being aware of the importance of nutrition, no “miraculous methods” will help us eliminate the skin problems.
Hidden disorders
Currently along with food we eat 4-7 kg of different toxins every year. The individual additions are not harmful, however their joined influence arouses many controversies in the scientific world. With such enormous pollution of environment with different chemical substances, each, even the smallest, quantity of toxins in our body functions as a stressor. As a result it creates the so-called “pre-clinical poisoning”, so different hidden disorders of the body functions where it is difficult to associate the effects of poisoning with given illnesses. The results are often the allergies, from rash on the skin and, inflammations, bad liver and stomach performance, asthma attacks and insomnia with pressure fluctuations.
Those disorders inhibit the absorption of vitamins, macro and microelements and the indigested food becomes another toxins that go into the bloodstream and irritate the immune system. Unfortunately, the qualitative malnutrition and systematic overload of the immune system are the main reason of the civilization diseases.
Change of diet
The change of diet is a great challenge for the civilization. The excess of proteins, processed fat and purified sugar effectively disrupts the hormonal balance, overloads the kidneys, liver and the digestive system. The rotting proteins stored in the intestines increase the number of free radicals, cause the deficiency of vitamins of the B group and antioxidants, such as vitamins A, C and E. The high quantity of the industrially processed margarine and refined fats is still a novelty for our bodies. In no other era such a quantity of the processed oils were used as today. At the same time the unsaturated fatty acids – easily reacting to the industrial processing, turn into the so-called trans fatty acids which negatively influence the structure of the cell membranes, the tightness of intestines and the content of fat in blood.
A civilized man eats 50 kg of sugar a year as well as the products made of the purified flour and rice. Such intake of the purified carbohydrates causes the acidifying of the body which accelerates the work of kidneys and the escape of the calcium, phosphor, iron and zinc with the urine. The glucose level in the blood influences the production of hormones, so the appearance of our skin.
The processed carbohydrates – chocolates, bars, candies, cookies, the overcooked pasta, white rolls, etc. raise the glucose level in blood and increase the production of insulin. On the other hand the systematically produced insulin increases the level of testosterone which accelerates the performance of the sebaceous glands creating the pimples. That is why people affected by acne, pimples and oily skin must absolutely avoid sweets.
Allergic reactions
The excessively overloaded immune system is weakened and it is sometimes “mistaken” as it produces the antibodies not only against the toxic substances, but also the particular ingredients contained in food. Such products include the chemical additions, often eaten meals or the meals that are hardly digested. If wrong food reaches the leaky small intestine, during the digestive process its ingredients will go to the blood where they will join the antibodies and create the so-called immunological complexes. Those structures can be located in the whole body, so in the joints, bronchi, nasal sinuses, blood vessels, stomach and intestines releasing the histamines and inflammations.
When we see a particular symptom of a disease we do not associate it with a hidden allergic reaction which also appears delayed for a few days. In this way the strained immune system begins to fight the unwanted food ingredients causing the vicious circle of the civilization diseases, including the persistent skin problems.
The state of skin strictly depends on the state of the liver, the performance of the digestive system and indirectly of the bloodstream, respiratory and immune systems. No metabolic disease appears in a matter of a day. For many years the body warns us, also by the state of skin which we sometimes cannot properly read or we just ignore it.
That is why we should analyze in details all the allergy symptoms appearing on the skin, such as itch, dryness and pimples because they may indicate serious changes caused by e.g. improper diet. Without the conscious change of nutrition, no “miraculous methods” can help us eliminate the skin problems. By avoiding at least periodically all the highly-processed food, sweet milk, powdered milk, cheese, excess of ham and fatty meat, yeast contained in pastry, gluten in white flour, sweets, chocolate, soya, ketchup, instant coffee, cream powder, ready fruit juice, fizzy drinks and many other processed products, we can diminish the ballast in our intestines. By regularly cleaning the body, improving the metabolic processes we can avoid the causes of many diseases, including also the skin maladies.
Natural food
While listening to different opinions on the health threats, watching the pushing commercials and reading many dietetic recommendation we may sometimes feel lost when it comes to the rules of proper nutrition. The newest researches show that people get a perfect physical and psychological health conditions only when they eat the natural food which is rich in nutrients.
When we fell better, we begin to understand and appreciate the rules of a healthy lifestyle. Our body exactly knows what is the best for it. Only we have lost our instincts and we don’t notice those signs.
