In connection to the ecological report “Go green. Polish people and ecology” prepared by the DUKA brand I was invited to comment the questions as one of the experts.

This year as part of the project 1800 consumers were surveyed and many interesting and sometimes surprising results were obtained concerning the attitude towards ecology, nutrition, ways of shopping or opinions on initiatives and ecological actions.

The whole report will have its premiere during the press conference of DUKA in June in Warsaw, however we already publish some questions and DrGrace’s commentary.

GOGREEN: Only 10 Polish people claim that they live ecologically. In the scale from one to six we judge ourselves to be 3,8, however in comparison with other countries we are 3,59. Can we say that we have a lot to learn ?

DRGRACE: Of course ! First of all, we must learn that our health and environment we live in depend on our choices and actions. We began our eco education much later than e.g. the Scandinavian countries or other countries of the Western Europe. Nowadays, thanks to communication we can follow the trends faster than in the past, so everything that is missing is willingness and time.

GO GREEN: When asked, the Polish people indicate the emission of pollutants as a threat to the natural environment. It is also the polluted air that is noticed by them every day. In what way can an individual improve this situation ?

DRGRACE: The pollution of the environment is caused by many factors. One person can influence the quality of air mostly by choosing a right heating and fuel for the heating system. Unfortunately, burning waste and plastic is normal also in the health resorts. If we showed people the films picturing the illnesses caused by the pollution and damaging the planet, then the awareness of the society would rise and it would be easier to protect our environment, but unfortunately such documents are broadcasted after 11 p.m… Also the neutralization of the electromagnetic smog influences the burning of gases and their release into the atmosphere.

To be continued …

Almost half of our life is spent with an artificial light watching the sun from behind the hermetic windows and soundproof buildings. Our bodies more often discover materials unknown to the nature. The flats and buildings are decorated with artificial plants, synthetic wallpapers, panels, furniture. We are the prisoners of the sewerage and electro energetic networks. We cannot live without cars, phones, radios, television or computers. This is the price of civilization – the environment of people living in cities on the whole globe. And despite the fact that already in 1982 the World Health Organization has claimed those phenomena to be harmful, the problem is still aggravated.

The change of lifestyle causes the isolation from the natural environment, the number of toxins in the inhaled air, drunk water and eaten food raises. The development of science and technology accelerates the civilization development, but still is not able to increase the adaptation abilities of the body.

We are always surrounded by the artificial electromagnetic waves. The source of dangerous electromagnetic radiation are the waves emitted by hundreds of electrical devices of everyday use, the radio and television transmitters, radiolocation stations and transformers, electrical installations, high-voltage lines, GPRS, EDGE transmitters, etc. Those devices emit artificial electromagnetic fields that cross each other creating the electromagnetic smog. Those created field are summed usually hundreds of times and they exceed the natural environment electromagnetically.

The researches show that the natural electromagnetic fields regulate the life processes, however the geopathic and artificial electromagnetic field lead to the dysfunctions of the living organisms.

A man does not see and feel the electromagnetic waves directly, he does not also create any mechanisms protecting him from their activity. Unfortunately the harmful effects of electromagnetic smog often occur after some time of latency. That is why most often a bad mood and diseases are not often associated with an activity of a harmful radiation.

The scientific centers confirm the negative impact of electromagnetic smog and geopathic radiation underlining their negative influence on human health. The problem concerns mostly the workers of multi-level office buildings, banks, modern hotels and block of flats. Currently at the age of computers and mobile phones this phenomenon concerns all of us, especially in the cities where we cannot escape it…

People living in such places at the beginning feel the excessive sleepiness, anxiety, decrease of concentration. A bit later the chronic tiredness, dizziness and headaches, runny nose, dryness of the mucosa of eyes and throat, flat breath, sleeping and memory disorders, in time also weakening and decrease of the organism immunity.

The organism tolerance may differ, but sooner or later those symptoms concern everyone.

Many years of observations showed that after some time, as a result of a longer impact of harmful radiation, the allergies, nervous system diseases, leukemia, cysts, boils, infertility, impotency, circulatory problems, digestive system problems etc. are aggravated.

The topic of electromagnetic smog is often omitted, however it is so well-known that even one of the exclusive cosmetic companies, thinking about the grayish skin caused by the artificial electromagnetic waves, introduced the proper protective cosmetics.

Well, this process cannot be stopped, but we can be “closer to nature” at any time when it is only possible. One of such ways is using the VITA Tronic device.

VITA Tronic is the easiest way to reach the harmonious, balanced and healthy atmosphere is the flats, houses, hotels, workplaces, offices, banks, schools, hospitals, clinics, server rooms and all kinds of public areas.

VITA Tronic can reach the harmonious balance of the magnetic field in the radius of 50 metres. The frequency produced by the device includes the resonance with an Earth magnetic field. VITA Tronic creates more balanced fields, reduces the negative influence of the geopathic radiation and electromagnetic smog. It is produced in Austria. Uniquely as a device using only the natural laws, it has a patent protection.

In order to achieve the expected effects, using this device is enough in a two-floor office building in size of a multi-family house and in its surrounding.

Shortly while using VITA Tronic not only did the neutralization of the geopathic radiation and electromagnetic smog were noticed, but also the change of the air ionization, highest efficiency of air conditioning, feeling of harmony inside the room.

People staying in its surrounding noticed: limited aggression and irritation, elimination of chronic tiredness, better concentration and higher efficiency, healthy and relaxing sleeping, joy and well-being, immunity and state of health, as a result also the improvement of the quality of life.

Author: Dr Grażyna Pająk