Author: Dr Grażyna Pająk
DrGRACE TEAM August 12th, 2015
Posted In: PRESS
The modern life in the urban agglomerations is so far away from the nature that our body cannot accept it. Stress, lack of physical activity, small amount of drunk water, improper nourishment, growing number of fumes, electromagnetic smog and noise cause the decrease of efficiency, lack of vitality, mental and physical exhaustion leading to many disturbances and diseases.
Each living organism is made of cells. An average man has 80-100 billion of them. The state of the body depends on the proper performance of these smallest “living bricks”. In the 90s the WHO (World Health Organisation) approved the new theory of health and disease stating that each disease begins on the cell level. Health and welfare are kept by the continuous process of the body regeneration. All that disrupts it leads to the systematical destruction of cells, so the premature aging and diseases. The recent studies confirm that the more toxins we gave in our bodies, the harder it is to transmit information, transport nutrients and the cells are renewed much slower. There is a strict correlation between the quality and quantity of the drunk water and our health and energy.
The body is a system of precise chemical and biological reactions based on the extraordinary properties of water. In the human organism it has the role of a solvent, diluents and catalyst. It creates a system of transport, supply all the cells in the necessary nutrients and collects toxins. What is more, it is an ingredients of all the body fluids, is of a key importance to keep appropriate body temperature and additionally it is the information carrier, what has been forgotten over centuries.
The body of a newborn child is made up of 95% of water, the body of an adult of 75% and of the older people only of 65% – 50%. With age we have less water and energy, however there are more toxins and health problems. With lack of water in our cells the bad reactions grow. Unfortunately, the rules of nature are inevitable, for the proper metabolic processes we need a crystal clean, highly energetic water.
At the same time almost everyone drinks too little water. The modern civilization caused the mass access to liquids that do not always hydrate our bodies. The dark tea, coffee, beer, artificial juice, sweet colored drinks, processed milkshakes, ice-cream ad other “treats” usually dehydrate us instead of supplying our cells. Remember that blood is made up of 95% of water, liver of 80% and the brain of 75% so it is easy to imagine how hard our organs work in order to keep the homeostasis. Already with a small lack of water we may fell weak, anxious, have a headache, pressure pulses and constipations. The longer shortages of water disrupt the functioning of the nervous system, circulation, pancreas, kidney and liver performance as well as the skin problems. Only 2% of the water shortage in cells may cause the loss of 20% of the body energy.
For thousands of years water has had a central role in legends, myths and fairytales. Already the ancient people associated it with the magic and worshipped it as the cradle of life. For years the mystical rituals and celebrations were connected to purifying and transmitting vital energy and in many religions with baptism and initiation. Water was associated with magical significance, the places where it gushed were considered sacred. People believed that they contain energy and are perfect foundations for building temples.
20th century was dedicated to the study of chemistry. From school we know that water is the most precious substance, a chemical compound consisting of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen and a simple chemical formula H2O. Since the time when it was ripped of the mysticism we assimilated it with different substances that may be treated instrumentally. Perceiving it that way for years the specialists have begun to preserve it artificially, chemically and mechanically and to clean it using the newest technologies. As a result in the highly developed countries where there is seemingly plenty of water, we usually drink only water of low quality, chemically treated and energetically dead.
In the times of the current studies many world experts think that the 21st century will belong to the water physics, neglected until this day. The researches on biology and quantum physics from the last 20 years are a proof that everything continuously vibrates in the universe.
In the nature there is a constant communication of vibrations and the absorption takes place not only on the chemical, but also on the electrical level. According to the scientists, the human body does 570 billion of vibrations per second. At the same time any part of the body on the level of elementary particles (quantum) functions separately. The changes in the organism happen so soon because in one year we change over 90% of the whole matter.
The significance of changes in our body makes us believe that a man is not a constant massive structure at all, but a perfect chemical combine in which we can notice constant reactions controlled by the flowing information pattern. The physical and mental states depend on the processes of those reactions. At the same time only 25% of the body is a constant matter and 75% is water. On average, one particle of proteins falls on 10000 particles of water in a human body. The last years made the researchers realize that it is water that is the best carrier of information, a channel that lets the vital energy transmission in the exchange between the cells. Well, health depends on the harmonious energy processes in the body and its cycle depends on the quantity and quality of water. Each disharmony disrupts our functioning making us feel unwell, sometimes leading to diseases and pain.
Intuitively by appreciating water our ancestors kept it in the wonderful oval jugs, vases, amphorae made of the most precious materials and ceramics with a big quantity of silicon. In those times the water was extracted directly from a stream or a well. In the ancient Rome water was flowing in the long, curvy aqueducts made of wood and stone, which ensured its free flow, in Crete the waterworks were built out of the ceramic conical and appropriately combined segments which let preserve the primeval energy according to its origin.
Over time the canals and closure of the water in simple pipes, which were many kilometers long in a straight line, disrupted the natural structure and limited access of air. The studies conducted at university in Vienna showed that currently in the pipes under pressure (3-9 bars) 98% of all the households have energetically dead water. The information structures are destroyed, however the content of oxygen is much lower than in the natural environment.
Currently thanks to the sanitary controls the water in the water networks is hygienically clean, but it doesn’t mean that it is healthy. The water companies ensure that the drinking water does not contain higher amounts of toxins than it is acceptable. However it is not a guaranty of staying healthy and feeling well.
The growing air and food pollution diminishes the tolerance of the organism to the water contamination and it is the other way round. According to the research conducted by WHO, 80% of the modern civilization diseases is connected the quality of the drinking water.
For a long time boiling water is not enough and a necessity is the cleansing equipment, such as good carbon-ceramic filters, osmosis filters and distillers, etc. The water cleansed in this way is pure, but dead.
The scientific experiments showed that cleansed chemically contaminated water still emits the electromagnetic waves with length characteristic for the removed substances. It means that the water doesn’t contain the chlorine, cadmium, lead, aluminum, etc., but the vibration stays. It turns out that removing the mechanical and chemical pollution in the water is not enough – it was necessary to return its proper electromagnetic information of the “natural water”.
The proper “natural water” with an original structure is this that we meet in the icebergs, pure rivers, clean lakes. In the natural environment water is subjected to the magnetic field of the earth, solar radiation, moon. It flows through different rocks, dances with a wind, foams, rotates, falls. The constant movement and all the factors influence its renewal. Then water carries enormous amounts of energy and information which are passed down to all the living organisms. It can protect itself and, as the biologists say, it has its own immune system.
The works of many scientists from 20th century prove that water deprived of energy or poor synthetically does not contain any ordered structures. However water which is very valuable in terms of energy has a crystal, so-called hexagonal structure. After freezing it creates beautiful crystals (always based on a hexagon), which are condensed vertically creating characteristic groups looking like quartz crystals. The experiments showed that improper information written in water can be deleted using carefully selected parameters of ultrasounds, infrared, lasers or appropriate frequency of magnetic fields.
Such state can be achieved using the equipment that with the laws of nature restore the original structure of water. Those devices work based on a resonance – they renew water changing the polarity from positive to negative. They cause the growth of the oxygen dissolved in water, they intensify the reduction processes and profitably change the value of the pH coefficient.
As a result the cleansed and then nourished water from the network regain the properties of the spring water. In order to avoid the negative influence of the environment each person should drink about 0,3l/10kg of body weight of the high-grade energetically water. The perfect effects can be achieved also thanks to a shower and bath because the contact of the structural water with the skin enables transporting energy increasing the potential on the cell membranes.
The results of the researches conducted at universities are surprising, e.g. when taking a bath in a bathtub filled with normal water, the amount of toxins in the water diminishes – it means that we absorb them by skin, however when we bathe in water of the regained structure, there are more toxins in water because we release them from our bodies.
Similarly, the comparative analysis of the meridian using the bioresonance in the human body after drinking vitalized water indicated strong improvement of the functional status, after drinking the distilled water it decreased.
The results confirm that under the influence of the animated water there is a strong improvement of body functioning. By drinking the structural water regularly, we give the organism energy and nutrients, we supply cells, keep the acid-base equilibrium, we improve the enzyme functioning, regain the thermal balance of the body, increase removal of toxins. As a result we rebuild our immunity.
The experience showed support for treating skin diseases (e.g. psoriasis, mycosis, eczema, allergies…), acceleration of the wound healing process, improvement of digestive system work, intensification of the metabolic processes, regulation of glucose level and blood pressure, reducing symptoms of many civilization diseases with the improvement of the balance of the mental and physical condition.
Even if the importance of form, beauty and relaxation is known for centuries, in no other time in the history there was such a big need to improve the comfort of life and mood. The increased isolation from the natural environment, intensive work, faster pace of living must be balanced with an effective relaxation and a conscious rest. The fashion of wellness is a return to treating the organism in the holistic way.
Already 600 years ago the Belgian village Spa near the Ardennes sold the healing water using the sanus per aquam slogan (SPA) – the water thanks to water, underlining that water is a medicine and the best cosmetic.
The newest SPA of the 21st century are the facilities where the complex of well synchronized treatments can change our welfare completely after few days of rejuvenating the soul, bringing back the internal balance and vital energy. It is difficult to imagine such place without a high-energy water with miraculous therapeutic and cosmetic properties.
In the stationary and daily facilities, especially those that do not have the water sources, the vitalizing of the water is necessary because only then we can fully achieve the desired effects. Very quickly this water can give us strength, enable detoxification, improve the lymph circulation, increase the organism oxidation, diminish the symptoms of skin irritation and allergies. As a result it stimulates bioenergetically the hole body strengthening the influence of different therapies and natural treatments bringing the homeostasis state back. What is also interesting, it reduces the demand for soaps, shampoos and enhance the absorption of creams and balms with reduced usage.
Many years of studies prove that vitalizing the water in the pools enhances its cleansing by 50-70%, improves the oxygen transport, eliminates the anaerobic processes, enhances the decomposition of organic matter and intensifies the mineralization processes. It efficiently eliminates the chlorine from water, decreases its aggressiveness, does not permit development of bacteria, algae and fungi. The water protected in this way lets limit the usage of at least 50% of cleaners and substances preserving water.
The devices restoring the water structure using the sophisticated natural laws cause not only the decrease of using the chemical substances in all the cleansing processes, but also they eliminate the calcium and rust deposits in the water pipes, heating and cooling devices. However the change of air ionization and limitation of the microflora in the air conditioning removes and prevents the unpleasant scents. The operational cost of the SPA facilities are diminished by 50% while using the “revitalized water”.
The places in which we are “close to nature” can provide the full complex renewal and metamorphosis of the organism, they are able to attract many satisfied clients ensuring full satisfaction and high profits to the owners.
Author: Dr Grażyna Pająk
DrGRACE TEAM August 12th, 2015
Tags: cancer, civilization, dr Grażyna Pająk, electromagnetic smog, EMF fields, health, structure water, water, Wi-Fi
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Mąkę, drożdże, sól i wodę umieścić w Thermomixie lub w misce. Wyrabiać 10 s w pozycji 4. lub ręcznie.
Następnie wyrabiać 7 min w pozycji „interwał”, dodając resztę składników.
Ciasto powinno być luźne. Włożyć do keksówki i pozostawić do wyrośnięcia na około 15-20 min.
Piec 60 min w temperaturze 1850C.
Gdy nie mamy Thermomix – u wyrabiamy mikserem lub ręcznie.
DrGRACE TEAM August 11th, 2015
DrGRACE TEAM August 11th, 2015
Posted In: MEDIA
DrGrace and Angie together with Editor Anetta Chlebica-Zawada tare talking about metabolic types of our body – so they are dealing with Metabolic IQ of each human.
The evening program is a continuation of the morning program WE CAN HANDLE ANYONE where they picked up the topic – METABOLIC IQ – tailor-made menu.
DrGRACE TEAM August 11th, 2015
DrGrace and Angie together with The Editor Anetta Chlebica-Zawada are talking about metabolic types of your body – so they deal with METABOLIC IQ, of each human. Knowing our metabolic type we are able to feed ourselves in a smart way and get rid of many health and social problems.
Sounds funny ? But it is true. Morning broadcast is just an introduction to the night program VERY EVENING SCHOOL where we together develop the morning thread.
DrGRACE TEAM August 11th, 2015
DrGrace together with Editor Anetta Chlebica-Zawada raises the subject of CANDIDA – that is, they deal with the plague of fungi that attack us.
Morning broadcast is just an introduction to the night program. A VERY EVENING SCHOOL where the ladies develop a morning story.
DrGRACE TEAM August 11th, 2015
Posted In: MEDIA
To listen a short broadcast from the WIETRZNE RADIO station in CHICAGO (USA). Dr. Grace and Ewa Staniszewska talking.
The theme of the program is acidification of the body, which is an increasing problem of people living in highly developed and developing countries.
DrGRACE TEAM August 11th, 2015